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 A 9
Posts: 504

What is it with “Old people “ not being able to find things ? ?‍♂️ I was talking about myself there loxxie before you have a pop ?. This new set up does take a bit of getting used too but your right change is good unless you’re me of course ?.                                     Anyway I’m glad your doing well and that you’ve no time in your life to worry about the big G anymore ?.                                     Talk to you soon Hun and love to you and yours ?

Posted : 24th April 2019 12:12 pm
 A 9
Posts: 504

? , we must have just posted together there love . I liked the use of the ? emoji ? , I couldn’t see one for a pub though  but there’s these ???? nuff said ?‍♂️ ?. Talk to you soon ?

Posted : 24th April 2019 12:21 pm
Posts: 28

Hi, Loxxie, huge congratulations to you,oh i really wish i had your willpower  i would be where you are now 🙁 we both joined the same time i had to rejoin as had problems signing in, i been lurking on and off the last couple of years, I was doing so well 2 years ago most i went was 6 months and now since the last year its on/off again.

I am now back to square one but this time i have signed up to gamstop but need to send documents. I am so pleased your doing well x

Ps not sure if I am liking this new site :/


Posted : 26th April 2019 8:17 am
 A 9
Posts: 504

Sorry Loxxie , still not mastered this thing and my post to you is on mine ?????     xxxxx

Posted : 26th April 2019 2:05 pm
Posts: 2

This thread is brilliant. Living proof that things do get considerably better in the future with hardwork and support

Well done on turning your life around.

My turn now!

Posted : 29th April 2019 4:07 am
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Sooooo next month it will be 4 years ago that I arrived here ....broken...scared...embarrassed. ..ashamed. ..and feeling sooo alone.......I've not been on here for months. reason other than life's just to busy with normal things. .....and only came on now to check time of being gamble free.....couldn't remember if it was approaching 3 or 4 years....just can't imagine being back in the nightmare of active addiction. those on here who dont know me....I wish you well in you're really can be done. .....but it wont be perfect over night...lay some good foundations so you can't gamble.....and take one day at a can do it .

To those who've been around since my early days.....I hope life's treating you well.....that your still gamble free....or you're loved ones are.....

I really wouldn't have got to the place im at now without you all......the 24/7 support from people who know how you feel is  amazing...

And ......if he's still floating around special friend ....Alan...Mr fish. .damp cod....whatever he's now called...a special thanks for always listening...'s nearly Christmas. ...a time of year that freaked me out when playing those online slots. ......always trying to win the perfect Xmas.....never happened....

This year and the last couple have been hassle....Christmas  paid for and organised without an online slot machine insight.....

Sending hugs to anyone who may need one....


Posted : 4th December 2019 8:49 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Loxxie,

Lovely post as always and so nice to see you popping in again. 4 years is a fab achievement so sending hugs for this.

As for the rest of the gang - they pop in now and then. 

Wishing you and yours all the best. Now get out of my pub!!!!!!

Hugs x

Posted : 4th December 2019 10:28 pm
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Had to pop on here to see how long ive been free from the dreadfull feelings and absolute despair my online slot addiction left me with.....the constant urge to play....the constant peter to paul money juggling....the burden of such a dirty secret i kept from loved ones....the self hate...the shame...the lies....the debts....the fear of the postman....the dread when the phone rang....the list went on and on.....

Until i found the strength to face my addiction head on.....that first call to here....listening to advice and accepting counselling.....the guys on the from my family even when my addiction had convinced me that they would disown me....all of that support was totally amazing and i couldnt have got past those early months or even days without it....but get through it i did... hour by by day...week by week...month by month...year by year...

And the 6th year is fast approaching i couldn't be happier....feel soooo calm...and just enjoying normal daily to deal with lifes downs and problems as and when they come....without running to an online slot  machine thinking they would be the answer .....knowing now....they were what was causing all my problems.....

Soooo.....if yr just starting the journey of a gamble free life......just keep on keeping help.....i promise you its worth the fight.....youre worth the fight...


Posted : 11th January 2022 7:38 pm
Posts: 1831
Topic starter

Just over 7 years gamble free.... how lifes changed...ive got everything i ever wanted....and what i thought online slots would give me....a normal in the bank...a property and a buisness...a loving family who once again respect me...they always loved me...and luckily supported me through my fight with addiction...sat here at peace with myself enjoying the sunshine its good to look back at that terrible dark days when online slots imprisoned me in a world when only spinning the reels mattered....literally nothing else did...jeez those early days in recovery where soooo hard....hour by hour at first...then slowly i could see the old me coming back to life....i simply would have not got here without this place...and the guys i formed great bounds with....i hope you are all doing well....tried to find a few of you but new set up on here left me anybody in the claws of online slot addiction take a read of my diary..hopefully it may strike a cord..and remember to only look back to see how far youve come...xx

Posted : 15th August 2023 2:57 pm
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