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Hey Pinksparkle

Thanks for popping in ....yes your right about having to deal with other stuff life throws at us ..

My weight can be a barometer as to how I feel inside too and very much connected with self esteem was creeping up when I was with him mainly due to me drinking more but it's dropped back down again now..

I guess I needed extra cushioning ! Lol

I think we all just have to find healthy ways to cope and talking about it on here and not isolating is one good we know we are not alone ...

You are doing fantastic Pinksparkle and I hope you are

feeling a real sense of achievement as every day ticks by g/free.

I have read a bit of Sabrinas diary too ..and rightly so it deserves a place right at the top of the forum. I guess it's a testament to her life and her work that will always stand proud ..

Keep going....and keep posting ! ..

R and D xx

Posted : 23rd August 2013 7:37 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya sparkle. Glad you had a nice few days away. Thank you for the post. Looking forward to catching your check in later. Your doing so well and that's great to see. We're all in this together for the same reasons and we will smash through this addiction! Take care and have a great weekend.

Posted : 23rd August 2013 7:50 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Pink,

Thank you for your post. It's most appreciated. Hope you keeping well and enjoying Sunday ( no rain for a change lol)

Take care and keep going strong

Sandra x

Posted : 25th August 2013 2:41 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Pinksparkle,

Sabine's diary was one of the first diaries I read and I could not agree with you more. Very humbling and inspiring. So anyway, just dropping by to say hello and wishing you "happy trails" on your journey. -joanxxx

Posted : 25th August 2013 5:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pink Sparkle,

Thanks for posting in my diary, your positive words were very encouraging. Good luck in your quest, I know what you mean about all of the ads etc, just driving home today really made me want a footy bet with all of the window ads. They should be banned and not shown to the world similar to the new supermarket law where they have to be behind a plain screen. Good luck with the new job too, great opportunity for a fresh to have a little shuffle in life and draw a line, a completely new schedule without the gambling being fitted in like Imagine you did like me in your old job. All the best and good luck : )

Posted : 27th August 2013 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pinksparkle,

Just popping in2 say I hope u r ok and staying strong 🙂

Take care xx

Posted : 29th August 2013 9:17 am
Posts: 168
Topic starter

12 weeks gamble free today!

Cannot believe it - the time has flown by!

Bit of a slack week- been hanging around the house, watching TV, applying for jobs, stuffing my face! Had some good news today - got through to 2nd stage of a civil service job so fingers crossed. Going out tomorrow night with some old work colleagues, looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Thanks for all the posts on my diary, hope everyone has a fab weekend! xxx

Posted : 30th August 2013 6:39 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Pink,

12 weeks!!!... what a achievement...keep it up girl:-)

Thank you for your encouraging post, i thought it's wrong to feel this way...but it's human and i'm not the only one on a planet expierencing it.

I wish you to have a enjoyable night out tomorrow, which i'm sure you will..and all the best with promising new job are more than worth it!

Take care 🙂

Sandra x

Posted : 30th August 2013 7:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Pink ..

As usual churning out the noggin but glad you are here and on the site and feeling those feelings that were once deprived for you Hun...

12 weeks is something to be proud of and to know that you don't need that gambling stuff in your life as it dulls your sparkle Pinksparkle!!

Sometimes what happens to us is more about timing than effort ,..and I have a good feeling that you will attract a new life to you now you are on a different road ...maybe this is just the breathing space between things now falling Into place...enjoy it I have a feeling in the future you will be in great demand Pink!! Xxxx

Posted : 31st August 2013 12:07 am
Posts: 1172

12 weeks gamble free get in there. Really well done to you. Good luck with the job. My fingers are crossed for ya. Hope ya having a nice weekend.

Posted : 1st September 2013 9:43 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Pinksparkle,

Just popping by to say hi and just wonder how you doing. Hopefully going great guns into 13 weeks! Fantastic! Gift yourself your life more than deserve it:)

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 5th September 2013 5:55 pm
Posts: 168
Topic starter

Thanks for the post Sandra - yes 13 weeks gamble free today!

Had a good clear out this week and got lots of things to sell at a car boot sale. Feels great to get rid of stuff, also put some items on *******. Got a call today about a possible temp job and have a 2nd stage assessment next Friday for another job.

Hoping the weather will be nice tomorrow evening as I am going to proms in the park event. Been twice before and I love it - plus you can take booze in!

That's all for now, have a great weekend!!! x

Posted : 6th September 2013 8:22 pm
Posts: 7071

Lol Pink, you made me chukle with your comment on my post:-) apparently was having full conversation with myself lol...half English half Lithuanian:-) saying that, she better watch out, you never know who could be visiting me at nights lol lol

Anyway, bact to serious note, it's great to read you kept yourself busy and did a little clear out. It's good to get rid of some stuff if we don't use it...and even better to read about new job possibility:-)

Well done you! And hopefully weather picks up for you tomorrow, have a great time!

Fantastic on gamble free time, should be so proud!

Keep going girl and stay strong!

Sandra x

Posted : 6th September 2013 9:22 pm
Posts: 168
Topic starter

14 weeks gamble free!

Haven't posted for a while. Still no job but went for a 2nd stage assessment for a civil service job and won't hear anything until the end of Oct. Trying to get redundancy money sorted out, having to use a tribunal - such a nightmare and just want it sorted. I am not owed a lot but I don't need the stress of it. Had a great weekend - bit hungover today though! Hope everyone out there is keeping well x

Posted : 15th September 2013 8:34 pm
Posts: 0


Congrats on 14 weeks gamble free

Keep up the good work x

Posted : 15th September 2013 10:38 pm
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