my betting diary

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Hey wp..your in good company here as i think many of us will stay close to the forum over Xmas...

along with the jingle of Xmas also comes the subject of cash and the management of it for all of us ..

Im on a really tight budget this year...practically hand to mouth and still in the void so i shall also be close to home and in a way wanting it to be over so things can get back to normal and get moving faster for me too.

Great to see you on here and 3 years is someting you should be proud really have served your time wp and my wish for you is that you can get a break and start living and not just exsisting.

Good decision to stay local as your kids can bring you joy and also unconditonal love that you deserve ...


R and D xx

Posted : 12th December 2012 10:48 pm
Posts: 0

Well Done M8

I also think it i s a good idea to stick around just incase you get to see the family.Hey im hoping 2013 will be your year.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 13th December 2012 7:04 am
Posts: 1172

Hi wp a massive well done on hitting the 3 year mark. That Is truly an inspirational achievement. Sorry to hear life isn't all that fantastic right now but as you well know gambling would only bring you down even more. How bad will it feel to slip after 3 years, although I can't see you doing that. Hope you do get to see ya family over Xmas and hope that 2013 is the best year yet. Well done again, it's a bloody hard addiction to beat and you've been beating it for a bloody long time.

Posted : 13th December 2012 8:04 am
Posts: 0

Really well done with being 3 years gamble free that is an amazing achievement a day at a time the longest i got to was just over a year so it gives me hope and strength.

And what you go thru with your ex even 3 years down the road makes ur recovery even the more remarkable.

I sumtimes get a we bit angry when i read how your ex treats you so i can only imagine how you must feel at times.

I hope you have a great xmas and the solictor do what you pay them 4 and you get some justice God knows you deserve it!

Be really proud of yourself and long may it continue a day at a time

Posted : 13th December 2012 9:47 am
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Many thanks sadg(you re right friend I miscalculated my period bet free,its actually 3 years tomorrow),footprints,s.a,dotty,Jeff and David.

Just putting the world to right in as sadg stated ive miscalculated my days.DOHHH !!!

TOMORROW is my 3 years gamble free but im not gonnae argue over days 1093 to 1095.

Today I won't bet tomorrow I won't bet this CAN and WILL be done.

Stay strong folks,

Winning Post.

Posted : 13th December 2012 3:57 pm
Posts: 0


Respect to you ,

Oh a big fat hug toooooo

Well done seems rather tame but it will have to do

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 13th December 2012 5:43 pm
Posts: 4422


i am humbled by your post upon my diary,your words mean a great deal,a huge well done upon reaching three yrs gamble free.


Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 14th December 2012 11:18 am
Posts: 0

Fantastic achievement. Can't congratulate you enough. I hope 2013 and a gamble free life brings you huge success in whatever you do.


Posted : 14th December 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Thank u 4 ur support and kind words on my diary. It means a lot 🙂

A huge well done on 3 yrs gamble free, that is a gr8 achievement!

I really hope u get 2 see ur little girl over Christmas , u sound like a gr8 dad and I will keep my fingers crossed 4 u!

Stay strong xx

Posted : 14th December 2012 10:39 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

with thanks to shiny,duncanmac,sadg and charlotte.

finally got a breakthrough text.

"if money is tight its because you have gambled up debts and loans which you are now paying the price for.children should not have to suffer due to an adults actions so point the blame within yourself as i personally never did anything wrong apart from having the strength to keep this family together and will continue to do so"

its the little ones nativity tomorrow to which i asked what time it started ?

"if you attempt to turn up tomorrow i will keep her off the school so get that idea out your head begrudged her a 5th birthday party (i didnt i just thought it was expensive given the finances) amongst many other things she i am telling you now that little girl has never been as happy as she is now so do not spoil it for her or i will honestly keep her off school and that is me saying what is d**n right and not just for your leave me alone i do not want to speak to you,you are a pathetic little man and if you dare turn up tomorrow in front of everyone you will not get away with it like her party that you had such a high opinion of.she deserves so much better than the sh it you bring and it has been proven these last few weeks by not even asking of you"

i have already missed the 1st day of school as well as tomorrow and looking like christmas as well.

sorry,but im gonnae take a break from these pages as im angry and the pain is there when i read of how wonderful partners can be.

i have been reduced to tears today.i started this diary rock bottom and im still rock bottom after 3 years !!

god grant me the serenity and all that certainly isnt working for me.

take care all,i will be back at some point but for now the shutters are coming down.

today i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet.

to be continued.....

Posted : 17th December 2012 7:56 pm
Posts: 0


I do not know if you will read this , I truly hope you do . I was almost in tears myself , where the f******k is the forgiveness ? how much do you have to do ?

How much do you have to suffer ?

How does depriving a little girl her father attending her show , solve anything ?

I do not know what to say to ease your pain , I really feel for you , I have said it before and I will say it again , your strength of character is astounding . A lesser man would have crumbled . I hope one day she will see you as we see you ,

Take care , I am willing you through this as always

Shiny xxxxxx

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:06 pm
Posts: 0

Dont know wot 2 say mate looks like u unfortunately can not win with that woman at the moment, life can be so cruel at times you are only human and i wish there was sumting we cud say or do 2 help u i really do i will say a daily prayer 4 u if thats ok.

wp please try and get home 2 ur ma and da at sum stage over xmas u shud be with people that love u dont isolate yourself 120 miles from home.

I know uv had thoughts of cntrolled gambling lately dont give that dangerous loathsome ex of yours the satisfactin shell luv that and it wud be i told u so.

I cant imagine wot ur going thru but dnt let her break u she isnt worth it.

1 bet is too many and a thousand is not enough

I hope i havent patrionsed u in any way mate

take care and God bless

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:26 pm
Posts: 4881

Likewise i don't know what to say but wanted to say something. I have no idea how it must feel to be in your shoes but my thoughts are with you mate. Take care of yourself.. S.A

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:31 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Thanks shiny and Ronnie.

Edit thanks s.a as well must've posted same time.

I'm not looking for sympathy just merely trying to point out that gambling still has effects and really has ruined my life even after 3 years the pain and hurt is still there so I thought it best to post as its all gambling related.

Ronnie,no patronising friend you are 100% correct one bet from disaster and these pages have kept me strong for so long.


Take care.


Posted : 17th December 2012 8:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

I felt really sad reading ur last post... I just wish she could know how much hard work and determination it takes 2 stay gamble free 4 3 yrs! U have done brilliant, u r only human wp we all make mistakes but u did not run away from them,u stood up and faced them with all the strength and courage u had!

Ur little girl is not better off without her Dad in her life, I can tell from ur posts how much she means 2 u and it is lovely 2 read...I wish I could say something that would help take the pain away but I can't... I just wanted u 2 know that I am thinking about u!

I hope soooo much that she changes her mind and at least lets u see ur little one at Christmas... It feels wrong that she is depriving u of spending time with her!

If she doesn't then Ronnie made a good point, try and surround urself with ppl who care about u wp like ur family and friends!

We r all here 4 u 2, if u need us 🙂

Please take care of urself and stay strong xx

Posted : 17th December 2012 8:56 pm
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