reborn on the 4th July

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What a great week you chose to take off. Sun shining, is always a bonus.

I hope you get to spend some time with your fairy princess , but more than anything hope that you get a good rest and those gambling demons invade your thoughts too much. I say this as I find holidays particularly challenging.

Have a good one


Posted : 26th March 2012 10:48 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks dusty , the last 2 weeks I had off the 1st one I relapse and the second one I nearly did on the Saturday so I fully agree a challenge it is , this time I av planned every day mostly Saturday so all been well a gamble free week to come had very few urges but am ready to fight when they come , will be seeing my fairy loving daughter loads this week am sure she would love u takes very well to caring thoughtful kind people and been a fairy would just bout put the icing on the cake !

Posted : 26th March 2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Enjoy your week off...

...and please enjoy it for ALL the right reasons!


Posted : 26th March 2012 6:21 pm
Posts: 0

Evening ,

Just in from work , and your post about your fairy princess touched me, in a way I can not explain. Going to bed feeling so nice inside.

thank you,


Posted : 26th March 2012 11:11 pm
Posts: 0


If you ever decide to change your job , I have one for you. You can be my life coach, sent me off to sleep with a smile , and this morning made me chuckle when I got up

I too watched the voice , I love reality tv , so agree with it being like this site.

Funny that we build bonds with people you will never knowingly meet,I could be standing next to you in a shop with fairy princess , comment on her beautiful outfit. And not know that this was the guy whose words started my day off with a chuckle . The way that every day should start. Instead of waking up , wishing you hadn't and worry etched all over your face as to how to find the money to gamble or to pay your bills.

I hope like me you woke up without your first thoughts being a worry about how to manage with aftermath of your gambling days.

Stay strong this week, and watch out for a very strange lady , smiling like a demented person at you when you are out today, it might be me.


Posted : 27th March 2012 9:36 am
Posts: 1423
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Wow how cool would that be u never know one day one time in our lifetime life has a way of throwing things up at u , cud av already met without ever knowing , I reckon if we all met up someone would know each other cud do a gamcare reunion in years to come be the best GA meeting ever !

So far this week been relaxing no stress and to be honest not done a great deal but enough to plan my time had no urges to gamble still in a good mindset and still takin it a day at a time

Posted : 27th March 2012 4:41 pm
Posts: 1423
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Had to come on here just had the most massive urge to bet on the football tonight part of my conscience tellin me I cud control it and one bet wouldn't hurt lasted bout half hour its gone now but had to really fight , really surprised me never saw it comin think probably down to been off this week and a little too much time to relax to me it truly shows that this disease will always lie dormant inside me and the smallest opportunity my body gives it and it takes full advantage , feel quite drained now tomorrow I will be stronger for it I am so glad I av this site I would be lost without it and all the support on it

Posted : 27th March 2012 7:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hya Castle

I know this urge must have been strong but how great that your response was to post and to resist. That's a real achievement. Whilst we congratulate ourselves and everyone else on everyday that we don't gamble the days that are easy aren't the real triumphs. It's the days like you've just had that show us whether or not we are potentially strong enough to overcome this illness.


Posted : 27th March 2012 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

Well done for posting and resisting, I am the same as you, I depend on this site being here now and look forward to updating my diary daily or coming on here if I feel I am about to relapse, it has saved me once or twice already.

Sleep easy knowing you did the right thing.


Posted : 27th March 2012 9:19 pm
Posts: 1423
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Yesterday was a real wake up call feel so much atter today I always talk bout not been complacent but lookin back at my post yesterday mornin I cud see a little bit there just goes to show u never know when this disease is gonna bite u , thank goodness for this site I quickly came on here and posted and the urges passed , I can tell the difference in myself yen I av been on here read and posted for a good hour I can feel the strength inside me growing unlike if I go a day the strength is no way as strong

Again I commented on my week off by sayin I won't gamble this week lookin back now was very presumptuous and complacent , so back to one day at a time

Today I will not gamble and a well done to myself for fighting the urges and been 58 days gamble free

Posted : 28th March 2012 8:20 am
Posts: 0

Well done mate.

Posted : 28th March 2012 8:58 am
Posts: 0


What a roller coaster this recovery journey is.

Good on ya, for not stepping off. Holidays who'd have um.

Take care , stay strong.


Posted : 28th March 2012 9:37 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Another few urges yesterday not as strong as the day b4 think def too much time on my hands I av planned every day but there is the odd hour and that's when they come , been at work keeps my mind so busy then either I av my daughter or am too tired to think bout gambling

Today should be ok got plans till 3 then picking my daughter up from school and got her till next mornin so again one day at a time and today I will not gamble

Posted : 29th March 2012 8:27 am
Posts: 0


Urges dont they just make you want to scream.

Bog off and give a man some peace.

Have a lovely evening with fary princess , filled with fun and happiness. You and I both know that if you act on those urges ,tonight will be a night of regret and remorse instead.

So like I said, tell um to bog off you ain't gonna spoil my night!

Dusty xx

Posted : 29th March 2012 9:58 am
Posts: 0

Hya Castle

Good to see that you're still kicking those urges into touch and concentrating on what's important. How old's your daughter? Regardless she'll probably keep you well occupied! Sometimes sentimentally I look at my friends children and I think about how much they soak in their environment. Everything their exposed to shapes them and that's why the time that you spend with children is so valuable. I'm sure since you stopped gambling you've become a much more productive parent, this is such an achievement to be able to look at your daughter and know that without the gambling you can be a great parent that shapes her for the right reason. It's one thing to be proud of yourself for how you're changing your own life but its amazing to think the difference that your progress will make to her.


Posted : 29th March 2012 5:33 pm
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