my betting diary

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You continue to be an inspiration to me and anyone who wants to see that this addiction can be beat.

A new place might be a good tonic for you. Best of strength to you and keep up the fantastic work.


Posted : 9th July 2012 1:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hello wp,

Brilliant 900 days & counting. Congratulations for continuing to choose the right path to walk no matter how hard your life became. You have been through so much during your time here but 'strength of mind & determination,' is what I think of when I think of you. I totally agree with the other post... get yourself into that new flat! you deserve better.

All the best Jackie

Posted : 9th July 2012 3:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Hun

Dragging you back to page 1 easier to find when your on your phone.

Thanks for the support hun having a S***e time but getting through it one day at a time.

Have you got into a new place yet?

Huge well done on 900+ days hope your proud of yourself and able to give your self a little treat:0)

Your getting through it hun and dealing with all the S***e, post soon and let us know whats going on with you.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 15th July 2012 7:35 pm
Posts: 0

First of all, a huge well done to your 900+days..It really is great and I envy you in a way because I thought that I had been cured from this cg thing...However, you have addressed your problem in the correct manner which has made it almost impossible for you to slip. Therefore, I congratulate you...One tiny detail though, just make sure when you reach your 1017 make sure you bounce back with even more power and never succumb to gambling again...


Sorry I never supported you all the way throughout your recovery (I am sure you were one of the inspirations in my diary)...I know you understand.

Easy life

Posted : 16th July 2012 7:16 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

many thanks for your well wishes.i didn't realise its been so long since I updated my diary. Anyways still reading on odd days now as reading constantly about gambling I find can sometimes affect ones more so than the events of the past few days on here. I hear the frustrations of the victims of us compulsive gamblers but for the record I have seen my loved ones (dogs included who went ballistic with excitement) for two hours this morning for the first time in was cripling me. my 4 year old looked completely bewildered..Now the question I ask is does someone not a kick in the a**e of 1000 days bet free deserve this treatment !! It was very nerve racking going in this morning but even worse the emotional consequences having to leave after only a couple hours.we all know gambling is an illness whether we are victims or not but feel that I have to post this today !! Hence the reasoning why I posted my bet free days on two diaries certainly not looking for sympathy but I have done this myself from day one with many obstacles in the what point will I be seen as an EX gambler !!

I have settled in nicely to this new flat,its only minutes away from them,but as I say its taken weeks for contact with my loved ones.

I lost hundreds from my previous landlord who stood firm of saying I ruined his floor with the washing machine,borrowed yet again payday loans and money from friends to find deposit for this flat yet despite all this fighting urges to have a sneeky punt. Where does it all end ??

I am trying my hardest to turn my life around yet conceding the fact gambling has and still will continue to block my ways.

Today I won't bet I i won't bet,we can do this folks

Winning post last bet 14/12/09

Posted : 29th July 2012 12:14 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi wp... well from my calculations your in to your 958th day without a bet... good going that man... 60 days until you pass my personal best.. not that its a competition of course.. 😉

On a serious note. I hope that in the fullness of time you get to a better place with your loved ones. Keep in touch with the bigger picture and keep doing the right things. Cheers.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 29th July 2012 1:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi winning post and thanks again for your support on ASK...

Thank you for recognising how far I have come and also for those early dark days of diary one...Your commitment to your recovery is fantastic...

Im sure if you sometimes check in to my diary it appears i'm still stuck but i know that time is what this will take.

Thank you for not taking any of my ranting personally...if i didn't care i wouldn't get so annoyed so in a weird way..if i'm still trying and wanting to change my reactions then its a good sign.

May take a break wp...but will continue to read xxx

Rachel xxx

Posted : 29th July 2012 6:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Mr wp!

Glad to see you have settled in well to your new flat.

And even better glad to see how far you have come without gambling.You have had your fair share of s**t but have always come tops.Be proud of that my friend!


Posted : 30th July 2012 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

From the bits i have read of your diary i find you an inspiration and that is not a word i use lightly or often.

Take care wp

Posted : 1st August 2012 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hey wp,

Like you I found myself not having been here in ages, but I've got a bit of time to be reading the diaries.

Temptation is always around it seems, and seeing ads and odds popping up doesn't always make it straightforward to avoid. The important thing is to keep cards and cash in the pocket, and to keep on with the day. Your support on here has always been invaluable for me, and I'm pretty sure I owe you a pint or two when you turn 1000.

All the best mate,


Posted : 2nd August 2012 8:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Thankyou for the post.

So pleased to hear your in a new flat but maybe look at the borrowing as youve actually gained something rather than lost it in a bookies with f**k all to show for it.

Im sorry your having such trouble to see your LO it must be hell havng to say goodbye but relish every second you get to spend with your daughter she may be bewildered at the moment but as she gets older she will be able to make her own decsions to see you.

Also your not the only one who tries had but nothing goes your way im with you every step of the way on that one hun lol.

Keep fighting hun and dont ever give up things will go your way one day.

Big Hugs

Staying Strong

E xx

Posted : 15th August 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

As always many many thanks for your posts on my diary.

Still have a lot of ongoing issues in my life,living so close I've seen kids twice in 6 weeks.of course my shift patterns don't help but its d**n frustrating and heartbreaking.

Same old same old story of my diary from day one.

Its time to get the pennies saved for legal action.a route I didn't want to go down as fees could be spent on spoiling loved ones.

I have an old banger of car at the back door to which I've been accused of socialising when its not there. Obviously living so close has its downside but if I can afford to socialize and have a new girlfriend (not my words but a certain female) then I can afford a new school uniform. As well as my debts I pay the mortgage as well as my rented flat. Its a helluva struggle but i get by.

To add to this one of my pay day lenders were supposed to have been added to my dmp have wiped me out this month. In negotiations with both pay day lender and dm company at present like tennis ball over the nets.more stress.

who says life after gambling is easy.i have hit rock bottom risen from it but fell again so will have to rise to the peaks again. Where do we go from here ?

today i haven't bet tomorro i won't bet.

Winning post last bet 14/12/09 🙁

P.s passed through York station all week and the Samaritans were collecting.bit ironic on the racecourses busiest week of year.

P.P.s for some reason this post deleted my bottom paragraph. The joys of a Moby 😀

Posted : 25th August 2012 11:38 am
Posts: 0


I just wanted to say , I feel for you my friend .

I have no answers , wished life would give you a break , but know its not that simple .

I hope with all my heart that eventually life becomes easier . I have to commend you , cause a lesser man without your strength or resolve , may well of fallen off the wagon. For that you should be really proud ..

Keep going my friend , keep going .....

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 25th August 2012 11:51 am
Posts: 0

hiya wp...

Not much to offer here as not in good place myself so don't want to pull you down...just to say i'm reading even if I don't post and with you all the way.....

thinking of you

R and D xxx

Posted : 25th August 2012 7:01 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Thanks shiny,dotty and ade.

nothing to report gamble wise.

Still totally fed up.

reading these pages inspires me on.

onwards ???

So glad to see sabines diary honoured and pasted on the front page.

W.P 🙁

Posted : 28th August 2012 9:21 am
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