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Hi Carl,

That sounds like a good healthy routine for mind and body, I have recently started to go to meetings as well and have found it really helps.

Those days will soon mount up again, each day makes us stronger.

Stay safe


Posted : 24th July 2013 2:43 pm
Posts: 0
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day 25

payday has been and gone, i wont lie the first month is easy as i have no money the real test always kicks in after payday but i can say although the urges have hit me thick and fast i have managed to avoid betting, i admit i have even considered having a bet but i have people in the know this time about my situation and i am opening up to more about it so even if i wasnt in control there are people watching over me, i do feel since going to g.a meetings i can open up more and be honest with people where as before i was still hiding things even though trying to give up. i am now at the stage where i loathe gambling and anything associated with it, i very rarely watch tv as every other advert is a gambling/bingo one, and i have built freindships within g.a where we have each others numbers when in need and meet socially away from g.a.

it has taking me most of my adult life but i now realise i cannot place one bet because then i cant stop, and to be honest even if i was to place a bet that wouldnt be the end because then id carry on

what im really trying to say is whatever i win is never enough so i will not place the first bet and then all is good.

Posted : 28th July 2013 12:17 am
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day 26

bak to work today and as i managed to get through the fast urges over the weekend, normality has returned with busy routine and g.a meeting is only couple days away to top up my resolve

Posted : 29th July 2013 6:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl

Thanks for post. I'm so happy to read that things are going well for you.

I start back work tomorrow after a week off and totally understand the need for routine and normality-I loved the break, but need to get back.

Glad to see you're still benefitting from GA

Take care



Posted : 29th July 2013 9:06 pm
Posts: 1172

Well done mate don't give in to those horrible urges. Hope the GA meeting goes well great up see your determination so strong.

Posted : 30th July 2013 11:07 am
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well g.a meeting night has arrived once more and this time I can go with head held high as payday has been and I resisted the urges tough as it has been at times I am putting as much effort in to not gambling as I used to to keep it hidden

Posted : 31st July 2013 1:25 pm
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the month marker has been passed and had really good weekend friday it was my nephews girlfriends birthday so we hit the cinema and then drnak and danced the night away. and today i hit the 10 mile mark in my running then arranged to go go for beer and bite to eat with friend from g.a meeting

Posted : 4th August 2013 9:39 pm
Posts: 1172

Great stuff mate, 10 miles, a party and a month gamble free, all sounds great to me. It makes great reading.

Posted : 8th August 2013 7:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Carl,

Well done on the month mate and ye I like that about GA I have made some good friends and been out for a meal with a couple of them its really good. Glad you had a good weekend and I hope you enjoy this weekend take care buddy keep going


Posted : 9th August 2013 12:40 pm
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day 38 I think it is,

I haven't been on much lately that is because I have been busy with my running mainly but also because I am no longer lieing,cheating avoiding people I have been socialising and meeting new people instead of wasting hours and my life.

have good weekend all

Posted : 9th August 2013 1:44 pm
Posts: 0

Great work Carl!

Well done on the month+

You're sounding so determined and it seems like the determination is paying off!

Have a great weekend

Take care



Posted : 9th August 2013 9:11 pm
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im losing track of days but i think it is 42

well another weekend gamble free, and start of a new week, this saturday with the football season started i got a massive buzz and not from gambling but from my running as i did my second parkrun 5k and i smashed my pb and finished in a very healthy 19:37, of course i then celebrated with a new pal from g.a with a few too many vodkas, but this is what saturday should be about

Posted : 12th August 2013 9:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Carl,

Well done mate on the gamble free weekend and smashing your pb. Ye i was at work and a friend from G A come up to have a chat and a coffee was nice because i work 12 hours security so passed a couple of hours. But it is really good to see you socialising and really going positive after stopping. Keep going mate and I will keep coming back here trying to support people.

I wont forget when I first met you last year and how far we have got take care mate and great to see you keep coming back fighting strong 🙂


Posted : 13th August 2013 7:27 am
Posts: 0

Hey George!!!

Thank you so much for your post to my diary. I am struggling and really appreciated your encouragement. I have from time to time looked for you over the past year and saw that you was doing well. Sorry about your slip but it seems you've come back stronger with even more determination! That gives me hope Carl. I think if I've learnt anything and that is I mustn't gamble even a small amount as it completely spirals out of control.

It sounds like ga is really helping you! Keep strong George and when you get to 6 months ill have a cake ready and waiting for you!!

Forwards not back

Jewels x

Posted : 13th August 2013 8:46 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Thanks 4 all ur support on my diary, it is ppl like u that keeps me strong and keeps me fighting when I have been close 2 giving up. U r a gr8 guy and a good friend, thanks 4 always bin there and looking out 4 me 🙂

Ur determination shines thru, I know u will do this, I believe in u 🙂

U deserve nothing but good things, sending u a choc milkshake 2 help u along lol 🙂

I hope Grace is ok 🙂

Stay strong Carl and I am always here 4 u if u need me xx

Posted : 13th August 2013 9:19 am
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