New Year New Me!

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A very fitting title. I've been gambling now for 2 years probably realised things were getting out of hand around a year ago. The usual stakes getting higher, chasing losses, winning big and thinking everything would be okay, when i probably hadn't even broken even. The saying "We can't win because we can't stop" is so so true. I sit here on New Years Eve typing this out, all my mates will be out enjoying themselves and i am stuck inside on this day, a harsh lesson but one that will hopefully stick in my head whenever i have gambling urges! I have just turned 20 and i am living a double life. Gambling has turned me into so many things selfish and unhappy springs to mind. I just want to be normal again, living my life as i should. I have a good apprenticeship earn a decent wage and come the midway through every month if that, i have nothing at all to show for it! So far i have self excluded from every betting account i have for the maximum 5 years and closed accounts where possible. Nobody knows about this addiction i'm not sure how beenficial it would be to tell my parents, that is something i will decide on in the next few days, i don't want to ruin there new year. Looking ahead i don't get paid until the end of January so have very limited funds so gambling this month should not even enter my head. I will be starting to go to the gym tommorow and go on long walks and runs as i feel more vulnerable to gambling when i have a lot of free time, which over this christmas period i have had plenty hence me losing an awful lot of money and leading to this real sad state of affairs. Thank you to anybody who reads/responds to this, i will keep this updated daily maybe even more if i feel that way.


Posted : 31st December 2017 6:32 pm
Posts: 506

Hi Yorkshirelad

Really glad to hear you are putting the blocks in place to rid yourself of this evil drain on your life. You are young and have every opportunity to turn this around and not let gambling wreck your life - you just need to make the right decision today and decide you are never going to gamble again.

re not telling your parents I understand your desire not to upset them and that is commendable but I am sure however shocked they may be initially, once that shock has worn off, they will just want to help and support you in fighting this. Give it some thought but I really would advise telling them as dealing with this on your own is going to be a lot harder.

Good luck and keep posting. Remember you are not on your own.

Posted : 31st December 2017 7:22 pm
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Muststop123 wrote:

Hi Yorkshirelad

Really glad to hear you are putting the blocks in place to rid yourself of this evil drain on your life. You are young and have every opportunity to turn this around and not let gambling wreck your life - you just need to make the right decision today and decide you are never going to gamble again.

re not telling your parents I understand your desire not to upset them and that is commendable but I am sure however shocked they may be initially, once that shock has worn off, they will just want to help and support you in fighting this. Give it some thought but I really would advise telling them as dealing with this on your own is going to be a lot harder.

Good luck and keep posting. Remember you are not on your own.

Hi Muststop123 thank you for the kind words, i am hoping to look back on this day in a few months as the start of the rest of my life. I appreciate the words about telling my parents, i'm not sure exactly what i am going to do, i feel like i should as i know in the end they will be supportive and will be a huge weight off my shoulders it's just plucking up the courage.

Posted : 31st December 2017 7:44 pm
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1st January. Day 1. Had a few urges today with there being so much football on,but all the blocks are in place so that's a positive start. Still riddled with guilt and disappointment that's my biggest concern at the moment. With time it'll become easier. Got to take it a day at a time i suppose. At least i haven't wasted a day gambling. Back to work tomorrow should provide a well needed distraction getting into a routine.

Posted : 1st January 2018 5:37 pm
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Hi fellow Yorkshireman! In a lot of ways I’m envious of you ... you still have your whole life ahead of you and it’s great that you’ve recognised you have a problem. Only advice would be tell someone otherwise the temptation will be there again come pay day. If you have a look at my diary you can see how it can end up with huge losses but even then it’s not the end of the world. Forget about the losses, just take them as an investment in your future which will be so much better without gambling. Cheers. Richard

Posted : 1st January 2018 6:34 pm
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RSmith39 wrote:

