Hi Castle
Just wanted to say how brilliantly I think you are doing and that you shouldn't beat yourself up too much about your past. There's nothing we can do about that - it's done and dusted! You have learnt from it and you are doing a fantastic job of making amends. For that you should be very, very proud!
Your daughter is one lucky girl to have a dad like you!!
Have a great weekend!
Alls well today been off work , been to assembly at school for my daughter to see her face light up when she sees me there makes it all worth while , also had my first meeting as a parent governor which was interesting which was my reward lol for doin so much for the school which in my job we av to do work with schools and community , a vacancy came up and asked to fill the role
If honest it felt really good to be appreciated and be thought of for the position in view that my ex wife never did and gambling took my belief away and it came at the right time which I needed things to do to fill my time
No thoughts at all for gambling today so overall had a really chilled day
Hi Castle,
That is sooooooo good to see that you are at your daughters school filling a role you could not so as an active CG
I reckon she was well PROUD today that her daddy was there!
Be PROUD mate cause you should be !
Enough sorry castle just got home after a few so should leave it there!
Smiling Lucy
Off again today , ex is away so av my daughter today just off to ballet then after up to my mom and dads and hopefully sort out borrowing some money
Weather is awful but today is a new day and I'm gonna make it a great day
Brilliant castle, you sound so content and positive. Getting involved in school as well WOW, excellent. Keep going strong you're doing fantastic they way you've turned things around. Your daughter will never know the real effort you've put in but when you see the joy in her face and pride at things like assemblies it makes all those efforts worthwhile. Keep strong, be proud Steve.
So not funny castle lol lol
I did have chills running down my spine and then jumped on yours to see what I wrote lol
Thanks for post , now on my second beverage and just topping up so not good lol
Will post tomorrow
Have a great bet free weekend
Smiling merry Lucy 🙂
Back to work today after a couple of days off gettin my mind into positive thinking mode to face the many challenges ahead
Spoke to parents and they av said fine to lending me some money and without too many questions just that it will take a couple of weeks to sort , so should be able to sort my car situation out and hopefully get a week away with my daughter
So life is getting better after all the ups and downs can actually see that bit of light at the end of the tunnel , no doubt there will be more to come but it won't put that light out
You are now THERE for your daughter.
She will love you much more for this.
That's all we can hope for, keep it up!
Hey Buddy,
Short and sweet today but just wanted to say Brilliant! It was not the route you wanted to take ideally, but it was a route which was open and there will only be positive things done with that money.
Do not work too hard and stay focussed on the good times which lie ahead.
Can picture FP all giddy with excitment, a week of quality time, off on holiday with her dad.
Fair play to you for becoming involved with the school.
So many people talk the talk , but dont walk the walk.
You really are a top bloke, keep heading towards light, it gets brighter with every step.Till in the end you will need to wear sun glasses permanently.
Hugs to you both,
Dusty xxxxx
Hi Castle,
Thanks for your post , yes i'm very very happy 🙂
Great news about the monies and sorting that little break away for your daughter, how good do you feel ?
You really are showing us all just how good life can become if we remain bet free, thank you
Hope work is not too stressy for you today
Take Care
Smiling Lucy
A good productive day at work then picked my daughter up and spent time with her till her mom picked her up , thought then I would watch a film but came on here for a quick look for some motivation and a good 2 hours later still on
The strength it gives me never ceases to amaze me but does always leave that question that do I rely on this site too much ?
And I always come up with the same answer which is I'm not ready to find that out just yet
Another gamble free day I know tomorrow Monday is the day I stopped gambling but how long I honestly don't know I cud work it out from my diary start date but it was a bit
before that but the counting doesn't seem as important as it was before
All that matters is still one day at a time with a long term aim which is achievable
Nice work Castle. Counting for me is not important but having today being the best I can make it is paramount. As for leaving the site we are in no rush as we were dependant on gambling to function "normally" before, so whatever way we do it from here on in is incidental.
Take care
hi Castle... well done on your recovery.... glad to hear you had good sunday and hope monday will be great as well (me, personally, do not moan about mondays any longer - every day is fantastic if it s gamble free). All the best. Stay strong. K.
Hi Castle, thanks for ur post on my diary, it did my heart good to hear you say that you think my comments help. thanks so much for that , means a lot.
Your journey has been amazing, your diary was my early morning reading material this morning, a great inspiring read I must say.
You have come so far and I agree that every day is a battle of wills, but having the strength to stick to our guns and by helping one another along on this eternal road, we WILL and CAN do it. We each, Im sure, have our daily mantras, and I dunno about you but I find saying others as well as my own, (Im kinda daft that way) and I get added strength from them.
Heres wishing you a good gamble free day.
All the Best
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