Refreshed diary for a refreshed adam

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Fantastic advice from Adam, and an insightful and well written reply from Pete , that`s what supportive groups are all about, don`t change either of you. Love reading about where you are at Adam not only is it indirectly inspiring, but i take great and real interest in the decisions and thought process.


Keep smashing it both of you!!!


Posted : 21st June 2023 6:38 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thanks for the posts amkes me feel better,


Another week has gone by.....another week working hard......sold my n64 got 56 quid....then posted my playstation 2 on ebay..... to be sold on payday the 28th in the evening.... hoping that it makes a bit...


Off to a bbq tomo afternoon..... then a friend may come over sunday...... then back to work again......


nothing really exciting happening in life at the mo just plodding along....


I done 15k steps today so thats good and ive eaten bolognese with plenty of veg for the past three days....


Health wise all good , sttress levels pretty low, bit bored but that happens every now andd then...


All the best adam xx

Posted : 23rd June 2023 7:17 pm
Posts: 2938
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Today has been lovely.... woke up picked up 1130am....sat in friends garden in the sun all day for a bbq.....12-6pm.....came back.....watched glasto on tv......more of the same tomo......sun sun sun horray im soo tanned...

Posted : 24th June 2023 10:52 pm
Posts: 2938
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Well logged in and read my profile and saw it last said 1000 days on to the next step..... what will that be? then looked at my day count and today is 1300....horray...... all is well with my recovery.......another lovely weekend is a four day plans as yet but im sure ill relax in the sun...


On this 1300 day mark ill write like freda does a gratitude list:


Im thankful for family

Im thankful for friends

Im thankful for work

Im thankful for my health

And im thankful for seeing the error of my ways and living a life i can now be proud of.


Posted : 25th June 2023 8:42 pm
Posts: 2938
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So after some thrifty selling and buying over last few months..... selling saga saturn £165, n64 £56, tv £75, ps2 today £44 (after costs)then the cost of new xbox series x (£425) and xbox ultimate game pass for 36 months (164 pounds) i worked out ive streamlined and got the new entertainment for a few years for a total of £249


So £6.92p a month for a  hell of a lot of cracking entertainment......


So considering the rrp of game pass will soon be £12.99 a month i feel ive got a cracking cracking deal....


i did pay some money for the things i sold to begin with but that was 20 years ago and they would just sit in my wardrobes so all in all  better to sell....


Plus now with selling my tv to a friend and giving him the xbox one ive got someone else to play with online.


Next step KITCHEN

1) go look at ovens and cooker hoods....

2) paint kitchen

3) Install new cooker and hood.

4)install vynall on floor.

5) get new blinds or curtains installed.

6) New kitchen sorted......


Next Next step NEW TV:

Will keep an eye on tv prices to nab a oled 42 inch new tv!!!!! one that will be even better for gaming.


But first ill start on the kitchen.


Recovery going great i wouldnt for the life of me want to start gambling again....i dont need extra money or excitement or indorphins im happy with what ive got (a stress free life full of meaning and friendships away from vices that dont do me any good.... LONG mAY THIS CONTINUE


All the best adamxx


Posted : 28th June 2023 10:06 pm
Posts: 2938
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Well here i am at the end of another week..... a sunday night.....late as per usual.....drinking a coffee as per usual lol....but the next two days im off work!!!!!!!! horray.


Was a bit down yesturday late afternoon after spending 33 pounds on the first day of the month on some food and cinema...... was going to play golf today but cancelled it to save a bit of money...... there goes me thinking too much about money again..... so last night when down instead of dwelling on the down thoughts i done a joe wicks exercise video then went for a 8.5 kilometre walk around town..... got back 1030pm had a shower then played formula one with my friend who i gave my old xbox to..... really shows it was worth getting the new xbox as we had a good time......


Then day before i played cyberpunk with another friend who came over...... i bought a coffee cake and shared that with him then talked about how he'd been then he said we need to organise a get together..... 


