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Hi mate just read your diary! Your doing so well. Good luck! Stay safe!


Posted : 5th June 2016 10:33 pm
Posts: 0

Heya dogears I relate to the boredom thing I am "just a mum"i have lost my identity I used to be fun and full of life; in short I'm sooooo BORED ,I could have an affair but I love my husband and also it would involve effort why do that when I could sit on the sofa on gambling sites but I too have also when this wasn't avaliable dabbled in bookies fobt In amongst the burly men and drunks how low and embarrassing what is wrong me me???I relayed a funny story yesterday,I had self excluded online but needed a gambling hit so I took up running and ran straight to a bookies dressed up in all my lycra,whilst standing at the fobt I knew the men were signaling to each other behind me making rude gestures and comments,but did that stop me NO as long as I got 3 coins to get a bonus I'd be OK, £200 down doing the walk of shame in my lycra you kind of have to laugh but then again least I can still pull even if it is a load of dirty pervs in a bookies thought this would cheer you up x

Posted : 14th June 2016 2:50 pm
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7 days until the 100 mark reached. After gambling for 20 years plus really proud of my recovery. It's giving me quite a few headaches and I'm itching to gamble but realise the mess it creates. I am a compulise gambler there is no such thing as a quick bet, or setting myself a budget. If I gamble I will continue to gamble until there is nothing left. All the best.

Posted : 29th June 2016 10:38 am
Posts: 143

well done mate, 1 more week till the century milestone. keep it going

Posted : 29th June 2016 10:44 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dogears, great work on your day count 🙂

I know you said you think you used this as a target before when you were having counselling...Just wondering if your brain is lining you up for the same fall maybe? Have you considered GA? That isn't something that's going to ever stop being there for you like the counselling did!

I'm a little ahead of you day count wise with a slightly longer gambling career but I remember my day 91 as it was one of the biggest urges I'd ever had...If you have accepted the losses & that you can never gamble again, it gets easier - ODAAT

Posted : 29th June 2016 11:58 am
Posts: 0

Read your diary Dog, very honest account.

Wish you well on your continued recovery and glad you are doing so well

Posted : 29th June 2016 12:19 pm
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112 days passed GF. I find every day difficult. Thoughts of losing everything. Seeing an advert for a casino and my stomach tenses. Walking past a bookies and my fists clench. This is not easy. Trying to rebuild my life is a slow process. I do accept that I can never gamble again and am committed to the battle. I do not want to return to a place where I'm spinning £150 a pop. That's madness. Must remain positive. Thank you all for the support.

Posted : 18th July 2016 9:32 am
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126 days and no gambling. Bosh!

Posted : 1st August 2016 10:12 am
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Oh no. What have I done. Such a fool. Just lost 3.5k. It was going so well. Stupid stupid moment of boredom. Thinking I could control a quick treat but soon escalated into a disaster like the old days. Start again and be stronger. The devil is always just round the corner. Nuts!

Posted : 11th August 2016 9:27 am
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My new target is 136 days. So far 1 day complete. Have self excluded from more bookmakers. Fortunately it was just a 1 day blowout but unfortunately it was a huge amount of money. Keep trying Daniel, you'll get through this.

Posted : 12th August 2016 2:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hard times dogears...you were doing well but sometimes a relapse can make us stronger. Its a step back but it will help reinforce your desire to quit...unfortunately an expensive lesson.
Get back on the saddle and go again. Iv had umpteen slip ups but il never quit trying to beat thie utterly awfil addixion.
Stay about ..g'luk

Posted : 12th August 2016 3:26 pm
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Back to the drawing board. What a f**k up! I was up 11k. Enough to pay off all my debts but just kept going and going with £185 spins and lost the lot. So frustrated. I could have cleared everything and started my life again. Such a loser. I have self excluded from the site as well as the local bookmakers. ARGHHHHHHHH!!! That's it. That's my line in the sand (yet again) I am not gambling again EVER.

Posted : 22nd August 2016 8:52 pm
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Feel so foolish and ashamed after what happened yesterday. Mustn't dwell on the loss though it's difficult given the size. Today is a new start and I will not gamble.

Posted : 23rd August 2016 8:01 am
Posts: 27

Just read your diary and need to say well done for getting all the way to 136 days. I am on day 41 and can only dream of being up to 136.

I am in no way any type of expert but you did it, you got so far and next time you will go futher.

Stay strong.

Posted : 23rd August 2016 1:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Another day gamble free. Such a battle to conquer. One day I will free of this curse. Feel so low and useless. Will this ever end. Have massive debts yet again and struggling to see a way out of it.

Posted : 25th August 2016 9:21 pm
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