My Gamble Free Life Started Today - Friday 24th January 2020

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February has been delightful.

No gambling, nice sunny days and enjoying every second of my wonderful life.

Dancing and catching up with acquaintances last night at a social club. Getting quite close and cosy with a lady whom I have known for several years. Definitely a bit of chemistry on the dancefloor but to be honest with myself I don't wish to kindle any notions of romance. It makes life complicated although she is a very lovely lady. She has been to Salsa with me in the past so I suggested she gives it another try next Tuesday.

Going for lunch later at a charity cafe than meeting a group for a visit to the Ferens Art Gallery and a bit of whatever. Should be a lot of fun and the artwork will hopefully inspire me in one way or another.


Mind is fine with body ok and soul that's ready to rumble

And life is treating me kindly so I have no need to grumble

Counting blessings every day with a smile upon my face

Slowly walking forward on this journey to a better place


Love and best wishes to everyone on the diaries.

Stephen x 



Posted : 6th February 2020 11:13 am
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen

Thank you for your post of support in the new year. 

It’s been a while. I’m glad you are sounding more positive and February is proving to be a good month. Keep up the positive thoughts and spirit. It is lovely to read.

Hope you have a great evening. 

Bex x

Posted : 6th February 2020 4:43 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for visiting my diary Bex. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

It is good to see you back amongst us but at the same time saddening to read in your diary that you have once again been experiencing difficulties due to gambling.

May I wish you every success in reclaiming your life from the insidious scourge that is compulsive gambling. I do believe that we have suffered too much already and the time has now come to show ourselves kindness and respect.


Stephen x 

Posted : 7th February 2020 6:49 am
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen

I hope today will be another gf day for both of us. Thanks for taking the time to read my diary. I didn’t want to bring any negativity to yours by including it in my post - your support means a lot. I hope one day we will both be on a path to freedom but until then we just have to take one day at a time. 

I hope you have a busy and interesting day ahead of you. 

Bex x

Posted : 7th February 2020 2:23 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Bex for those kind words. I have replied on your diary.

As you quite rightly say .... "we just have to take one day at a time."

Wishing you peace, contentment and good adventures as you continue on your journey


Stephen x 

Posted : 8th February 2020 2:11 am
Posts: 3947
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The radio newsreader said a virus is a-roaming

Though I guess that makes a change from war and global warming

And a soldier near Bangkok has shot a lot strangers 

Who'd said goodbye to loved ones unaware of lurking dangers

And Storm Ciara soon will bring us winds and heavy rain

Think I'll go to bed and rest my weary brain!


Gamble-free day sixteen.

Stephen x 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 8th February 2020 11:02 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Mark for those kind words and congratulations on your excellent progress in rediscovering your life.

You are a good friend to many on the diaries and your sense of humour, wisdom and understanding are a constant source of inspiration.

I wish you every success as you continue on your wonderful adventure.


Hello Diary - Sixteen days GF.

I have a confession to make.

It may seem selfish but nowadays I do not visit other peoples diaries very much because I find it very upsetting when people are experiencing difficulties and I also worry when posting on friends diaries in case I should write something that might have a detrimental effect on their recovery.

I do believe though, that posting on my own diary regularly will be a massive help in my recovery and will continue to do so and as I get stronger, over time, than hopefully I will be able to contribute to other peoples recovery.


Stephen x 

This post was modified 5 years ago by Aum
Posted : 9th February 2020 1:01 am
Posts: 3947
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Well today has been good.

A bit scary this morning as I live on the 12th floor of a block of flats and we was rocking to the rain and howling wind. Must have been strong for me to feel my flat moving.

Played Scrabble this afternoon with friends in a cafe and than the rain had stopped so walked to the pier but it was still really windy so came home.

Hoping for a clear sky tonight so I can head back to the river and see the Super Moon in all its glory reflecting off the tidal waters.

Life is good when I don't gamble.


Love and best wishes to all on the diaries

Stephen x 

Posted : 9th February 2020 5:25 pm
Posts: 1355

Hello Stephen,

I hope the weather settles enough for you to see the super moon. It is truly beautiful. I should catch it in the morning when I head off for work x

Posted : 9th February 2020 5:47 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Murlo.

It has mostly been a wet and windy evening

However, the sky did partially clear for a brief period at around 9pm and there was the Super Moon in all her glory.

