no win situation

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Nice work Jeff... That a good way to enjoy normal life-"getting paid for not gambling".

Yes i did a recent 5month effort and it was like a different life saving money to buy what ever i pleased.

Keep up the good work.


Posted : 20th November 2009 8:22 am
Posts: 0
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Hi all

I had another dream last night that i went to chester races and bet.It was very realistic , i woke up feeling really P***** off with myself.It just goes to show we can never escape the thoughts of gambling ,i must have been thinking about it subconcoiusly.Anyway it wont get me hooked again because even if it was a dream it had no happy ending. The usual happened and i lost lol.

No real urges though this week and still getting my rewards for staying strong.

Im staying in tonight for a change ,because im going to do the all dayer tomorrow.Liverpool v city at 1-45 then stay out all day and celebrate citys win (hmmm im more hoping than confident,but should be a good game.

Stay strong all Jeff.

Posted : 20th November 2009 6:33 pm
Posts: 175

hi Jeff

The match is 12.45 kick off...hope you didnt miss the 1st half, and well if you did u misssed f**k all! Seriously tho buddy, you are doing great, not many come on here for the 1st time and dont have at least one slip up..arggg ive had about 10 in the year ive been on here! so hats off to you, not many "normal" people would give you credit for giving up gambling...but us CG just know how hard it really is. keep up the amazing work! ooops 1-0 as i write this..sorry!


Posted : 21st November 2009 2:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Almost 7 weeks gamble free now,but feels longer.As time goes on i am getting less urges.Spending more time with my family definately helps me.

Im carrying on doing the same old things as i did except of course the gambling,which leaves a big hole to be filled.

I now spend this time with my family. I know they are happy with me stopping.Thanks for your posts guys All the best Jeff.

Posted : 22nd November 2009 11:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Great work on the 7 weeks, it's no picnic, but it does get easier. Chuffed to bits that your family have you back, there is more to life than chucking all your money away for no reason.

Keep it up kid,


Posted : 22nd November 2009 1:20 pm
Posts: 84

Hi Jeff

Thanks for the support on my diary its much appreciated.

Yep much more family oriantated now, I can t believe how much time I spent planning and then gambling , its this aspect that I never realised the effects were having on my family.I was so selfish and if i m honest lonely, hope the weekend went well and speake soon Dino

Posted : 23rd November 2009 4:11 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Ive been thinking today about this addiction we all share.Most people would say the 4 main addictions are smoking, drinking , drugs and gambling.Well if smokers, drinkers and drug addicts feel STRESSED then a lot of them turn to their addiction supposedly to make them feel better if only even temporarily.

I gambled mainly for enjoyment and of course to win but what did i get STRESS.

Ours is a complicated addiction working the opposite way to the other main 3 no wonder the only people who understand it is ourselves the compulsive gamblers.

Posted : 24th November 2009 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Jeff,

Interesting last post. I can think of at least a couple of others to add to your list of 4 but won't name them for fear of incriminating myself lol. I think all addictions are destructive, to a degree depending on the individual and the level of indulgence and gambling is up there with all of them in its ability to destruct. Good to see you thinking like this though cause it shows a continued desire to abstain.

All the best,


Posted : 25th November 2009 5:09 pm
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Coming up towards 8 weeks now,and i have to say for me as time goes by it seems to get easier.I am probably doing things different than most although i have read that some people are going the same way.

Igive myself a target which is christmas. Once i get to christmas i will have reaped the benefits of non gambling. My next target will be an easter holiday.I will then think of another target.It seems to be working for me ,although again i know a lot of people only look to the next day.We all want the same thing.I believe i have got through 8 weeks,only because ive had help from all of you who have posted on my diary so many thanks to you all.

Posted : 26th November 2009 7:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Jeff,

We've talked about this before but we really do seem to have a similar approach to conquering this, because I too need to set myself little targets in order to keep on track. Not for everyone as you say but hey if its working then carry on.

All the best mate.


Posted : 27th November 2009 4:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Well done on 8 weeks!

I use the same approach as you, only perhaps smaller targets, First was a day then a week, then between two pay days (a whole pay packet nothing wasted), then 50 days and now I am aiming for 100 days (10 to go) and the next will be Christmas.

The most important thing is to keep on going, however we do it.

Well Done.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 28th November 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 0
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Ive been having urges for the last couple of days ,real strong urges .

I want to walk into the bookies and drag everyone out, tell them not to gamble and explain to them the grass is greener on the otherside.There is life after gambling and its a whole lot better.Ive only been gamble free for 8 weeks but i feel a whole lot better. So anyone who is just starting their recovery stick with it .You will feel a lot better in just a few weeks.Ihope everyone stays gamblefree stay strong all Jeff.

Posted : 28th November 2009 2:48 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Keep it going Jeff. I'm keeping a close eye on your diary as i'm hoping to do as well as you are.

Shame about Man City dropping points against Hull. I know all about that however given that my boys were 3-0 down after 30 minutes at Hull the other night!

Keep up the good work Jeff.

Posted : 28th November 2009 4:59 pm
Posts: 0


Thanks for posting on my diary.

Just had a read through yours, and fair play to you for getting to 8 weeks. Well done.

You do what you feel works for you, which may not be the same as the next guy, but if its working who's to knock it?

Keep the kids in mind, keep thinking about christmas, thats what I try and do. The family is a blessing, and loved you to bits when you were in the grips of gambling, so imagine how they feel now!

Top man. Walk tall.

Posted : 30th November 2009 11:01 am
Posts: 69

hi, Jeff,

Appreciate your thoughts m8..and congrats on getting to 8 weeks that is excellent..I hope I can do it too...i can understand what you say about going into the bookies and telling everyone to stop and just leave the shop as we all no it is like an addiction house where we all go to get our fix... honestly Jeff I think if only the govt banned those shops and there were not so many in the hight st it would save a lot of peoples lives... when we manage to stop for a period of time it is like we can see the light and appreciate normal life as opposed to a life of stress derived from gambling..keep strong Jeff !!!!

Posted : 30th November 2009 12:23 pm
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