My life with addiction

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Hi my name is Dan im a compulsive gambler & my last bet was on the 17th April 2007.

So i have tried to look @ this from many angles over the years & the best conclusion i have found is that for me personally i have had a long term relationship with addiction for as long as i can remember. I have used it to deal with my deep rooted emotional fears. Things such as failure, rage, frustration, helplessness, feeling trapped, worthless & unable to control lifes troubles & tribulations. I found addiction helped me cope with my relationship with my self & my world.

It gave me feelings & gratifying sensations i wasnt able to find in other more "normal ways". It blocked out pain, uncertainty & discomfort. It enabled me to feel ok for a while about impossible problems. It gave me temporary feelings of security & calmness, of self worth of accomplishment of power of being in control. It gave me feelings of intimacy & belonging.

My first addiction was thumb sucking, i did this well beyond what would be considered normal for a child & in my talks with addicts over the years have found this a very common first occurence amongst us. This i believe planted the seed that i could control hkw i felt by acting out a behaviour.
Next came nail biting. If ever feeling anxious worried bored etc i could use this external behaviour to distract me from dealing with my thoughts.
Gambling arrived around the age of 10. I was hooked immediately. I had found a solution that really did allow me to block out all my insecurities. I was stealing from mum & dad within weeks, selling presents, shoplifting anything to get money with which to gamble with. I had found what i thought was a perfect solution to my pain & nothing was going to take it away. I feel safe & in control of my emotions. It allows me to fail @ everything with no emotional consequences to me. You see it isnt my fault its the gambling that is making me under achieve in school & in personal relationships!
This continues until im about 17 when i find there are many more wonderful distractions/addictions out there. I use them all to my emotional advantage. Alcohol,drugs, gambling, s*x, shopping, food, computer games anything but to be left alone with my thoughts about myself & my personal reality. Let me continue to live in this fantasy world i have created for myself. Let me hide beneath this mask i show to people that i am this wild good time party boy because to show them who i really am & not be accepted for that would cause me a complete emotional breakdown. I cannot accept that so i will not let that person be seen @ any ckst even if that results in insanity because rejection & failure are not an option for me @ that time.

The next 10 years or so are an ever increasing dependency on my many addictions. I lurch from one disaster to another using my addiction as both a comfort to me & also a reason to blame any problems & failures upon.

Addiction has become a constant, it is who i believe i am. The real me got lost a long time ago. I have become who no longer gives a f**k about no one or no thing least of all myself.
I am special, i require nothing from anyone. I alone know how life is & i will not fall into the trap my fellow humans believe in. Hah who needs friends, love, companionship. NOT I. I already have all those provided for me by my best friend. Hes called addiction.

Thanks will continue my story later

Dan x

Posted : 6th January 2015 5:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Looking forward to your continuing story, thanks for sharing.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 6th January 2015 7:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan
Thanks for popping by to my diary. Yeah I truly believe we have to get our own s**t in order to continue the recovery road. Well done on 8 years what a massive achievement and I hope to be there one day.
Cheryl x

Posted : 19th January 2015 11:57 am
Posts: 3239

thanks Dan

looking forward to the rest


Posted : 19th January 2015 12:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your post and words of wisdom, it's funny but I have been asking myself why, what triggered it etc, more so since I have read your posts on other diaries, about finding the source /trigger and that is why I wrote it in my diary this morning, because by reading your posts to others, it's made me question me, some days I wonder how/why, other days I am just thankful I have for now got away from it,and the why's/how's don't worry me, and yes you are right, I would love to now be in a job, that helps people with all sorts of problems/issues, I would find that very fulfilling but theses vacancies are not easy to come by, Lol.

Thanks again for your post, and thanks for your support,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 24th January 2015 11:34 am
Posts: 0

Thanks Dan, you must be able to read my mind, made enquires about voluntary work last week when I signed on, actually seeing an advisor at the job centre on Tuesday about this.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 24th January 2015 11:57 am
Posts: 0

Afternoon Dan,

Hey thanks for your faith and support in me, I don't think I have any where near the experience, but you have given me another option to think about, Thank you for caring, and I hope you are having a good gambling free day.

