my betting diary

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Sorry 2 hear your having a rough time and hope your hanging in there!

Hope use win the final on sat im not a hibs fan but have a soft spot 4 use

Posted : 14th May 2012 2:50 pm
Posts: 0


Hope you are OK my friend. Sending you some sunshine.


Posted : 21st May 2012 11:35 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

thanks to all who have posted since i last was on.

i am still struggling on with family issues but certainly not gambling.

For a while i was getting strong urges mainly due to the racing festivals and football season ending and everyday lifes pressures.

the pay day loans i had were crippling me (hundreds of £s interest per month) but have managed hopefully to reach a settlement for a couple of months before adding them to my management plan. if im honest i thought i wouldve had the book thrown at me but it turns out i can start breathing a little again. i may start having something left on pay day instead of giving it away and starting again. anyone thinking of the pay day loans route i would strongly advise against it !!

as for the flat im in,i still havent really settled as having troubles internally at present.

defo no gambling for me,i can also report that tommi is doing well (older readers may recognise his diary) and has kept his promise of not gambling to his late mother.

not sure where im at but cant be far of 900 days bet free shortly.

i still have that very distant and faint betting slip in my wallet reminding me of my darkest hours.

best wishes all and hopefully al catch more diaries soon (managed to pinch a laptop at work for 15 mins)

today i havent bet tomorrow i wont bet.

take care

winning post last bet 14/12/09

Posted : 22nd May 2012 6:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Glad to see I'm still behind you in the time gamble free, I was worried about you for a little while.

Pay day loan companies know they can often be the last resort lenders, and are often better at negotiating than regular banks. However, it is still better to ditch them ASAP.

Every step you take to pay off debt brings the possibility of being able to live for yourself and your family closer once again.

All the best mate, I'm taking you at your word on not betting tomorrow!


Posted : 23rd May 2012 12:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

With all the cr** you have had to deal with as of late i'm glad to see your still going strong mate.

Mail you soon!

All my best.


Posted : 25th May 2012 4:01 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

well here i am on day 900 (yes sad for counting but i knew it wasn't far away from my last post so i thought i would give it a countback).

Defo not getting carried away as it could just be as easy to fall on day 901 as it was on day 1.

my old diary friend s.a (hope he doesn't mind me stating) managed 1018 days bet free before and slipped up.

For some strange reason this is sticking in my mind and spurs me on to this day.

The flat im in now had a major flood,turns out it was central heating leaking under the floorboards and not the washing machine as i thought but it made for uncomfortable living for a while to the extent that i was fed up and looking elsewhere again to live. Turns out I've been offered a decent furnished flat tonight,maybes just Maybes i may be able to finally settle down somewhere after a few years of uncertainty. I don't think I've really settled in this flat as it was unfurnished and i haven't had the finance to make it feel homely. (yes it takes time but I've nae patience)

Only trouble may be letting the landlord down as I've got a 6 month lease here and not near that yet but the uncomfortable living recently (no floorboards) may be the perfect get out clause.wish me luck lol.

Today i haven't bet tomorro i won't bet,onwards we march.

Best wishes to anyone who reads this.

Gambling can be beaten.

Stay strong and enjoy the bank holiday weekend.

Winning post 🙂

Posted : 1st June 2012 11:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hey wp,

Sounds absolutely miserable living in a place with water issues. we had a leaking shower at university, and its much easier to just live with these problems when you're 20 than it is when you're thirty or forty.

Your support as always is great, and hope you can get out and into a flat that makes things a little more like home.

No bets today and no bets tomorrow eh...I look forward to chasing your number of gamble free days for many years to come.

All the best


Posted : 2nd June 2012 12:19 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp

First of all kid,congratulations on 900 days.Im glad you feel i have helped your recovery ,but as you know you have worked alongside me in mine which i will always appreciate.Hey m8 im going to watch the derby on tv today and it feels good knowing that when we first started our recovery,these horses probably hadnt been named lol.

Hope eveything works out well with the new place kid.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 2nd June 2012 1:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Brillant on the 900 days.

No i dont think your nosey,i sort of broached the subject and he assured me there was no one else and if there was i would be the first to know,so maybe they are just bed buddies lol.Anyway i made it clear unless there was anything serious the kids were not to be involved.

I think your uncomfortable living arrangements are an ideal way of getting out of your lease you cant be expected to live with no floor boards.Bet you were relived to find out it was the heating and not the washing machine:0)

Posted : 3rd June 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0

Well done on 900 days well 902 now haha brillant achievement a day at a time.

Hope your landlord has a heart and you get into the furnished flat you like.

Take care

Posted : 3rd June 2012 1:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Just wanted to add my big high 5 on passing 900 days.

Considering what you have been through particularly since the beginning of the year it a fantastic achievement. There are many who would of crumbled , so I want want you to know that I have the sooooo much respect for you , your strength and determination is inspiring.

I like to think that you deserve a break from all the cr** that you have had to deal with. And keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out with the new flat . Sure it will seem like a palace compared to where you are now.

Take care my friend ,

Dusty xxxxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 1:49 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi wp,

Glad to hear that my 1018 days is proving useful as something to surpass. Am currently on day 161 this time round. As the waffle on the gamble free calculator says..

Every day, every hour...every minute without gambling is an achievement. That determination in wanting to achieve a goal and then seeing some results should be a celebration of ones efforts. The three P's: Passion, Perseverance and Patience are just some building blocks of any recovery.

As others have said.. you have been through and our going through tough times but you haven't gambled. Keep going and am sure you will sail on past my longest abstinence and on to better times in your personal life. All the best matey... S.A 🙂

Posted : 3rd June 2012 4:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp, get yourself out of that flat into the new sounds miles better! 900 something to be very proud off. How are things with the ex? Is she letting you see the little one? I hope so fella....sometimes it feels like we are serving a life sentence with our other halves or ex's. Stay strong and I hope things are on the up for you. Russ

Posted : 12th June 2012 11:59 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp.

Hope alls well with you.

Just want to congratulate you on passing 900 days.Thats brialliant mate.


Posted : 7th July 2012 12:26 pm
Posts: 0

Also just read through and thought id say well done on 900 days! That is a real achievement and will act as inspiration for many others on here including myself!

Posted : 7th July 2012 11:30 pm
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