New diary for 2024

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I've decided to do a new diary for 2024. For those of you that don't know me, I'm stacey, I started gambling 9 years ago after losing my daughter, I tried to stop many times but had relapse after relapse. I'm happy to say I'm now 134 days gamble free and in recovery. This is my new diary for 2024 🤗

Posted : 27th December 2023 7:34 pm
Posts: 185

Massive well done Stace!! 2024 will be your year!! 

I’m on day 154, so very close to you! Xx

Posted : 27th December 2023 9:30 pm
Posts: 193

Well done both! 

Posted : 28th December 2023 12:04 am
Posts: 407

Welldone to everyone am currently on day 170 g/f am getting their slowly but surely ive reduced my debt life so much better im still using one day at time keep strong 

Posted : 28th December 2023 3:29 am
Posts: 39

Well done to you both im on day 21 i know ive got a long way to go but im determined

Posted : 28th December 2023 7:59 am
Posts: 459
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Hi all, thankyou for your posts and well done on your recoveries, your all doing so well.


I'm 135 days gamble free, the longest I've ever done and I swear its my partner having access to our online bank account that's helped me get to were I am. Oh I've had urges, believe me uts been hard after losing my mam and getting ill, and I've wanted that escape from 'life' but I will never go back to gambling. This year I sorted Christmas with out having to borrow money or use overdraft or winnings from gambling, me and my partner done it ourselves and I do feel very proud. As a treat for actually being able to save for once were taking the kids shopping tomorrow to get all 5 new footwear then a mcdonalds, could never have done that whilst gambling, I'm actually looking forward to it, might even treat myself to some new boots and clothes as I've lost weight so could do with them. Its amazing how much you can save when you've stopped gambling.

My life is pretty difficult right now, I'm grieving and not well, but I'm surrounded by my family who are all being very supportive and will help me through this difficult time and hopefully I will be ok. On new years eve I'm doing a little buffet and family are coming round for a couple hours but I will most likely be in bed before midnight as I get very tired. But I'm looking forward to having them around here. My partner finished work on 23rd Dec and his hotel doesn't re open til 15th Jan so its so nice having him home to help with housework and the kids.

I've been reading diaries on here, it helps keep me focused on my recovery, so many people are doing so well, and equally so many still struggling with this illness. If I could go back 9 years , I would never have started gambling, but I can't turn back time, and I've let go of the guilt and money lost, I'm moving forward now and never believed I could stop,but I'm doing it, I know my mam is looking down on me and proud of me 


Posted : 28th December 2023 6:55 pm
Posts: 459
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Just wanted to pop on and wish my peers and the gamcare team a happy new year. 

Its been a terrible year for me this year, I lost my precious mother and am going through a difficult and uncertain time with my health, but despite everything , I've managed to stay gamble free, 138 days today. Next year I'm hoping to come on here and to be able to say I'm a year gamble free. I don't know what next year will bring for me, guess none of us do, but I have my family supporting me and have strength within me to fight anything that comes my way.

So I hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year, and stay strong in your recoveries. Thankyou and thankyou to the gamcare team for your support this year

Take care

Stace ❤ 

Posted : 31st December 2023 5:52 pm
Posts: 459
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139 days gamble free. Never thought I'd be able to do it, but I have and it feels so good. Just paid all my January bills and have money left over which I've added to my savings. I've never had savings before, feels amazing. Our car broke the other day and we were able to put it straight in the garage and get it fixed. That's also something we've never been able to do. I'm feeling really positive. I have a hospital app on the 17th so im hoping for some positive news regarding my health, I am scared but like I've said before, I'm very lucky as I have a mountain of support. 

Posted : 2nd January 2024 11:57 am
Posts: 208

You are amazing, you`re partners amazing too.

I can feel with each post you getting stronger and more confident.

I hope your medical appointment brings you good news.

Have a fantastic and gamble free 2024!! 

Posted : 2nd January 2024 6:34 pm
Posts: 27

Well done Stace.  You are starting to see the benefits of not gambling eg. bills, car fixed.

i wish i could turn the clock back too - 5 years.  So much go financial damage done over this time period.  I am encouraged by your success so far. 

