my betting diary

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Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp.

Cheers for the post pal. I would never take offence at any words of advice you offer. I don't mind a bit of straight talking.

I've been a t*t these last few months of that there is no doubt. The worst thing has been seeing a few concerning character traits reappear. I don't like the person I become when I gamble.

I'll keep popping by to follow your continued success.

Posted : 17th April 2012 9:36 pm
Posts: 0

Keep plodding.

Life with or without gambling is not the question(in my opinion). We don't need the crutch of gambling because that's how the addiction works. We created this mess from the days when we gambled.

My thoughts and wishes are with you my friend.


Posted : 18th April 2012 8:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi old friend

Just dropping by to wish you well. Keep the chin up! You're doing great!

Eyes x

Posted : 18th April 2012 11:07 pm
Posts: 0

Keep that head up my old friend. Try and give yourself a small treat....even if it's a wee bar of chocolate or a can of beer....anything to keep the spirits up. Russ

Posted : 20th April 2012 2:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp!

Just had to post here.You deserve so much good in your life mate.The fact you are still gamble free,and that most of your posts are from a mobile tlf at that-respect big time!


Posted : 20th April 2012 5:39 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

thanks friends.

Thought for the day.

Gambling brings money worries which can be eased with time,

just think what its like to not see your little one(s) every night !!

Yes feeling very down and sorry for myself but it sure hell hurts !!!

Oh and for the record a solicitors letter costs around £200 + vat !!!

Vicious circle this gambling causes eh !!

Last bet 14/12/09 but seriously considering hoying mysel into more trouble.least had some GOOD days..didn't we all ?

Posted : 21st April 2012 11:59 am
Posts: 0


Wished there was something I could write to ease your pain. As much as I am not in your in shoes, I think that I may have come close to the pain you are feeling.

I do not know how you cope with the frustration of going all this time gamble free and still not get to reap the rewards.

Did I have good times gambling, not so sure, it blocked out and let me escape from the obsessive thinking I did. But in just created more problems , and more obsessive thinking. Once I had my fix, win or loose.

I truly wish you well, and with that hope that your life takes a turn for the better. Just not so sure that hoying yourself into more trouble would solve anything , a short term fix that leads to greater problems.

Take care, at the end of the day, only you can decide which path to take.


Posted : 21st April 2012 12:20 pm
Posts: 0

I've never had a little 'un, mainly due to my past gambling demons.

And I would love the chance to have one.

I can feel your pain, just think of all the happy times you have had together.

Stay strong.

Stay positive.


Posted : 21st April 2012 4:59 pm
Posts: 0


When I lived in the UK, I got married and divorced there. I remember my solicitor used charge 180pounds (10 years ago) for a letter and that was for letters to hers and letters to me to keep me informed. I was afraid to ask him anything, particularly it was me telling him what to write in the letters anyway. Bloodsuckers !!

It must be really really tough trying to field those kind of costs in addition to the debts etc..

One day at a time. Like someone said, treat yourself ... even to something small like a bottle of beer in the sunshine.

The kids will always love you and you will always love them. That is priceless !!!!!


Posted : 21st April 2012 6:32 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi wp... there is no going back to the time when gambling was a "bit of fun". In my experince its straight back to the deep end. I know its not easy but however s**t things may feel just now... they will only get worse if you start up again. Stay focussed take heed from my experinces.. regards.. S.A

Posted : 21st April 2012 7:40 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

thanks Brian you re right love is priceless.

Thanks s.a your experiences make me sit up and take notice.

Thanks nearly there,just thinking of the good times,i came over all emotional.

Many thanks dusty, since my earlier post i have been reading bits and bobs all day and YOU were straight in there with a positive post at a much needed time.

I got through today thanks to these posts and am really grateful for the time you took to help.

this site and as viggo stated my mobile really have been my rock since day 1.

Since i told you of the washing machine i thought i had it in hand. It turns out today the laminate flooring is warping and the passage carpet is soaking underneath. Its obviously done more damage than i thought. I am cowardly refraining from telling the landlord as yet as i am certainly in no position to pay for any damages.

I suppose when your down your down.

Maybe im just over reacting and being a drama queen.

Today i haven't gambled thanks to this site,working an afternoon shift and being skint.

However tomorrow is another day.

Its a struggle.

Thanks again.

Winning post.

Posted : 22nd April 2012 1:04 am
Posts: 0

Keep going Winningpost, don't give up.

Posted : 22nd April 2012 8:16 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Sounds like your having a tough time of it right now, i take it you don't have contents insurance then!! There's plenty of help out there for you such as Freecycle as has been suggested before to you. You can also get some form of budgeting loan from the Social Fund to help you out in mini crisis such as yours.

When i consider having a bet i just think how i felt before when gambling and the desire that i had to give it up. You must know yourself there is no middle ground for a CG so stop even entertaining the idea of having a gamble, there's just no future for it.

Good luck with everything, I'm sure things will get better soon as long as you don't gamble.

Take care


Posted : 22nd April 2012 10:20 am
Posts: 0

Hey wp.

Sorry things arnt going your way at the mo but as you know all these things will pass and yourll get through it one way or another.

I still amaze myself i get to the end of each month intact with problems sorted and bills paid i dont know how half the time but it happens and where theres a will theres away and you have the will so i know it will work out for you.

Keep your head held high hun and keep those gambling thoughts as just that.... thoughts.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 22nd April 2012 10:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp!

Just want to say...........Keep holding on mate.We can beat this.


Posted : 24th April 2012 10:36 pm
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