Hi fellow Yorkshireman! In a lot of ways I’m envious of you ... you still have your whole life ahead of you and it’s great that you’ve recognised you have a problem. Only advice would be tell someone otherwise the temptation will be there again come pay day. If you have a look at my diary you can see how it can end up with huge losses but even then it’s not the end of the world. Forget about the losses, just take them as an investment in your future which will be so much better without gambling. Cheers. Richard

Hi I've left a brief note on your diary thank you for the kind words. I am currently toying with the idea of telling my family although they would be furious in the end i know how supportive they would be. Yep the losses have gone I've accepted that in a way, i just want to live a relatively normal life which doesn't involve being glued to my phone betting on things i have no clue about. On reflection I gambled to try make more money through greed really and I've ended up with much less tough lesson but one that will stick in my head

Posted : 1st January 2018 7:29 pm
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Day 2 done and dusted. On reflection quite a tough day, the devil testing me twice. Firstly few standing orders/direct debits came out left me really short this month going to struggle as it is...natural reaction first thing i thought was lets gamble my way out of this. Luckily i quashed that urge very very quickly as i realized the only way to naturally stop thinking like this was to not give in. Secondly this afternoon i got a call from a normal looking number answered it, if was an automated message from a betting site saying deposit and get a free bet blah blah blah. I put the phone down then 10 seconds later a text from the same bookies, i opted out of there marketing texts and self excluded...i forgot to self exclude because i made the account ages ago and never deposited. Anyhow apart from them two incidents its been a good day, very productive at work when usually id be on my phone checking random scores all day and sweating but the only sweating today was done in the gym to blow off the new years cobwebs, now just settling down going to watch some only fools and horses on Netflix!

A day gambled is a day wasted.

Posted : 2nd January 2018 7:56 pm
Posts: 574

Hello YorkshireLad, good to hear from you. Just keep at it a day at a time. Some days sure are tougher than others but we just gotta ride it out for a while. The result is worth the effort.

Will keep up with your diary, all the best mate.

Posted : 2nd January 2018 8:12 pm
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sjwsjw wrote:

Hello YorkshireLad, good to hear from you. Just keep at it a day at a time. Some days sure are tougher than others but we just gotta ride it out for a while. The result is worth the effort.

Will keep up with your diary, all the best mate.

Hi, firstly congratulations on 98 days so close to 100days such a massive achievement which gives me hope and joy. Yes i am trying to approach the problem with taking one day at a time, which will hopefully work and before i know it i will be able to rack up the days. All the best ill make sure to check into your diary too.

Posted : 2nd January 2018 8:43 pm
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Day 3 done, no gambling urges, starting to feel slightly better within myself but realise that it will take time. I was listening to Man in the mirror today by Michael Jackson and the lyrics seemed to sum up my situation perfectly. The chorus of looking in the mirror making a change and making the world a better place is exactly what i want to achieve on this adventure.

Posted : 3rd January 2018 8:39 pm
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Day 4 done, productive day at work no urges. Just got home from first session of pre season for rugby blew some cobwebs off too tired to do anything else so straight to bed for me.

Posted : 4th January 2018 9:10 pm
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Day 5 done no urges. But tough weekend in store with the football, will keep myself busy.

Posted : 5th January 2018 9:09 pm
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Day 6 completed. So many urges today due to a stressful day, managed to fight them went on a long walk and that was that they had gone. My toughest day since i started but I've come through it. So that's a positive.

Posted : 6th January 2018 8:01 pm
Posts: 0

Well done. Saturdays hardest for me too with all racing and sport on, so always happy when I get through to evening. Always going to get urges, just be proud you beat them. Rich

Posted : 6th January 2018 8:07 pm
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RSmith39 wrote:

Well done. Saturdays hardest for me too with all racing and sport on, so always happy when I get through to evening. Always going to get urges, just be proud you beat them. Rich

Thanks Rich was a tough day. But fought the urges and we go again. Day 7 done no urges today had a quiet chilled day and didn't think of gambling once which is great!

Posted : 7th January 2018 7:07 pm
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