This summer has already been great......its been filled with a trip to isle of white with folks in glorious weather.....its been filled with about four bbqs already three round here and one around another friends place......its been filled with giving as much advice of the chatroom as i can to newcomers and old users and really trying to give back what i can from the experience ive learnt on's been filled with good feedback at work (25 pound voucher for dressing up as a bear for the day lol, my manager taking me to oneside and saying hes been watching me and im doing a really good job!!!!! which both went don really well with me), i've worked really hard at improving my productivity thru the afternoons and getting more done and its showing on the environment and grounds at work they really really look well looked after.  


We are also only at the start of summer still..... i have another long weekend in a couple of weeks then two full weeks off work in August..... which is actually only next month so ill have to organise a bbq 



Posted : 2nd July 2023 9:23 pm
Posts: 2938
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Here i am 5 days later..... seems like only yestuday i posted.... was ill end of last week..... then had two holiday days start of this week however i felt ill during these so it wasnt reallly a good holiday.  


Back to work wednesday and my boss has been off so been putting myself to good use around the hospital..... lots done....feeling pretty good.


also ive been looking at my finances and working ou ways to spend less over the next few months by keeping to strict budgeting food shopping looking to have saved up 5k by september then i can start to pay back a bit more debt.


Theres a few changes at wrk up top...... the director who i got on really well with has left this week......i also work in supplies a lot and their manager has been demoted and a new one brought in...... plus above my manager they are recruiting a new building manager to look after the building plus manage the porters..... so quite a bit happening.



Posted : 7th July 2023 7:38 pm
Posts: 40

Just dropping by to say hello Adam.

Thanks for your warm welcome in the chatroom last night, will hope to be in there to say hello over the next week.

You are an inspiration to all of us mate and I look forward to reading your next entries as and when you post.

Take care,


Posted : 7th July 2023 8:34 pm
Posts: 2938
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Hi Jimmy,


Many thanks for popping by...... thats a message that i will cherish.......and one that will keep me coming back here...


All the best adam

Posted : 8th July 2023 7:37 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another week has flown by......time to take stock......set objectives.....start afresh.....keep on track.....cherish the moment......not look back too much......not look forawrd too in this moment.....where fruitful things can happen.


Had a lie in today till 2pm......went for a coffee.....played xbox with a friend watched a bit of f one....spoke to my mum and dad who nare on a cruise.... now had dinner ready for another fresh week to start full of possibilities.....



Posted : 9th July 2023 4:54 pm
Posts: 2938
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Right this afternoon ive been watching you tube videos on healthy living.....Now im doing well with many aspects eg walking over 10 k a day, not smoking, not drinking, having cold showers, eating healthy with most respects, sleeping lots, not over stressing myself with work, being productive with most aspects of my life..... but the one aspect that i can never get right is my back in november i started a new diary which looked at ym weight and what i was eating and my exercise..... however altohugh my weight went down a bit one poor week and it went back to the original weight which ruined all the previous hard work....its like ive got  a go to base weight which is heavier than the average male of my age.


I am however going to try and look at what im eating and drinking a bit more.....


Ill stick to weetabix for breakfast but ill try and have 2 rather than one to try and strengthen my moring intake and fuel my morning into a later possible lunchtime at work....should this work i wont be hungry untill an hour later hopefully....


Then my lunch will be soup or spagghetti on toast or with toast but ill try to have one slice of toast rather than two as this can bloat and is suppost to be the thing to cut down for weight loss.


Then my dinners will be:

3 times a week bolgnese with plenty of vegtables (this is my go to healthy meal of substanance).....

1 grlic chicken kiev, salad, mashed potato, carrots, simple meal but healthy and filling.


Steak bakes....

Chicken dippers.....

Chicken fingers....

Chicken slices....


All with carrots and mashed potato.....

Now including the carrots and mash makes for a relatively healthy meal at a low cost.... each of these meals cost 2 pounds or under.....


Then im going to try green tea tomo.....its like super good for a lot of reasons......