And now just after midnight she is back again, way up high with plenty of low cloud passing in front of her and creating amazing shadows and silhouettes in the glorious night sky.

I am very fortunate because I can witness it all from my 12th floor kitchen window and balcony which look towards the River Humber just half a mile away.

I now realise that throughout my life I have been blessed with many wonderful things which I either took for granted or considered unimportant.

How very very wrong I was and only now at 69 am I beginning to appreciate how fortunate I have always been and still am.

It feels as if I have been thrown a lifeline and provided that I do not gamble will be able to live a contented life with opportunities to laugh, dance and have fun as I explore the world around me. 

It will be a great adventure.


Love and best wishes to all on the diaries

Stephen x 


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Aum
Posted : 10th February 2020 12:31 am
Posts: 403

Hi Stephen

Thank you for the lovely poem you left on my diary and for your thoughtful, encouraging posts - it means a lot. 

I haven’t been on the site much over the weekend, I had intended to try and join in chat but I have slept a lot of the weekend as I’ve come down with the flu again so between sleeping and popping to see my friend, the weekend has just disappeared. 

I love playing Scrabble, so much so that I have a scrabble game I play on my phone called Words 2 which I often play in bed on an evening ( the time I use to gamble) to occupy my mind, plus it’s a healthy and educational way to spend your time. Did you win? 

Funny enough I was unaware about the super moon this evening, although I did mention how light it was to my daughter when we got home at around 10pm from going out for dinner. We had a power cut from around 4pm until midnight so I just assumed it seemed brighter than usual due to there not being a light on in sight. 

I hope you have a great start to the week, Stephen. Don’t know about you but Monday is my least favourite day, having to get up at the crack  of dawn, and in the cold, after having long lay ins over the weekend and late nights. 

I hope you have something nice planned to keep you busy tomorrow (or should I say today) and that the weather is a little more accommodating. 

Remember to be kind to yourself and here’s to a brighter future. 

Warm wishes. 


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Sad and lonely
This post was modified 5 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 10th February 2020 3:06 am
Posts: 1355

Morning Stephen,

I am so pleased that you caught a glimpse of the moon last night. I had the delight of the beauty on my way in to work this morning. Stunning. Have a good day my friend x

Posted : 10th February 2020 6:30 am
Posts: 3947
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A big thank you to Bex & Murlo for visiting my humble abode. Your presence on my diary has really brightened up the day.

Bex...It is good to see you posting on the diaries. Sorry to read that you are suffering with flu and hope you are soon feeling better.

You are not alone in thinking that cold, winter Monday mornings are not everyone's cup of tea but I am retired now so for me every day is a perfect opportunity to explore the world and rejoice in all its beauty.

The Scrabble was good yesterday. I won one and came 3rd in the other but win or lose matters not (though some might disagree with that lol). It was fun and I enjoyed the socialising with tasty beverages and a delicious Brownie.

I will check out the Scrabble Ap you mentioned but I must admit that I would probably be tempted to start a new game if I was given letters that I didn't like the look of. Lol.

Murlo....It makes me happy to see you approaching 100 days GF. You have certainly had your ups and downs but there were times I'm sure you knew when you broke off ..... whoops I was breaking into song than lol. 

On a serious note though Murlo I feel very proud to have you as a friend. You have behaved impeccably throughout your journey of recovery and I am full of respect and admiration for the courage and composure you have always shown.


When Murlo and Bex knocked on my door the Butler let them in

For we are gamcare friends who threw gambling in the bin

With courage, hope and a smiling face we search for a better life

Freed from the chains that held us back and caused us so much strife

Some days may not be easy and we might shed a tear

But one day at a time together with friends we have nothing at all to fear


Love and best wishes to all on the diaries

Stephen x 



Posted : 10th February 2020 3:23 pm
Posts: 1355


Thank you for your wonderful words, they really do mean a lot to me. You are also right to send a note of caution about reaching a milestone. Rest assured, I have taken your previous advice on board and will have a heavy book by my bedside every night ready to whack my forehead if needed ?

Sleep well my friend x

Posted : 10th February 2020 10:42 pm
Posts: 1355

Morning Stephen,

thank you for your lovely poem on my diary this morning. You are spot on, my hair has blown everywhere today ?

Have a lovely day x

Posted : 11th February 2020 8:45 am
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