New diary for 2024

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Hi all, hope your all well.

Few weeks ago I reached my breaking point, I had a break down and was in hospital. I could see no way out and was in a very dark place. Anyway with lots of support and the right meds, I'm doing really well now. I'm happy,  I'm not gambling, got myself a job and feeling very positive for the future 🙂

Please, how ever low you get, never give up. Lifes too precious and we all deserve to be happy.

Take care,  stacey ❤ 

Posted : 16th July 2024 12:09 pm
Posts: 544

Sorry to hear this Stace, but the fact you are here is amazing. A few people have said that sometimes you need to hit the bottom before you can swim to the top. Worked for me and the bottom is now a place i fear and never want to return to. Remember this point and use it to focus on reaching your goals. Stepping back will only drag you down again.

Good luck in your journey. Keep us all updated.

Stay strong

Posted : 16th July 2024 9:13 pm
Posts: 636

@stace Hi Stace. So lovely to hear from you on here!🥲. So sorry to hear you have not been well but that you have been taken care of by the hospital and loved ones.  Go you, getting a new job!👏👏👏👏🩷.

Please keep in touch so we know you are doing well.

Sending you prayers and strength 🙏💪.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 16th July 2024 10:38 pm
Posts: 208

Best thing ive read on here in ages, glad you are on the up! Enjoy your new job, relax and start to enjoy life.

Posted : 18th July 2024 5:53 pm
Posts: 458
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Here i am 125 days gamble free, my mental health is the best its ever been, I'm enjoying my life, I'm socialising with friends, I'm making fun memories with my partner, children and family, we've had some lovely days out, all I can actually afford now I'm not gambling again. I'm really happy, hope everyone on here is doing OK.

Never give up, keep fighting 💪 

Stace xxx 

Posted : 3rd August 2024 6:15 pm
Posts: 636

@stace Hi Stace.  Fantastic news!👏👏👏👏👏🩷. I am on day 126! Lovely to read that you are doing so many positive and uplifting things too 👌.

I wish you strength and prayers on your continued journey.

Take care.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 5th August 2024 9:23 am
Posts: 458
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So today I'm 146 days gamble free 🙂🙂

So happy with myself. Because of me not gambling, I've been able to do so much this summer.... did a family bbq, taken kids on days out and made so many memories, got all school uniforms early, just need to get there shoes but always leave that til the last week incase there feet grow over summer hols 🤣, booked and paid for the venue for my sons 18th in September, my son just wants money for his 18th so I've taken that out the bank and put it to one side.

Theres so much that has helped me these past 146 days, one being pure determination.  The thought of being stuck how I was , was unbearable. My mental health was the worst it had ever been, I was suicidal, even made an attempt on my life (which opened my eyes and I realised how much I DO want to live). I had no money as was gambling it all away. Had no social life. Distanced myself from my family and friends. Was literally at rock bottom. So I went on new med, which have really helped me. My mental health is best its been in years. I'm actually genuinely really happy and enjoying my life. 

I got myself a job. And I love it. Its a bit of time to myself and being around other adults. Its given my self confidence a huge boost. I opened a savings account with credit union and put some of my wages into that. Seeing it go up each week fills me with pride. With credit union you can lock a date that you want your payment. So I've locked mine for June 2025, to take my kids on holiday, and I can't access it til then, which makes me so happy as I've always been c**P at saving myself.

I've learnt so many coping techniques,  I practice them every day so when there is a day I'm struggling it comes easier to do as I've learnt them when I'm feeling ok. One I really like is splashing cold water on my face or taking a cold shower, when your not with it or are really struggling, it brings you back to the here and now. I also like the grounding techniques.  I definitely suggest people trying them, you can find them on Google or can get support from your health care providers. 

I've had huge support from my mental health team and other professionals, anyone who's struggling, please don't be afraid to reach out.

And the big thing for me is some me time. I neglected myself so bad and never had time to myself. Now I make sure I look after myself. I try go swimming 2/3 times a week. Just little things like taking a walk, or going for a nice candle lit bath, listening to some music, meeting friends for lunch, can be anything, just take some time for yourself.

Not so long ago I thought my life wasn't worth living, it actually nearly ended, but I turned things around. I'm living proof it can be done. Dont give up. Theres always a way out, you deserve to live a happy gamble free life.

Over the years I've not been the easiest person for gamcare staff to deal with, and for that I apologise. But thank you for always being there and supporting me. And thsnkyou to all my wonderful peers on here.

We've got this 🥰

Posted : 24th August 2024 3:53 pm
Posts: 636

@stace Well done Stace. So happy for you. 👏👏👏👏🩷.

