Thanks Carl, and I am pleased to read you are feeling a lot better today,
Onwards and forwards and as Ade 2 says if you do look back don't stare, lol.
Take care
Suzanne xxx
Thanks Suzanne
Day 2
Great session with heather (councilor) today, ironed a few things out that might of helped let my guard down, 1 thing I have leaned about recovery is that it's a journey and all is not lost if you do have a slip up, Iv gathered myself together today, and put myself back into the place I was when I 1st joined this site at the beginning of January.... I done 54 days without gambling of that I am proud, and of which gives me another building block of hope, knowledge and experience which I never had at the beginning of January, thanks to all for the never ending support, I really appreciate it
Day 3
No gambling or thoughts, feel like I'm well and truly back on the bus now!! Been putting the hours in work to try and claw some money back.... All in all a great day.
Well done on day 3 mate and for getting back on track. Thanks for the post on my diary good to have you back on here mate hope you have a good weekend.
Day 4
Well my first weekend back on the bus has passed without gambling, didn't feel an urge at all, all weekend.... Brilliant day today for Mother's Day, beach with the dog in the mornin then on to the fambos for a roast dinner.... Hope everybody has had a great stressless day with there family's
Day 6
A few days off work the last couple of days... Still no gambling or strong urges.... Back to work tmoz, keeping strong and staying focused!!
Keep going Carl, you are doing sooo well.
Stay strong, determined and focused and keep winning.
Suzanne xx
Thanks Suzanne.
Hope you enjoyed your days off mate hope works kind to you when you get back to it.
Keep strong pal
Thanks Dave I will start dropping by a lot more now as I have acquired a mobile phone with Internet!!!
Day 7
Just out working driving around thinking about everything that has happend this year already... It frustrates the hell out of me when I think about my relapse, I know I need to let it go to move forward, but it plays on my mind all the time... It won't get me again this time, I mean it, I have come so far in a small space of time to let this piece of $hit ruin me.... I'm a good person, and 'that' turns me into a bad 1... And I don't want to go back to that place!
While I'm sat here at the side of the road waiting for a job, I wana ask you folk about what you all think of 'self exclusion' because personally I think its a load of rubbish.... I'm barred from numerous betting shops, any way when I had my relapse I bet in a shop I was excluded from on my bank card... Now I know that the responsibility lies with me ultimately, but for gods sake 1500 in 35 mins betting with a bank card that's got the same name as somebody who is in ur self exclusion register... It's a useless system that should be looked at by the government!!
Sorry for the rant hope everybody is good and staying gamble free
8 days today Carl, they are building up again.
Stay strong and determined and keep moving forwards
Suzanne xx
Hi have been reading through diaries and thought I would sayyou give me motivation I am only on day 2 and in the past had a previous diary which I stopped gambling for a little while then stopped posting which may have contributed to me gambling again.
My plan is to stay close to my diary and this site to keep me focused. When I let my guard down and say just 20 quid win or lose online but it never work's like that just have to stay away completely.
I wish you the best and stay strong.
Carl please report the shop you went into to the gambling commission. Self exclusions will as you say be pretty useless until the shops start getting serious fines for allowing people to continue after exclusion.7 years these rules have been in place & not 1 shop has been prosecuted yet for failing to honour their responsibilities
Couldn't agree more with Dan, you can bet your bottom dollar if you had had a win they wouldn't have paid you out! Report them, this is unacceptable!
Keep fighting - ODAAT
Hi all thanks for your replies, sorry only just getting back now, had a problem with the charger to my phone!!!
How do I complain to the gambling commission? Because I will do straight away!!
Day 10 (soccersat)
back into double figures today and it's the 1st time I've woke up with gambling playing on my mind!! But staying strong it ain't gonna beat me!! I always get a bit shaky when Saturday comes around, it's definitely one of my danger times, it's my Nan's birthday today so the family is getting together to celebrate!
Hope everyone has a nice gamble free day.... Carl
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