Then i wont take crisps or chocolate to work....if offered a free cake, biscuit at work i will indulge as its free but ill stick to having less of these thru each meal..... 


Also one thing i dont do is strength exercises like push ups so ill try and do 10 push ups with my joe wicks vids at weekends......


Here i go..... on to the next 6 month challenge.......i didnt fail last time...i did do well ....but my weight is a mountin of a challenge not a hill and one which i think will be a lifelong lifestyle i need to build on .....


Heres to the next challenge looking forward to it..





Posted : 9th July 2023 8:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another three days have passed...... Had problems with my ebay sale and the royal mail receipt they gave me didnt have the tracking number on it so i had to go into the post office again today..... got the tracking number, they said it had been delivered then phoned ebay and updated the tracking number..... now hopefully i should get the money.


When i went to the post office i was a bit hungry so i got a toastie and a coffee....was quite nice in there..... might do it again. but only in the quiet hours of the day.



Posted : 12th July 2023 6:15 pm
Posts: 2938
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Like lids says its all aobut making great decisions in life..... ones that will make for a better more fruitful life.


With that in mind im going to aim to up my walking this month in order to start losing a bit of weight.


i usually do on average 10k a day so ill make sure i come back home from work then rest for a couple of hours then will go for a short 1-2 k walk and do some weights at the park gym too.... the nhs website says i sohuld aim to do two 30 mins weights exercises each week so instead of that each day its not raining ill go to the park gym and do some weights.....


Today i ate:

One weetabix

One vegtable soup

One slice of bread

two packs of crisps

One cheese toastie

One pasty

two coffees

two cups of tea

one chocolate  tea cake


not the best of days healthy eating wise.....


Ill update on tomos food and exercise tomo


Today ive walked 12056 steps

Posted : 12th July 2023 8:23 pm
Posts: 2938
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Evening ...... first week of healthy living........well healthier living.  


daily update:

Went to work.... wasnt really feeling it felt like a monday..... was a bit i decided tojust do some grafting.... took the bins out, then took some deliveries around, took the green trolley round to pick up the recycling, done a litter pick, emptied all the confidential bins round the hospital, had lunch, then cleaned two radiators, updated the radiator spreadsheet and sent it to the housekeeping manager, done some work for the nes bulletin, emailed that over, took some more deliveries around, took bins out again, checked gases, checked all doors locked, then helped with a late delivery...... walked 8k.... then came home got a coffee.....cooked bolognese.....ate,....had a sleep from 5pm to 7pm....watched tulsa king final episode.....went on chat for 20 mins....then thought i said to myself ill do 12k steps a day..... so got my shoes on....walked up park, done some exercises weights....walked around town seeing lots of people out for drinks and meals....then got back now and made a tea and laying in bed..... 


Today i walked 14700 steps....... tbf a great continued start to this health kick....


Today ive eaten:

One weetabix

One can of spaghetti hoops with one slice of toast

Three packs of crisps (doh)

one orange

Spaghetti bolognese with chips


All in all i feel i will have burned off more than ive eaten today so what started off as a bad day i turned around into a good one.


Im off now to look at my finances and see whether theres anything i need to do and plan my food purchases for the rest of the month.... Ive earnt 1089 this month and i should have 670 of it going towards my debts.... looking to pay off 7000 a year......


I know im super boring with my updates at mo but really need to be strict in order to lose my belly........ really not good for health so its time to get into shape.... Just got to get out that door each evening nd get out in the fresh air......


a friend said that because i do my daily walking at work thats part of my usual routine so if i dont do more on top of it then i prob wont lose weight.... so here i am.... onwards

Posted : 13th July 2023 8:40 pm
Posts: 40

@adam123 Well in Adam

Great to see you putting some of your energy towards improving your life in more ways then just gambling.

Keep up it buddy, I am always keeping an eye on your diary so don't feel as if the updates are boring in anyway.

I loved Tulsa King btw, Stallone is the man!



Posted : 13th July 2023 9:06 pm
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