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Wish you the best for next year, Digglesnan. I think you are on to something there when you mentioned contentment and smiling at the little things. I'll remember that for myself too. 🙂


Posted : 31st December 2013 6:24 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for posts .just been reading sandra1 posts and to be honest want to say please stay you are my rock but then I thought we are all on a journey that takes us on our own path so good for you and take your time and enjoy what ever you do .

Posted : 2nd January 2014 10:00 am
Posts: 7071

Dear digglesnan,

One of the key things in this recovery darling, is look after no 1. Which is yourself. You start your journey for yourself and the rest does fall back into places.

I have been here for a good while, and not just gonna dissapear in a thick air, my soul rooted to these great people on here and i will sure be here with all of you with my heart.

Headspace is very important too, i step over limits with myself and trully need to look into it more seriously. I am fully aware of the slips which can be more possible with me pulling away. Read too many stories on this case, and my guard staying up. It is down to me to make a choice, i know i am not on my own. I been blessed to get all the advice and support here.

Not much sense hey?? God, my head a bit all over the place, but that's the start to start sorting things out and get rid of harmfull stuff. 🙂

Many "rocks" on this site hun, i'm just a little stone in the sea. Use this forum and take all the advice in. I am close by, if not in body and on white and black in my diary, i am here with my soul. ( i mean still reading lol...don't think i'm topping myself of 😀 )

All the best for 2014

Make it your year

Your loved ones year

Keep knitting, reading and most important - smiling!!....yea, that's my girl, wider smile would help more :-))))))) ( thank you!! )

Hugs hun

Sandra xx New Year resolution - no more tears, many more smiles and honest laughs 😉

Posted : 2nd January 2014 5:57 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey digglesnan,

How are you doing these days? Hope new start this year brought more determination and belief with yourself 🙂

Drop a line....moody Sandra still here checking on my soldiers 🙂

Hugs hun


Posted : 8th January 2014 2:39 am
Posts: 7071

Hi digglesnan,

Hope all is ok with you...I assume you don't like posting too much, but just would like you to put at least one word...I am ok, keeping calm and safe :-))

Look after yourself and keep knitting....or doing anything what helps you to stay calm and g free 🙂

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 13th January 2014 7:56 pm
Posts: 0
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Failed again really can t believe I can t get past the hurt again I m crying why argued with husband but nothing new there or maybe there is he says I won t go out with him but to be honest for years he didn t want me to go out with him he was to busy playing football and socialising with football boys while I looked after kids .put blocks on to stop gambling but found ways around that so now blocked messages so can t retrieve password .I m just self pitying I suppose can t get past that no matter what I always take the blame and that is wrong I never say hang on I DIDN T OR YOU SHOULDN T HAVE BUT OK YOUR RIGHT .I m still the ten year old girl who s father kept banging her head on a wall and being told to write and say sorry and I love you my mother always put my dad first. not I didn t deserve that and you shouldn t have hurt me like that . apparently he never did anything like that again to anyone.My mother was no angel either she once kept smacking me because my alcholic father left the house and she told me not to let him out I was 9 then but apparently I didn t have a bad life as they did there best and that s all they could do but thats the thing they didn t they always put themselves first something I don t do maybe instead of being selfish and self absorved with gambling I should think I could go out for a walk or catch a bus to cinema .I couldn t tell my parents how I feel as they have my dad s operation to remove a cancerous ucler in a few weeks and to be honest they wouldn t care .life goes on so here I go again 3 days without gambling

Posted : 20th January 2014 12:00 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi digglesnan,

Darling, I'm afraid we all having to carry a rucksack of the past with us. Some of it is heavier than others. I understand that past is still playing a big part in your life at present. Some of things our brains refuses to let go.

As hard as it can be, we have to move on with our lives. Place all the pain and hurt in a back of your head, I know it will not go away, but you can control it by concentrating on now and today. Always remember, it's not child's fault for grownups mistakes.

Try and leave past behing, you have such a wonderful life ahead. You might choose not to see it, but if you try to leave the past behind, it will become easier to move on.

