reborn on the 4th July

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Morning Castle,

Nice day for a walk yesterday , sorry the knee was a bit sore though!

Laughing at the image of the pensioner swimming past lol lol

Budgets are a bit tight with this divorce lark but hey still more in the pot now we are not throwing it away 🙂

Hope you don't nod off too much today, i have a tendency to grin alot at meetings thinking of different things and i'm sure the people i work with think ' what is she grinning about! ' lol lol lol

Keep Strong and it's great still no thoughts of a bet!

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 29th May 2012 7:28 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle

I too am giggling at the pensioner swimming past you.. haha! Hopefully won't be too long before you're leaving them in your wake!

Oh and £30 month.. I'd say that was a bargain considering what destructive habits you could have spent that on.. and more!

Keep going Castle, you really are an inspiration!


Posted : 29th May 2012 11:10 am
Posts: 0

HI Castle

The pensioner bit made me laugh, im sure you will be lapping them in no time at all with a bit more practice or some jet propulsion lol.

Great to see no urges your doing so well and as always your posts are really inspiring and positive.

Keep at it castle.

Blondie day 36

Posted : 29th May 2012 10:58 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Castle,

Just a quick pop in to say thanks for my post !

Life is getting soooooooooo much better lol lol

Many ups and downs and still difficulties to sort by hey ho i'll get there, i sooooooooooo much want to continue being bet free!

I glad i can make you smile , your posts also put a great big grin on my face too.

Keep Strong

Take Care

Soooooo Smiling Lucy lol lol

Posted : 30th May 2012 7:33 am
Posts: 0

Castle your doing great long may it continue and so supportive to others your a good un

Posted : 30th May 2012 9:02 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Today the diet exercise begins , my aim is to shift a stone before I go on holiday which is not as yet booked but def goin somewhere

I am so money concious now and don't waste anything anymore so I don't want to pay out for gym and slimming world , the motivation I will use is will power and post on here

So dare I say it my starting weight is 15 .12 which is the most I av ever weighed bout 2 years ago I was just over 14 but bout 4 months ago I was bout 15

To defend myself I am quite tall so I hold it well just a bit of a gut appearing but I don't feel comfortable so it's gonna go

Alls well on other fronts on a late shift and back on early so will post tomorrow

Posted : 30th May 2012 11:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

Another battle , this one of the bulge!

I think that exercise is the key and if you can get past that pensioner at the pool then that gut will just go in no time, lol lol

I will be asking for regular updates on your progress and i'am sure by your hols you will be looking mighty fit , i know this cause your determination in your battles shines through hence you will win this one too!

BTW , i thought it was only us ladies that made excuses eg: being tall! lol lol lol

Keep Strong

Eat less

Exercise more

Think of your hols and how your daughter wil be soooooooooo happy!

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 30th May 2012 11:29 am
Posts: 0

Morning just,

All those fitness vids from the early eighties came to mind then.

Heard they do a great range of striped pink and blue leg warmers in primark a bargin at a £1. Lol

One way to loose your street cred. But sure your staff would have a field day , you know me and you always working hard to boost moral......

My dad swears the way to loose weight is never to eat past 6 in the evening and only one piece of choc a week. As the fairy had to order in specially made XXXL wings to stand any chance of lifting herself off the ground. You can see that , that advice fell on deaf ears.

Enough of my nonsense , we all know that we have an addictive personality. That when we stop one another creeps in, so sadly it feels we are always battleing with ourselves.

But hay ho that is our life, you and FP should have lots of fun doing star jumps together.

Hope I have made you chuckle , ........

Dumpy Dusty xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 30th May 2012 12:09 pm
Posts: 0


Get the trainers on and enjoy running away your trouble whilst getting fitter and losing weight all at the same time. Running is a great way to de-stress and for some time to yourself to think about your day. One thing is guaranteed no matter how unfit you are or how long it has been since you last ran you will get fitter and stronger the more you do it. Fact. I know people who couldn't run a mile when they first went out and now just six months on they are regular runners who have raced half marathons.

Most importantly, there will not be one single runner anywhere in the world who will tell you that they didn't feel good about themselves after coming back from a run.

You don't have to run roads you can take it off-road and run through trails, forests etc.

Also, running is the cheapest method of excercise going. You don't need any equipment just a pair of trainers.

For your weight you should burn roughly 150 cals per mile. Get up to 10k (6.2 miles) and you will burn just under a thousand calores for approx one hours effort. Not bad return. Get home get a shower and enjoy the other 23 hours of your day.

Once you start you will love it.

Join the running club.


Posted : 30th May 2012 1:03 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Been a mother of all days the only positive thing today is no thoughts at all for gambling , other than that my mental frame of mind is not good so not goin to read and post today has it will just be goin through the motions

Tomorrow is another day and my head will be clearer and hopefully I will be inspired to inspire if that makes sense

Posted : 31st May 2012 9:21 pm
Posts: 0


Ain't life a b****. Just when you think you are getting on top of everything, it sends you a bad day to zap away at you.

But it was days like that, that we found our solace ( think that's how you spell it) in gambling.

If we can get through those days and come out the other side , we are and will be just that bit stronger.

2 steps forward , one and a half back.

It is hard sometimes to see how far we have come , because we are in the mids of it all. But have a quick look over your shoulder and notice that old life is there on the horizon , the gap between then and now is enormous and ever growing.

I hope you have a better day today, hope you have got some time off with my fairy apprentice, cause she can always lift your heart and gives you the inspiration your looking for, failing that sack ummmmm lol

Big squeezes to you both,

Dusty xxxxxxxx

Posted : 1st June 2012 4:29 am
Posts: 0

Morning castle

Sorry to see you had a mother of all days yesterday

You still came to do a quick post on your diary so a huge well done 🙂

Like dusty said , days like yesterday would defo had seen us gambling but not castle he remained strong , had a good rest and is fighting fit ( apart from swimming with pensioners ! ) to fight another day !

Well done

Keep strong and I'm hoping today will be just fab for you


Posted : 1st June 2012 5:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle

My Mamma said life is like a box of chocolates! (f Gump)

Seriously, as long as you don't gamble you are in with a fighting chance! Sounds rubbish but it is true. You have to go to any lengths to keep this addiction at bay for without this addiction hanging round your neck you can begin to sort out the rest of your life. No one said it would be easy but it is your recovery journey you are walking down so keep going. It is worth it!

Take care

Posted : 1st June 2012 7:26 am
Posts: 0

Sorry to hear you had a bad day castle but really well done on not going down the gambling blind alley route!!

Hope today your feeling at least a bit better and maybe treat yourself to a take away or something.

Take care

Posted : 1st June 2012 8:06 am
Posts: 0


Sorry to hear about your bad day but as others have touched on it is these bad days which highlight how far we have come in terms of how we deal with our problems now compared with then.


Posted : 1st June 2012 8:20 am
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