New me started 5th June 2020

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It's good that you're looking out for the GA rooms. All I can say at the moment is that the majority of rooms are still waiting to hear when they'll be allowed back into their rooms(from the room holders, ie a church or Quakers hall) and what numbers are going to be allowed in because of social distancing.

If I hear anything before it's published I'll post on here.

Roughly where abouts in the country are you? For your anonymity I don't need the exact town, just a ballpark city and I'll find out for you.


Posted : 12th July 2020 9:55 pm
Posts: 1013
Topic starter

Newport South wales. Thank you chris

Posted : 12th July 2020 9:58 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya Charlieboy 

Hope your okay and sleeping like any normal person, I've had a bad night as just been having my ptsd nightmares and for some reason tonight everytime I closed my eyes it was there again so decided on no sleep tonight, when I'm like this its usually a sign off stress. I'm getting really annoyed lately as I'm sick and tired of speaking over the phone just want to see my doc face to face it's all just messed up at the moment as I was meant to do an online zoom cbt group but for 2 weeks I couldn't get on to the group it's got to be down to this Samsung tablet I use, but as I was stressed the nhs gambling harm worker has put me onto a new group starting on the 15th off this month so will have to get something sorted by then. I also think I've got far to much help going on at the one time and don't think its all working together but will get that sorted. Well just wanted to say good morning and have a great day as you deserve it another day gamble free really well done and always remember how far you've came and keep up the good work 

Posted : 13th July 2020 6:18 am
Posts: 1013
Topic starter

Hi kev just had my 5th phone appt and although I am finding it very helpful, I agree there is no better way than face to face. Apparently GA meeting are starting up again and when my local one starts I'm going, have you ever gone or considered going , is it even something that you would be able to do with your mental health issues? I seem to remember you saying that you have problems going out? Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway keep on going m8 in whatever way is helpful for you. Take care speak soon

Posted : 13th July 2020 10:23 am
Posts: 414

Hiya Charlieboy 

I've never been to a meeting as you say I don't do well with crowds to be honest I don't go out much just to see my doc once a week when things get back to normal and that's his first appointment at 7am every Wednesday so as I'm not surrounded as sometimes that set's off my ptsd. Just one off those things but I also have strong tablets just in case I need to go somewhere. Enough about me I think you've got to try it to see what it's like it maybe for you or maybe not, but anything is worth a go

Posted : 13th July 2020 11:23 am
Posts: 414

Morning Charlieboy 

Hope your having a good start to the day and you've got a wonderful day ahead of you gamble free. Well it's another day in the life off an addict and isn't it amazing hou many new people join this site everyday looking for someone who can understand what there going through. I can't believe the amount of people who actually have a gambling addiction. It's so sad when it's someone who's young I just pray they kick the habits as don't want to see anyone go through there life with this level of pain and destruction. Hope your doing well keep up the good work 

Posted : 14th July 2020 6:35 am
Posts: 1013
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Hi diary day 42 doing good. Only v occasional thoughts about gambling which I'm v glad about and surprised because I literally gambled every day, mainly at night if I think about it when I'm sat on my own but only fleeting thoughts . Keeping busy had to take my son for his county cricket kit first game next week and on the way home went past the barbers shop he likes and it was open and no queue so haircut as well !! Nothing I likemore than indulging my  son and feels good to have money to do it I would have been stressed before as I would have gambled the money. If I had a win I used to sort out stuff quickly before I gambled again. Shameful , embarrassing but just like the loses I have to put it behind me move forward and enjoy the lovely moment like today without stressing. 

Posted : 15th July 2020 12:21 pm
Posts: 328

Well done, 6 weeks! I'm still here 8 days behind you, been feeling down for a couple of days but on the up again now. Like you say, keeping busy is the best thing, been for nice walk this morning and got 3rd counselling call later. Onwards and upwards??

Posted : 15th July 2020 1:52 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya Charlieboy 

Hope YOU got our the cricket stuff needed for your son, just don't tell me the price as don't want to fall off my seat. No wonder your so proud off him he really sounds like a good one, when you think off the mistakes you've made in life just remember the good you've also done and one of them is the way you've brought your son up. Well done and hope you had a nice shopping trip.

Posted : 15th July 2020 1:59 pm
Posts: 1013
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Hi diary day 44 today!! All good life is trotting along. I'm super thankful for each day without gambling. I no longer break out in a sweat when the post comes, phone rings, husband checks accounts etc and I'm not lying (most of the time !) Cheating ,deceiving all this to me is priceless . Long may life carry on this way. Relationship with my husband is pretty much the same but as me I'm happier !more settled things are not bothering me as much

Posted : 17th July 2020 4:07 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya Charlieboy 

Sorry not been in touch as not been too good lately. But I'm not 100% today but I thought I would let you know I'm okay so as you don't worry.  Still not gambling same as yourself so that's a big plus for both off us. I'm also glad you had a good day shopping with your son as I think you needed that. I've got an appointment with my sychiatrist next week over the internet think I'm going to change my medication as been on them 5yrs and think my body is getting used to them. Well if I feel okay in abit I will catch up with you, wishing you well my friend 


Posted : 18th July 2020 12:48 pm
Posts: 1013
Topic starter

That's ok kev don't ever feel pressured into long posts. But we have formed a friendship and with that I feel a need to know that u are ok? Glad you are speaking to psychiatrist soon as recently you have been really up and down. Are u able to say exactly how you feel? Hope so then maybe can find something to help you are right over time your body becomes used to medications it's happened to me with my meds for anxiety/depression a change got me feeling a lot better. So take care and let me know when you feel able how you are feeling. I'm here for you .

Posted : 18th July 2020 1:35 pm
Posts: 414

Thanks Charlieboy 

I go like this now and again but as I've got the sychiatrist I write everything down that's happened over the last few weeks and go from there as I forget a lot due to the Ptsd. My moods up and down like a yoyo plus I know myself when I'm not right, I just hate all these meetings over the internet. Yet you've got to go with what they can give you at the moment. I'm not to bad today so that's a plus just need to try and get this sleep under control and that's one of the most important things with your mental health I've learned that over the years,  you take care and thanks for your concern 

Posted : 18th July 2020 2:43 pm
Posts: 414

Afternoon Charlieboy 

Hope your doing okay today another day none of the gambling evils surround us what a brighter future we have ahead of us, plus always be proud off what you've achieved as it would be so easy to slip down that slope again but we're here and ridding the gamble free train keep up the good work 

Posted : 19th July 2020 1:00 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya Charlieboy 

How are you today my friend,  I hope all is well, I'm feeling not to bad today , better than I  have done for a little while. So just thought I'd let you know so you don't worry. Well that's another day with no gambling for us , just one day at a time we're getting there.

Posted : 20th July 2020 12:14 pm
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