Posted : 3rd January 2024 12:12 am
Posts: 459
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Thankyou lids and Jean 🤗

So my clocks showing 143 days gamble free, the longest I've ever done in 9 years of gambling. I've let go of the money lost and guilt felt as that was doing me no good at all. Its in the past, I'm just concentrating on the future now, a gamble free one. I'm learning to forgive and love myself feeling proud. I'm doing 2 money saving challenges this year, ordered a money tin and am saving £20/30 a week in that and then I'm doing the lose change challenge, so any lose change left over each day gets saved,  its amazing how quick it builds up. I've never done this before but after seeing videos of people doing it on tiktok I thought I'd try do it to. So my goal is for Christmas, I will save til November then empty my tins. Its given me a goal and something to focus on. Its crazy to think I would gamble that much and more a day! 

Posted : 5th January 2024 12:51 pm
Posts: 459
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Been reading diaries on here , it helps me, but I've seen so many struggling recently. I just want to give some hope to people. I started gambling 9 years ago. It was an escape for me, and I quickly became addicted. I've tried so many times to stop but couldn't, I had relapse after relapse. My relationship with my partner, kids and family and friends was at breaking point. I was going to lose everyone if I didn't stop. One day , enough was enough and my partner got our banking app on his phone to keep an eye on the transactions. I got gamban and signed up for another 5 years on gamstop. I'm now 145 days gamble free. Its changed my life. I'm up to date with all bills, and actually have savings for the first time in years. At Christmas I was able to get all my kids presents without using loans, overdrafts or gambling winnings and it felt so good. I've had support from gamcare admins and peers and I feel like I'm doing really well. I've let go of the guilt I felt and money lost, there's no point letting it eat you up. Let it go and move on. I never thought day 1 gf would turn to day 145 and I'm really proud of myself. And all those closest to me are proud to. It can be done, stay strong, take one day at a time and just say 'for today I won't gamble'. 

Posted : 7th January 2024 6:51 pm
Posts: 459
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Day 147 gamble free

I'm not feeling so great the past few days, I'm missing my mother terribly, I have health problems and everything going on in my life is leaving me mentally drained. I'm so tired emotionally,  mentally and physically. But I'm still doing really well in my recovery. Never thought I'd get so far, the determination in me this time round has been so strong. I treated myself today as needed a little pick me up. I no longer smoke weed either, haven't done now for months, found it surprisingly easy to stop it. 

Its my sons birthday on the 19th January and I've been able to buy him a new phone, clothes and other gifts he's asked for without worrying over money. I'm surprised at how much I've saved since I stopped gambling,  I no longer worry about letters coming through my door as my bills are all up to date. And I like to look at my bank statements,  seeing no gambling transactions on it is so satisfying. I'm doing some saving challenges this year, I bought a big money tin and am saving £30 a week in it, I will do this til November and it will go towards Christmas.  I'm also doing the loose change challenge. It feels so good marking off the numbers on my tin and seeing it fill up. So much better than gambling it.

My relationship now with my partner is stronger than ever, I'm so greatful he stuck by me throughout my addiction, towards the end before I stopped, he was so close to leaving. I love him with all my heart. Right now I'm trying to focus on my children and partner. Dont know the out come of my tests yet, I'm pretty unwell but I'm praying it will be ok. All I can do is have hope and deal with what ever is thrown at me head on. 

Posted : 9th January 2024 5:03 pm
Posts: 459
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149 days gf 🎉🎉

Treated myself today and went out for breakfast with my best friend. Was nice to get out the house, as I've not been out much since my mam passed away. How times have changed, I remember the days when I had to make excuses when invited out as I was always skint from gambling. When I got home, me and my partner talked about how far I've come in my recovery. I'm actually very proud of myself 🙂

Posted : 11th January 2024 4:30 pm
Posts: 2942

not only are you proud of yourself but we are all proud of u stace xxxx

Posted : 11th January 2024 9:12 pm
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