reborn on the 4th July

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HI Castle,

Sorry yesterday was a bad day, like most who have posted 39 days ago i would of make some kind of excuse to myself, Im stressed, Im sad, Im bored, and i would of gambled.

You didnt !!! You delt with it with a clear head from not gambling, life throws so many curve balls at us sometimes and rather that have your hands tied behind your back with gambling, free from it we can catch some, choose to drop others and know that "it to will pass".

I hope today is a better day.

Take care

Blondie day 39 x

Posted : 1st June 2012 12:47 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Yesterday has passed and short term has been dealt with but longterm still needs dealing with , this problem is the only real ongoing issue in my life at the moment and definitely the only negative in my life , I av tried so many times to deal with this and not managed it , at times it gets me down as I am disappointed with myself for not having the strength

With gambling we look at our starting point and then look where we are now and the progress is amazing if I apply the same process to my problem the results are very less impressive and if honest it makes me feel weak

But life goes on it will be dealt with somehow one day but for today I need to refocus and that I will

Posted : 1st June 2012 4:30 pm
Posts: 0


Thanks for the post and sorry for harping on about running. Real sorry to hear about the knee problem.

Can't begin to understand how difficult things are in your life right now but I have all fingers crossed that things will get better soon. You have been a massive help to me and many others on this site, which is very much appreciated.

I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend.


Posted : 1st June 2012 5:45 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Still not in the zone , feel as though I am on a site which is for recovering from gambling and that is the furthest thoughts from my mind but it's great as that's what it is all about

Life is actually very good , have a really nice flat a well paid job a reliable car a beautiful daughter , the divorce is goin through and ex is been ok so there is no way I am complaining as where I was 2 years ago it was a real mess

Still have the problem I av previously mentioned and it still needs sorting , now with me it can get me down as like gambling I am beating it as I knew it was no good for me and when I know I can do this I think why can't I rid this problem has I know it's know good for me but then on the other hand this is exactly where I wanted to be and just av this left so am I been to hard on myself

Everything now with this is actually ok and it is changing but the cycle will run its cause and it will return its a mathematical certainty

To go back to my first point bout this site I know my gambling problem will always be there and will never be complacent of that but I find now that it's more about life problems than gambling problems now

Of course the two are interlinked and maybe it's just my mental thinkin at the moment after a very mentally stressful week

I know I need to get my head straight but the one thing that is very clear I will not gamble

Posted : 2nd June 2012 8:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Castle

I have not been here long enough nor read enough of your diary to make any comments, so just hoping you have the strength to get through this day, and let tomorrow take care of itself.



Posted : 2nd June 2012 9:45 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Good Fellow,

I guess I am about to contradict many things I have posted on your diary in the past but having read your last post I believe now is a good time to back you up and support what you are saying.

You mention being on the forum but not mentioning gambling so much lately well I look back through your diary and see there was a time when gambling came up an awful lot. This is progress surely!!

You are a bit further on in your journey than me but much like you I do not expect to be coming on this forum every day in a few months time to talk solely about gambling.

Surely the whole point of us stopping is to remove gambling from our everyday life. Therefore if you do not mention gambling for a few days in your posts this must mean you are dealing with other areas of your life, probably those which were neglected whilst gambling.

I touched on friday about having a feeling I had broken the gambling habit. You my friend broke that sometime ago, the compulsion will forever remain hence why we need our barriers but the habit is broken. So, logical next step deal with something else in your life.

Going to sound crazy but sometimes you got to put on a positive spin on these bad days. You will find the reason you are having a bad day is because you are facing or dealing with an issue that should have been sorted days months or even years ago.

Through stopping gambling you have put yourself in a position to have a few bad days if that makes sense. Whilst gambling I am very confident you had many awful days but I would also be equally confident they were gambling related bad days!

Good day, bad day, indifferent day, what you have achieved is the opportunity to live this roller coaster of emotion with gambling well and truly on the backburner. From now on I will hope to see posts about your life with only short mentions about not gambling. We are compulsive gamblers, we cannot remove it completely so, the back burner is where gambling must stay!

I look forward to joining you in the daily highs and lows of life!

Your good friend!


Posted : 3rd June 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

What a great post from Mr Flagg.

What could the fairy add to that absolutely nothing.

Wise words indeed.

Just keep on keeping on my friend ,

Dusty xxxxxxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 2:43 pm
Posts: 0

Such kind words ,

You and FP going to any street parties this week ?

Got a friend of mine , who's kids 9 &7 have decided to hold a street party in their back garden, both the kids a boy and a girl wearing masks of the queen and Phillip. Just been sent a photo, did make me chuckle.

Wonder if I should borrow them when they are done, you know me and my masks.

If you are out and about have a goodun

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 3:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hi castle

Can relate to your last post , Flagg also said it all really about not dealing with issues while gambling but they have to be dealt with now.

You are doing amazing and are such a strength to others on here , I know you will sort this and come out the other side , stronger , wiser and hopefully happy .

I'm doing quite a bit of soul searching on the fells and already know the decisions I have made so far are ones that are right even if they scare me

Take care castle

Keep strong , I know you'll make the right decision for you


Posted : 3rd June 2012 4:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey buddy,

Treasure this post as its a rare short one from me haha! I was just reading through my diary from day 1 56 days ago and you were one of the very first to jump in and offer early encouragement!

I thank you for your continued support it really is appreciated more than I can possibly say!


Posted : 4th June 2012 12:32 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle

Thanks for your lovely post , glad I got in quick before you had too much chance for a cheeky one , even though as I read it I did think where's that castle lol lol

Off back to the tops today as its sunny and I need to think some more

Have a great bank holiday and good to see castle returning thinking about how he helps out the old folk lol lol

Keep strong


Posted : 4th June 2012 9:14 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thank u so much to everyone for ur support it means so much , I av just come through another dark period which is not the 1st time and think I am gonna av to except this is gonna happen from time to time

My mind was so unclear but yet no thoughts for gambling but just couldn't shake myself , I av to give Flagg so much credit for is inspirational post which helped so much

So back in the zone motivated to read post and try to inspire

Long may it continue

Posted : 4th June 2012 7:11 pm
Posts: 0

Happy days yippee,

Thank you making me laugh yesterday,

You take care,

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 4th June 2012 11:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

Thanks for ur post on mine 🙂

So much to answer for has this gambling lark, and as a group we HAVE those answers. We fight back, we're the bosses not it, and we show it that we are stronger and better than it and we will not allow it to feature in our lives no more !!

Rant over !!

Your recovery is incredible, you have come so far and are doing an amazing job, keep it up friend.

All the Best


Posted : 5th June 2012 7:07 am
Posts: 4422

castle. Glad you put a spin on the dark day my friend i think with your honesty in posting you once again bring so much to this place our sanctuary a place of wonderfull calm in a world of storm. The good days do outway those dark ones my friend and that strength to deal with them grows. Another huge well done from me. Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 5th June 2012 7:32 am
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