in the zone

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Hi Carl,

Thank you for your posts on my wall, I have been very busy recently but finally got a day of rest today and travelled home to see my wife after a horrible 24 hour guard duty.

Ye it is day 90 and working well towards my target. Do you have any targets in mind? Also good luck with your training for half marathon you doing the GNR this year?

All the best mate and thanks again.

Finally well done on 17 days keep going.

Kind regards


Posted : 12th August 2012 12:07 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

hi everybody

day 18, well as you can probably tell im back today with the positive attitude, i think to be honest yesterday i was overtired and when i get too that stage i lose all interest in everything . but i did rest and really slept, so today im fit and raring to go. on the gambling front i havent really had any urges over the weekend and there been lots of sport on tv so thats agood sign anyway im going to spend some time with my niece and nephew today with my whole attention for a change so i bid you all farewell and hope you have a good sunday.

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence


Posted : 12th August 2012 1:55 pm
Posts: 0

hi carl, thanks for the positive support mate, much appreciated!

well done on the continued no gambling, i , like you , used to LOVE the horses, i could and sometimes did bet everyday..and on nearly every race too lol, so giving it up is a real struggle, you are doing the best thing tho, dont buy a paper! its to tempting to look and think..theres a def winner......or 6. lol. i dont buy the paper anymore either and it makes it easier. i didnt watch the match today either, just couldnt. ! but maybe in a few weeks i will give it a try, just dont know if i will enjoy it the same, or if it will up my urge, which is thankfully seeming to diminish a bit at the moment.

well done again and keep at it mate!

all the best,


ps i have noticed no one ever says. "good luck" is this because the phrase has slight gambling conotations? just wondered lol

Posted : 12th August 2012 7:44 pm
Posts: 0

Carl keep going mate you are doing well. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 12th August 2012 11:02 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Carl,

Thanks for the post (s) on my diary always great to receive support! Notice you are doing really well in your recovery! Don't beat yourself up when you have bad days I think recovery is very personal in some respects and I found the first week really hard, I then had a good few days, and then went to back to feeling rubbish! I'm now having a really positive period! What you have to remember is we have lost something in our lives by not gambling, yes it was very destructive and caused us much grief but we did it for such a long time we are bound to miss it! You are getting very close to 3 weeks and as time progresses things will get easier just have to persevere!

As for the running I'm entering well I think I'm entering the Birmingham half marathon in October have really got back into it lately and hopefully I'll be ready to run it by then! I've noticed a few runners on this site and I think it really is a good time filler! I used to gamble heavily Sundays so now I do my longest weekly run instead!

Right I've rambled enough now I wish you all the best in recovery you are doing extremely well so far!


Posted : 13th August 2012 7:56 am
Posts: 0

Carl just a fly by to say I hope you are alright mate and still doing well. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 13th August 2012 2:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Day 19 I believe........When you say it to yourself I bet you feel really proud......Well Carl keep on going cos we are all really proud with your achievements......well done.

Thanks for the post on mine...means such a lot!

Sue x

Posted : 13th August 2012 5:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Cw,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u r ok and staying strong 🙂

Posted : 13th August 2012 7:09 pm
Posts: 0
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day 19

i am back in the full swing of the positivity and feeling good today i think the problem was i was going along well and my mind tried to wonder to far in to the future, no gambling still for me and it was good to head round my brothers yesterday and spend some time with him and the family and not worry about getting out of there so could bet. cheers for the posts guys and keep up the good work

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence


Posted : 13th August 2012 7:41 pm
Posts: 0

HI Carl,

PMA, Postive mental attitude ! It is used in so many things it would of been oozing out of every athlete at the olympics, the power of what you can do when you actually beleive that you can and that you deserve it.

Keep going that attitude will take you far.


Posted : 13th August 2012 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

Carl you are doing really well mate. Hope you are alright today. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 14th August 2012 4:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Great last post from you!

Amazing how your outlook changes....wanting to spend time with your family........Long may this continue!

Sue x

Posted : 14th August 2012 4:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Cw,

Just popping in 2 say I hope uv had a gr8 day and u r staying strong 🙂

Posted : 14th August 2012 6:25 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

well day 20 is already upon us. today was a productive day with the fight deffo back in my body as i started to sort out my finances today and put some security measures in if the urge appears for me to gamble thankfully the urge hasnt been there and im not missing it at all tomorrow is my week 3 gamble free and just little differences in my life are appearing like i actually do have a life and i dont need to gamble to have fun.i am def at the top of the rollercoaster right now. so on that note im gonna say farewell for today and hope everyone else is getting on well. keep up all the good work

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence


Posted : 14th August 2012 8:57 pm
Posts: 0

today is another day in the new chapter of my existence

Keep writing that book about your new existence carl, your doing really well and enjoy the view from the top of that rollercoster remember what it feels like, Bottle it and carry it with you as the taste of things to come.

Well done


Posted : 14th August 2012 9:36 pm
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