Enjoy your life going forward. So many lovely plans with great outcomes 👌.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 24th August 2024 10:27 pm
Posts: 458
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*************DIARY CLOSED*************

Posted : 9th September 2024 1:52 pm
Posts: 458
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So I've popped back on as I'm under so much pressure and getting urges to gamble again

I'm currently under immense stress.

My family is literally falling apart.

I lost my mam just over a year ago and recently started counselling with cruse, its brought all the trauma of that night back. I have severe ptsd, and am struggling to cope. Losing my mam has devastated me.

My brother has cancer, he had chemo for 6 months but its come back. He had an op and biopsies done the other week, we are waiting for results, if its spread to his sinuses (its face cancer) then there will be nothing they can do for him. Its a anxious devastating wait.

My other brother has recently been sent to prison. Hes on remand but is looking at a good few years in prison. He has 2 kids who have been removed from there mums care due to abuse and are now living with my sister. I'm having to help buy them Christmas presents so they get a good Christmas too

My sister and dad keep arguing and dragging me into there arguments. Its taking a toll on me.

I'm in some debt that I'm struggling to get on top off.

I had police round to do a statement the other week and a specially trained officer visited me today due to an incident that happened involving myself. Its been very traumatic and my mental health is shot to pieces.

I'm often thinking about suicide which I know is so selfish. But I'm really struggling to cope. 

I'm just not in a good place right now

Posted : 16th December 2024 9:55 pm
Posts: 122


I just wanted to say don't suffer in silence. Thinking about suicide is not selfish, it is just a sign that you are really struggling and just need some support. If you don't have any one you feel you can talk to, I can thoroughly recommend samaratins. Don't keep this in, talk to someone ❤️ 

Posted : 16th December 2024 10:14 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6161

Dear Stace,

I’m so sorry to hear of you having so many stressors to deal with right now. I am sorry to hear of the reoccurrence your brother’s illness.

It is understandable to feel overwhelmed. I am concerned about the suicidal thoughts especially as they are often please do call us on the Helpline (0808 8020 133) and reach out to any current mental health service support you may have. It is difficult when thoughts and feelings come to the surface as you say to process through in therapy but remember this is to reach a better feeling result. Being alone with those thoughts must feel very isolating but you have a community to share with here.

As Roxy247 has kindly recommended you can call the Samaritans anytime on 116 123 for free. I would also say you are not being selfish as it sounds like despite everything you are feeling your focus is trying to give your children and nieces and nephews as good a Christmas as possible.

Your gambling urges do not have to turn into gambling. You have done so well recently to stay gambling-free despite everything. People will understand if you wish to continue with your online recovery diary again to maintain your recovery.

Best Wishes,


Posted : 17th December 2024 10:39 am
Posts: 208

All the stuff you manage to cope with is amazing, and reaching out is strong. Follow through and get the help you need, you will get through all this, you always do. Many if not all would struggle with what you have to deal with but unlike you few would have the strength to reach out and get back on a good path. You can and will get through all this. Ps Strength isnt coping, strength is seeing where you may struggle and reaching out to understand how to deal with stuff better, you are truly strong.


Posted : 26th December 2024 10:21 am
Posts: 458
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So im disappointed to say, after my last post I started gambling again. My gamstop was up so rang them and removed myself then literally 24 hours later I was depositing and playing slots. I'm in a terrible place mentally and I wanted that escape, but all its done is make me worse. The constant worry I will get caught out, borrowing money to gamble, not sleeping, not eating, not being there for my kids, being anxious, depressed even more than I was, the panic attacks, the stress, its all pulled me down massively. I wasn't and arnt coping.

Something clicked on Thursday, I just woke up and thought I cannot carry on like this again, family always asking me why I'm skint, think of excuse after excuse to lie why I haven't got money. It got too much. I logged into my gamstop account, put my new email in, updated my phone number and address and then pressed the 5 years exclusion but sat there for one hour before having the courage to press submit. I was instantly banned from all accounts. The relief is unreal.. like a huge weights been lifted. 

So here I am, Saturday 18th January and haven't gambled since Thursday morning. I've got a long way to go, but I've taken the first step.

Stace x

Posted : 18th January 2025 1:27 pm
Posts: 636

@stace Well done Stace. You have most definitely done the right thing. I l removed my Gamstop a year December gone, went straight back to gambling for 3 months. Yes, I had lots of wins but we all know on here how it always end up - IN EVEN MORE DEBT!👎. I took the plunge like you and signed back up in March last year and have not gambled since and the changes this has brought to my daily life is nothing but beneficial 👌.

With the help and support on here, continuing to write in your diary and visiting the live chats again, this will really help. You have got this Stace!💪🙏.

Wishing you all the very best.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 19th January 2025 10:19 am
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