My own personal diary

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Cheers Sandra.. you just never know indeed..

Today i've had really bad urges but no way am i going back there. No way. Snoooker final is on and that little voice was chirping away in the background. I'm shutting him down. I CANNOT WIN BECAUSE I CANNOT STOP..

Posted : 19th January 2014 4:18 pm
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Posted : 19th January 2014 4:19 pm
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Thanks Julie 🙂

I had a wee wobble yesterday and had the worst urges to gamble since i last gambled but i stayed strong. I've put in so much work and effort this relapse time round that it would destroy me if i went and undid it in a matter of hours. I CANNOT WIN BECAUSE I CANNOT STOP (until EVERY SINGLE AVAILABLE PENNY HAS GONE)

Posted : 20th January 2014 1:18 pm
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happy to say i'm still CLEAN


Posted : 20th January 2014 1:19 pm
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Day 59, 60, 61 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 23rd January 2014 2:13 am
Posts: 7071

Hya Craig,

Keeping quet again eh? Lol...

Good to see you moving forward and adding those days to the better future

Keep it up, fantastic achievement and keep making the right choice.61 day of freedom, may long it continue!!!

Aciu for your support :-))

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 23rd January 2014 4:58 pm
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Hey Sandra

Yeah i'm a wee hermit haha.. i come out every now and again 🙂 just trying to keep myself busy and well away from gambling. I'm enjoying the gym again and simple things like going out for a nice cappuccino and reading a book/ paper for an hour and just relaxing. When i was in the grip of my addiction i'd have spent every free hour stuck in a grubby grotty bookies on those blasted FOBTs muttering to myself, crying even when i'd lost thousands of pounds in a matter of hours, lying on the floor of the bookies asking someone to help me and nobody batting an eyelid, not even the staff. f**k GAMBLING. I'm angry now, taken so much from me and from so many people on here. This pathetic spineless Government (all political parties are as bad as each other) have allowed the plague of bookies to spread throughout our towns and cities, killing society. I hate the UK now and one day will leave it behind.

Sandra, sorry for going on a rant but jeez, i'm angry at how this country has gone to the dogs, literally.

Anyway.. i'll keep fighting..


Posted : 24th January 2014 12:28 am
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Posted : 24th January 2014 11:00 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Craig,

Great achievement so far, keep at it!! Hope u had a lovely weekend and ready for a week ahead.

Every day counts, and u deserve more than happiness in ur life. Be kind to urself and all the best 🙂

Sandra x

Posted : 26th January 2014 10:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Craig,

Hope you're doing ok mate? No check in on the 2014 thread this week? C'mon my 'Weigy team mate - get checked in nice and early for this week.

You're doing great mate - Glasgow to London!!

Mr Brightside

Posted : 26th January 2014 11:19 pm
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Hey Julie, Sandra

Thanks so very much for the nice words on my diary. I feel i don't deserve it but yeah i need to be more kinder to myself. I am working on that 🙂 It is amazing the kindness you experience from pretty much strangers, people you don't really know.. you know it restores my faith in humanity! I'm glad i started my diary otherwise people like you both would not be in my life now 🙂 albeit online but its very touching.. i'm a very busy person these days (have a successful business i'm proud to say, god it could be huge had it not been for gambling but you know what i've found that bit between my teeth and i'm going all out hell for leather.. however, i want to try and help others as best i can. Maybe spend sometime supporting people on here. I've been so touched by people's kindness and amazing spirit on here that its inspired me in many ways. I'm working on ways to make more time in my life for fun and happiness. So thanks again to you both and the others i've been lucky to have come across 🙂

Happy to report i'm still gambling FREE. I CHOOSE LIFE NOW! 🙂

Posted : 28th January 2014 12:30 am
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Hey Mr B

Ah my man, i'm so sorry, the last several days have been full on busy... however, GAMBLING has been miles away. Busy getting on with life but that's me had my 1 strike on your 2014 challenge thread haha.. 3 strikes and i'm out 🙂 I'm off now to check in, a late check in but i promise i'll be checking in every Friday evening going forward after today 🙂

GLASGOW TO LONDON MATE!!! bring it on..



Posted : 28th January 2014 12:33 am
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DAY 63, 64, 65 - NO GAMBLING

Posted : 28th January 2014 12:35 am
Posts: 0

65 days of no gambling fella eh? Seriously good going! Congrats mate.......5 days away from hitting double figures in weeks!!

Not sure about being at Carlisle together on the road to London though.........if I'm at Carlisle then you'll be sitting sipping Costa coffee at Southwaite 10 miles further down!!! Ha ha!!

Will always be hanging onto your shirt tails mate.

Mr Brightside

PS I see you've saved yourself from another rollicking?? Ha ha!! That's a big boost to the group this week - knew you'd be there.......but the rules are the rules, even though I'm kinda making them up as I go along!!!!

Posted : 28th January 2014 1:09 am
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ah your doing a fine job mate with the challenge thread! everyone appreciates it..

yep, indeed i'll be at that service station enjoying my costa coffee :))

don't worry you'll get your nice costa also!

speak to you on friday, hope you have a good week. cheers

Posted : 28th January 2014 1:21 am
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