My Gamble Free Life Started Today - Friday 24th January 2020

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I promise I will not gamble ever again.

Stephen x 


Posted : 24th January 2020 7:59 pm
Posts: 0

Good luck x

Posted : 24th January 2020 8:00 pm
Posts: 5

All the best Stephen. Keep strong x

Posted : 24th January 2020 9:03 pm
Posts: 1355


it is lovely to see you here again. Maybe rather than resetting your internal clock to day 1, how about thinking about the percentage of time you have been gamble free in the last x days. That looks pretty awesome form where I am sitting. We are on this journey together. I have learnt so much from you. You know how to do this. Just know that I am here for you x

Posted : 24th January 2020 9:05 pm
Posts: 920

My gamble free clock began on 14th December 2018. I haven't remained gamble free since then but and I want you to hear me, this is a very big BUT, this was the moment when I realised I needed help and support to be gamble free. I've had some bad times since then but they aren't anywhere near so bad as they were before I reached out for support. 

I have gambled and people have helped me think about the why's and the how's and every time I have built up my barriers and I've got stronger. You are one of the people who gave me a hand up and a big hug and helped me continue my journey and it is a continuance. I am not starting again. I am building on the really very good foundations I already put in place. 

You have this Stephen. Thank you so much for coming back and starting a new diary and giving yourself a chance at recovery. 

Love from 



Posted : 24th January 2020 9:09 pm
Posts: 1828

We're with you Stephen 🙂 🙂 🙂 


Posted : 24th January 2020 9:23 pm
Posts: 3947
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Many thanks for posting on my diary:

Kylie66: I couldn't find your diary but was saddened to read in one of your posts of the devastating effect that gambling has had on your life. I wish you peace, contentment and happiness as you continue on your journey.

Stace, Murlo, Drama, Mixer & Ineffable: I have let myself down obviously but I also feel bad about letting down good friends like yourselves who have stood by me. I will try my hardest to not let you down again.



Hello Diary.

What an absolute mess. 

I don't need a great deal but I do need some money for family events this weekend. A family member i contacted with regard to a small loan treated me with contempt so we have fallen out now, which is a shame but he was quite rude earlier on. A good friend has now transferred enough money to my account for me to get by but I sense she was not overly impressed by my request.

Why oh why oh why when everything was starting to get better.

I don't understand.


Stephen x 

This post was modified 5 years ago 3 times by Aum
Posted : 24th January 2020 10:21 pm
Posts: 920

You have not let me down. Not at all and I won't have it. Your learning experience is helping me grow. I am pleased that your friend helped you out. I am confident you will repay their trust and sort that out soon. 

Don't you dare worry about me or how I feel about you or I will get angry mad. You are a good egg. You had a blip in the road but sounds like you are already sorting it out and determined to be back on the gamble free road. 

Love you. No doubt. 

Drama x

Posted : 24th January 2020 10:27 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for posting Klamm.

In answer to your query "how u gonna achieve that." 

I don't have the faintest idea to be perfectly honest other than doing what I have already been doing and hoping for the best.



Posted : 24th January 2020 10:31 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Drama x 

Posted : 24th January 2020 10:33 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Mark.

Excellent advice and as you so rightly point out it is my actions that matter. Negative thoughts might drift into my mind so I just need to practice more on letting them drift out again.


Goodnight Diary.

My head hurts. My arms and legs feel like jelly and I feel nauseous.


Stephen x 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 24th January 2020 10:46 pm
Posts: 1355

Stephen, we are all with you. Goodnight my friend x

Posted : 24th January 2020 10:52 pm
Posts: 1492

Aww Stephen.. A bump. In the road. 

You haven't let me down nor do  you have to feel remorseful telling me.. My only concern is you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and write an appropriate poem and just link yourself back onto this chain of us all on here on gamcare..

Better days ahead Stephen 

Sleep well 

Nite n bless 

Boo ?

Posted : 24th January 2020 11:52 pm
Posts: 1828


Stephen - 


Our road to redemption isn't smooth, it's rocky

So we keep it real, determined, never cocky

When we fall it hurts us like we don't believe

But get up we do, so take some time to breathe. 





Posted : 25th January 2020 10:47 am
Posts: 561

Morning Stephen , just wanted to say keep going , keep them poems coming we’re all here with you xxx

Posted : 25th January 2020 11:47 am
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