1 Day, 7 Days (1 Week), 10 Days, 31 Days (1 month), 92 Days (3 months), 100 Days,
183 Days (6 months), 250 Days, 365 Days (1 year), 500 Days, 548 Days (18 months), 730 Days (2 Years),
750 days, 913 Days (2 1/2 Years), 1000 Days,
every 250 days and 6 month period thereafter:Â I'm targeting 10,000 days and beyond.
Key:Â Bold writing - completed milestones.
     Bold and underlined writing - current milestone at time of posting
     Normal writing - future milestones
My aim: Appreciate the monies I have and fulfil more of my potential without gambling.
good luck mate
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