My first diary!

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Hi ,

Was just wondering, cause you know watching Xmas films in May.

Are you one of those guys , who decorates the whole of the front of his house. You know with big Santa , and reindeer , enough lights to illuminate the houses of parliament .

See one random thought leads to another lol

Dusty , not wrapped in tinsel thank goddess xxxxx

Posted : 29th May 2012 12:25 am
Posts: 0

Morning Flagg

Wordless! NEVER lol

50 days woop woop !

Flagg you are going from strength to strength, it's good sometimes we have nothing much to say , i think it means that life is ticking along, no thoughts of a bet and we are just getting us back!

Keep Strong and i'm sure as the weather turns again then Flagg will be back with lots of positive things to say!

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 29th May 2012 7:41 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Morning,

Day 51 - Another quiet one from me today! Working away today, fascinating car journey with the boss early this morning! Busy day with plenty to do so no gambling for me today! Just taking it a day at a time and that's really working for me so far! Long may it continue!

Have a good day everyone!

Day 51 - Away!

Posted : 29th May 2012 9:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Well done on the 51 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant 🙂

Hope u'v had a good day!

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 29th May 2012 4:24 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Diary,

Day 52 - Again I will keep it brief today, work is just absolutely crazy this week amazing what a bit of sun can do! Hopefully, I'll have more to say and report as the week progresses but for now I am far too busy for quite a few things especially gambling! Funny tho I would have found the time before! Just for today tho I have no time and nor do I want any!

Day 52 - Still Busy

Posted : 30th May 2012 9:04 am
Posts: 0

Day 52, Wow flagg, I know i shouldnt project but i cant wait to get to 50 and then 90 for some reason GA see 90 days as a big milestone also.

Anyways for now im just taking it one day at a time.

Your doing great flagg, way to go.

Blondie day 37

Posted : 30th May 2012 9:23 am
Posts: 0

Good afternoon,

Said that I would tell you about that book.

Not sure if you have an iPad or kindle but if so it is a short book just over 200 pages , cost 77p on amazon and is called. The White Murder by Victir Methos

I am reading the first bit , free as with most downloaded books you can try before you buy . But will defo splash out 77p , on it. Then I believe he has a couple more in the same series.

Reading crime stories has always been another of my addictions. I have spent thousands of pounds on books over the years. I read very quickly, and can finish a book in a day. Which is strange as I am dyslexic.

My iPad has opened me up to so many new authors, and being able to read a sample before hand has given me the opportunity to decide if the story grips me.

I have a real passion for reading, maybe that why I spend soooooo much time on this site lol

Anyways good to see your doing ok. Try not to work too hard, but then you always have Santa to look forward to when you get home ho ho ho

Take care,

Dusty xxxxxxxx

Posted : 30th May 2012 3:07 pm
Posts: 0

Thank you for the post on my diary flagg I know i may sound like a broken record but i really do appreciate the time and thought that you put into your posts.

When i logged onto this site 37 days ago i never for one minuet thought i would still be here, and i never contemplated where i would be 37 days later, I know its early days but i cant explain what a life changing event this has been for me, I feel it in my soul and it feels good.

I keep saying im doing this for myself but i think also the memory of my dad and the love i have for him is driving me forward to grab that bull by the horns lol.

The running im starting small 3 miles is enough for this week, its great for clearing the head as you know, but im that unfit that all i could think about for 15 mins was getting to 15 mins without passing out lol , I understand the lack of motivation as ive felt, am feeling it.

Have a great meeting tomorrow flagg, get those shoes on and Run Flagg Run.

Blondie day 37 x

Posted : 30th May 2012 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Flagg,

Thanks for your great post on mine, it really made me chuckle or was that full blown laughter lol , maybe it was !

Like you a little concerned that all this joy will become too much and i won't be able to keep a straight face but you know what? ......

Bring it on cause i kinda like feeling happy 😉

Your still remaining strong and its great to see you can reflect where the hell you found the time to gamble! But your time is now yours to enjoy just like the Sunday's which have become soooo much more enjoyable now you are bet FREE!

Keep Strong Flagg, you are doing really well

Smiling and now Chuckling Lucy

Posted : 31st May 2012 9:04 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 53 - I'm like the proverbial broken record this week but once again work is manic and I'm stuck

For words! On the bright side I have been busy posting on others last night and this morn so I'm not a complete lost cause yet!

GA tonight week 7 I believe I think I have mentioned before days can go slow but weeks are flying it's a bizarre concept to get my head around! What I am finding is some of the straightforward things In life really test my brain right now maybe that's part of the recovery, my brain having a rest and slowly recuperating after being overworked for all those years of lies and deceit!

Good times on the gambling front can go to my meeting tonight safe in the knowledge another week has rolled by and I'm still bet free! I guess when all is said and done at this moment in time I can't ask for much more!

Day 53 - Progress Continues

Posted : 31st May 2012 12:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur kind words on my diary 🙂

Well done on 53 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant!

U should be soooo proud of urself 🙂

Hope the meeting goes well 2nite.

Stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 31st May 2012 2:07 pm
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Morning World,

Day 54 - Since stopping gambling I really have started appreciating weekends again so today I can say hello Friday I'm very pleased to see you! To say this week has been busy would be an understatement and to say im tired wouldn't quite cover it either! It's been manic and I'm exhausted!

Nothing like a bit of self pity to start the day! Gambling, well that's not entering the equation today and really that's the main thing at the moment keep that as a constant and all other areas of life seem that bit better and that bit easier! If you happen to read this today and you are early on in your journey rest assured you are doing the right thing by stopping, if you're reading this and you are further on in your journey mayb today just remind yourself that you are still doing the right thing by abstaining from

Gambling! Thats my thought for the day! It's not award winning stuff but it's simple and true!

Day 54 - No Bet

Posted : 1st June 2012 7:39 am
Posts: 0

Hey Flagg,

Thankyou for your post on my diary was a good reminder of what support I have and that stopping gambling is only going to benefit me in lots of ways.

Well done on your 59 days i hope to get where you are also. I am day 18 and ye the days aren't going really quick for me but i feel like i get more out of a week now rather than sat down wasting it in the bookies I am more active and more sociable so lots of benefits and positivity about all this. Plus i got paid and none of it is going on gambling.

Enjoy the long weekend and get some well earned rest mate stay strong

All the best


Posted : 1st June 2012 3:26 pm
Posts: 0


I agree totally. I have never looked forward to or enjoyed my weekends as much as I do now. I am so much more productive with my time. I have time for the little jobs that need doing, I have time for my wife and kid and I also dedicate time to myself doing the things I like to enjoy. No more will gambling control my moods or my finances. No more will gambling leave me feeling beat up and lethargic towards life.

Great to see you doing well.


Posted : 1st June 2012 5:25 pm
Posts: 0


You have a great weekend, remember to recharge those batteries, not tooooooo much street parting lol

Have you got Monday and Tuesday off, as well ?

If so good , make the most of it, (can you hear the jealousy creeping in here)

Take care,

Dusty xxxxxxxx

Ps I am on holiday in 7 days 🙂

Posted : 1st June 2012 5:59 pm
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