You,are doing amazing with your gamble free YEARS

Suzanne xx

Posted : 25th January 2015 4:19 pm
Posts: 0

When I said experience I correct that, I meant confidence lol. I have had enough experience of personal gambling to last me more than a lifetime lol.xx

Posted : 25th January 2015 4:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your kind message,y

I was given quite a few options at my interview yesterday, thinking about it for a week, have another interview next week, its quite a long process I think,

Hope you are having a good gamblng free day.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th January 2015 12:00 pm
Posts: 1345
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Another great GA meeting last night 17 like minded people sharing their experiences & views on addiction. Working together as one to improve our present day lives & give hope to our futures. It truely inspires me everytime i walk into this fellowship of men & women coming together to tackle that which pains them. People from all walks of life people who may have had a bet yesterday or people who have not for 10 years. We all share the same goal. A goal that just for today i willl not gamble.

A subject that came up last night was control. Why do we seek to control that which is clearly uncontrollable. All our histories prove that when in action this thing controls us. Without the acceptance of this we are clearly going to struggle in our long term recovery. Step 1 guides me through the carnage my addiction created in my life, it points out that my solutions werent working for me. It asks me to surrender to admit i can never again gamble on my terms. It asks me to say,

I get it. What i do is self destructive. I need to change.

Posted : 30th January 2015 5:35 am
Posts: 1345
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A weird day yesterday. Had to be@ Heathrow to pick mother in law up & the previous night someone who had been gf for over 2 years had been telling the story of his visit to the airport a few days earlier. How passing the arcade there had given him thoughts about gambling. A small urge came over him, no one would know, what harm would £20 do he could control it. He choose not to. He used all the tools he had learnt. He remembered how he behaves when gambling is in his life. He remembered that when he gambles he becomes powerless against it that his life becomes unmanageable.
Anyway im sitting in the waiting area when i hear the familiar sound of a machine paying out it goes on for what seems for ever. Must have been £500 jackpot.
My thoughts were i hope that brings you happiness & not the misery it bought into my life. The reality is it wont. It was probabley some poor soul with whom a win just brings temporary respite, before repeating the process again tomorrow or latter that same day. I mean who plays a machine while waiting for a loved one to return.
I then recalled how when i was gambling i would always volunteer to do airport runs, getting there a few hours early so as to have a few more hours gambling. A sad existence but that was the life i choose @ the time. No longer will i be that soulless man. Just for today i will choose not to gamble

Posted : 31st January 2015 9:18 am
Posts: 0

Morning Dan,

Thanks for you post, you have reassured me about the feelings I have been experiencing, what a good idea to add another tool, but I have in a way today, OHs bonus has already been spent, can't use it now lol, it's gone a holiday,

Thanks for understanding, And reassuring me it is part of the recovery process.

Well done to you, on never getting complacent and choosing to keep on top of your recovery.

Have a lovely gambling free day.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 31st January 2015 10:17 am
Posts: 1345
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Gambling is not my problem, reality is. Gambling was my solution to escape that.
Freedom from my trauma will not be gained easily.

The price i have to pay is a lifetime of constant vigilance.
It is one i accept i have to pay.

Posted : 1st February 2015 9:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dan,

Gambling wasn't a solution it was a big horrible ullusion for escapism, and all it gave us was more grief and despair.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you are an inspiration on here to me and others,

Have a good Sunday,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 1st February 2015 10:19 am
Posts: 171

Hi dan

Thanks for the words you left, made me feel alot better. Still waiting for the dreaded call or knock at the door but I guess thats facing up to reality which we all have had to do. Your line' gambling is not my problem, reality is' is so true and I will keep that in mind when facing my demons. Thank you for the support and keep being strong.


Posted : 1st February 2015 6:20 pm
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