Gambling is not gonna solve the issue out. It just adds to the problem and confusion. No money can replace such sad memories or struggles you might be facing now. You need to find peace within yourself. Take a deep breath, look around, you have lovely family and I suppose many caring friends. Don't let the dark cloud to cover your daily life.

You are great and strong lady. You can do it. Look inside your heart and let that little girl to find a comfort and peace at last. She don't have to be scared, she is safe. Let her see through your eyes, there are better life out there for you both. Get hold of it and hold it tight close by ur hearts.

Be kind to yourself darling, keep putting everything down, you are not on your own, and surely will be heard and uderstood here.

Take it day at a time, I know you can get over all the struggles. Peace to you (((((((( digglesnan )))))))

Sandra x

Posted : 20th January 2014 4:24 pm
Posts: 357

Very honest post, DN. I think a lot of problem gamblers share a lot in common when talking of the past and what events made them who they are. Some bad events during our youth have a tendency to linger around around and haunt us and create trouble later on.

I had a reasonably happy childhood, but that changed in my early teens when my parents got divorced and then I had a drunken stepdad to contend with. A lot happened in quite a short space of time to me back then. In a sense, I would have been a very different person had things happened differently, but on the other hand I'm content with myself as I am and try to be stoical when life doesn't always go well. As a result of own alcoholic stepdad (a violent wife-beater who was jailed twice) whom I later forgave when he was dying of cancer, I'm tee-total.

The experience was tough then, but made me stronger I like to believe. I can't compare my experience to yours really, as what you went through sounds awful. I was beaten a few times my dad, the old slipper treatment, but nothing more. Alcoholism is an addiction too though, we should remember. You dad was ill, as was my stepdad.

Gambling like any other addiction is escape from something. You mind might not be a good place right now, but you've come back here to carry on with giving your gambling problem the elbow. Well done.

It's probably helped also to share what's bothering you. In the long run, getting these things out lessens the burden on your mind and helps with recovery. Your honesty and openness here is commendable. I think a lot of us just bottle these thoughts of our previous years up, which isn't entirely healthy.

Keep on with recovery, Digglesnan.

Posted : 20th January 2014 4:25 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for posts I really have no excuses for my gambling but to be zoned somewhere that I feel is just mine the fact that millions of others fall into this trap too for all different reasons. But I know that its not who I want to be so lets stay on the happier side of life and not allow any trigger to let the devil of gambling back in so here s to achieving our goal one step at a time

Posted : 22nd January 2014 7:34 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey digglwsnan,

Sooo goooood to see you back :-))))

Even more happier to see you coming back with fighting spirit!!! Keep it up, don't be too hard on yourself, take it slowly and steady day at a time and enjoy all food things in your life.

Of course some triggers will try to cross your path, but you are stronger and better person, and will not give in. You are never on your own, come along, chat, laugh, think,put it all down..

Shared problem is half problem, shared joy is double joy!!!!!

All the best soldier

Speak soon

Day at a time

(((((( digglesnan )))))

S x

Posted : 23rd January 2014 4:44 pm
Posts: 0

Me too diggles? Don't know why I slipped up. Totally selfish. Last night looked at my husband and thought wow if you knew! He would go ape! We are both better off here posting rather than gambling. My slip up has cost me more than money. I feel as though I have cheated myself and I feel so ashamed. All I can do is start over from now and count every day I don't gamble as a good day for me and my family.

Posted : 24th January 2014 10:03 am
Posts: 7071

Hey there,

How are you darling? hope all is good with you..miss ur posts and calmness it brings to the forum.

Be kind to urself

Sandra x

Posted : 31st January 2014 6:30 pm
Posts: 357

Hope you come back at some point, DN. Wish you the best.


Posted : 3rd February 2014 6:01 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi DN,

Really hope you are ok and moving on in ur life with confident and calm pace.

Never forgotten, stay safe and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care and be kind to urself

S x

Posted : 5th March 2014 6:46 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey DN,

Dropping by to say you are never forgotten, and I really hope all is good in your life and you are finding the peace and harmony you so deserve.

Stay safe and strong

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 19th March 2014 7:17 pm
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