Hey Buddy,
Just a quick note to say I read your post from today and wanted to draw your attention to the last two lines!! I don't need to say much more really if you re-read those you can be safe in the knowledge that you have had a d**n good day and somewhere along the line encouraged those of us who read your diary with interest.
I'm not playing down the rest of the post as work is a big part of our daily life and when its cr** we can feel rubbish ive been there a bit myself lately, but today mate you did not gamble, what a thing to celebrate!!
Keep winning that fight!
Thanks for that Castle. You have taken up my mantle whilst I have been away. You are one strong man too. We have to support the weak as they are many. Turns out that we feed from it. It all helps. Sorry for my confused rambling but I get all philosophical at 5.30 am. I love to help just like you but sometimes don't forget to receive too.
Take care, IanB.
If I'm honest with work I wouldn't want it any other way yes it is so hard there's no such things as lunch or break I look at the clock and will it to go slow ,I probably do bout 45 hours a week on average but on a salaried contract of 39 hours a week , the frustration comes in where not everyone works like me and I can't be there every hour of every day , my daughter again I am so grateful for with taking her and picking her up from school it gives me a reason to go otherwise I would be there way much longer
My daughter been 8 it gives me bout 4 to 5 years to get where I really want to be which is in counselling it's gonna take time from financial point of view the courses are so expensive and with still working and lookin after my daughter but through not gambling now there is no rush to do things will just take it a day at a time and see where it takes me
I I av always worked hard but this last 6 months I av seen change in me a positive side a stronger desire to succeed , I guess both in life and work and that is simply through not gambling , the self belief and confidence gambling ripped from me destroying me for 26 years without even realising and I genuinely mean that for those years all the money I lost the emotions and belief it took away from me and it is only now I can truly see what that gambling demon did to me
Why would I want to ever go back ?
I really appreciate everyones posts they mean so much , looking back at my last post it was though I was weak and lookin for pity and in some replies thats what I got
Today I feel so strong and u can tell by my post I want the words to jump out of the page so when I look back on my journey to see how I recovered , I also know many others will read my diary and I can influence others so if I whinge and moan bout work and people feel sorry then they will start to feel how I feel hence if I post somethin positive the same effects will apply
So a lesson learned from my previous post no whinging and moaning yes work is hard but it sure beats the last 26 years of my life of gambling my hard earned money away and having my quality of life taken away from me
So no more on all fronts
Hi Castle, thank u 4 ur kind words and support on my diary. It means a lot right now:)
U r doing gr8 🙂
Stay strong!
Some post there Castle!
So good you are staying so strong and my hat goes off to you!
Your support is so good in helping me see i am taking the right steps (mostly)lol
Keep strong
Take Care
Been a busy day, really don't know I used to find the time to gamble but yet I did every day some days for hours , I cud never visualise living that life style again and I really wouldn't want to
Today is a good day see what tomorrow brings
Sometimes you steal my thoughts. I was thinking the exact same thing. Sometimes I could spend two hours in a bookies playing roulette. How did I manage this. How did I justify this time to my wife. I would have lied about where I was or what I was doing. When people first decide to quit gambling it is usually for financial reasons but there are many more benefits to be realised. Honesty being just one of them.
castle. I hope today is a good as yesterday and tomorrow is better fella. Great words. Duncs compulsive gambler no bet today.
cheers for answering i did not expect any replys
Hi Castle
Good to see you remaining so positive
Thanks as always for my post, it really does help 🙂
So for today i hope your day is as good as yesterday!
Take care
Lots on my mind today pulled a meeting at work today with my management team the plan is to av a talk air our views mainly from me then draw a line under it move on , then off to the pub for something to eat and drink , how well this goes I'm not sure things need to be said which is goin to be tough on some so in my head I am running through how what and when to say to try and keep it positive
Also in my head is all what's happened on this site over the last few days , I look at how I reacted which was at defence to charlotte and very hostile towards matty some others did the same some just supported charlotte , how charlotte conducted herself was a real credit to herself and can hold her head so high out of all this
Matty apologised and rightly so has what he said was well out of order but to be fair to him he did apologised and that take courage he didn't av to , in life we all make mistakes I know I av and feel I av been given a second chance to try and put things right that went so wrong
Matty and charlotte av made there peace and av moved on I think lessons av been learned all round myself included
So today is a new day whatever happens I know I will not av gambled
Just wanted to say totally agree with what you have just written! They have made their peace and I guess there are many people in our lives who are currently giving us a second chance so lets now forgive and forget and support this guy like we support all our other fellow fighters!
Really hope your day isn't too negative and you can come back tomorrow with positive news.
Remaining bet free is how you finished your post on our day at a time journey thats the number 1 priority. You are achieving that as well as any!!
Hiya Castle
Just popping into say hi and hope all is going well this weekend for ya 🙂
Del xo
Hi Castle
Hope your day is going well today. You are so right when you say that lessons have been learnt from what has happened over the last few days. It's good to be able to reflect on these things with a clear head and ensure we learn from them. I think we can all take something from your words.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
It's great to see that this unfortunate situation has now been resolved and even better to see that it only took a few days to do this.
We are all lovely people on here with fabulous personalities. It's just that gambling used to take those personalities away from us.
But not any more!
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