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Hi Hanz,

Thanks for yet another very kind and supportive post on my diary!

Masssssssive well done to you for reaching 98 days gamble free! That's a huge achievement! To be honest it's no surprise you've got so far as you've applied yourself in the right way and put everything in to your recovery. I can only hope to follow in the same way.

Bet it was nice to talk about the bookies on the street with your partner from a non gambler perspective, maybe a few months you'd be envious of those people coming In and out of the bookies but now you can see the reality of the situation and see how sad it is.

Glad your doing well mate


Posted : 9th December 2013 1:13 am
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100 days gambling free. 100 since someone asked me "what you got on today mate?" Expecting me to have a bet on. Embarrassingly I did. I always did. Most of my waking life I had some form of bet on and was refreshing one betting sides live sports feed or roulette wheel.

Absolutely buzzing today.

BUT, concentrating and focusing on my recovery still. I am not fixed yet. I am not a "non-gambler" yet. That is what I a striving for.

I am not a believer of the "you are always in recovery@ that's depressing. I am recovering at the moment and my end goal is to complete recovery and to be a "non-gambler" that my focus. That's when this stops.

Until then,

Hanzsolo, NO BET FOR 100 days.

Onwards and upwards,


Posted : 10th December 2013 7:20 pm
Posts: 1172

Massive congrats on the 100 days. Your in the treble figure club. It's a great club to be a member of. Thanks very much for the post it really does mean a lot. I agree with what you say about always being in recovery. I think you'll know when you've "recovered". Ofcourse this still means we can't gamble but it's the point where we know that and we're 100% confident that we won't gamble because it's not even part of our thinking. You are on the road to that place, keep it up, I know you'll get there.

Posted : 10th December 2013 9:36 pm
Posts: 0

Congrats on 100 days,an amazing achievement.

You've given me the inspiration I've needed.

I'm on day 58,I'm lacking a bit of self belief at the moment,I don't want to gamble,but I don't really believe I can go for ever without gambling.

One day at a time I suppose,keep up the good work hans.

Posted : 10th December 2013 9:51 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella a huge well done on reaching a 100 days abstinence, an achievement to be proud of.

regards the way you view your own recovery, you simply have to find a way that works for you, there is no right or wrong way.

The end result is the important thing, for all of us this is through arresting our compulsion to gamble.

For you the achievement of adding to the count will continue to gift you the outcome you desire, to remain a winner.

On to a year now then, to become one of the 3% club, the statistics are there in black and white, there is 3% of compulsive gamblers who abstain for a calendar year, a figure which I would love to see grow.

to which it only can with folk like you with your determined attitude, for that again well done.

Thanks for sharing

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 11th December 2013 3:27 am
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Happy new year to all. I'm still ticking along nicely. 122 days gambling free.

Moving house this coming weekend so has been a busy Christmas and NY

Onwards and upwards this year.


Posted : 1st January 2014 10:16 am
Posts: 0

Great stuff hans,122 days,your winning my friend.

Happy new year to ya,I'm sure it will be a good un.

I hope your move isint too stressfull! All the best.

Posted : 1st January 2014 11:11 am
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Thanks for your post Robby

House move went, took a bit of hoisting over the balcony with sofas ect but we got there. Stressful time financially but not had an real thoughts about Gambling. This would only make things worse. I have set up a weekly direct debit into an account I can't touch. It's very little money, but just having it there will help me start to save and rebuild any previous damage. I have had a few challenges over the last couple of weeks, a friend out on a few bets in the bookies when I was with him. All that did though was go remind me why I no longer bet.

"You'll never see a rich man in the bookies, unless the owner walks in"

Onwards and upwards!


128 days (18 weeks) gambling free

Posted : 7th January 2014 8:00 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya hanzsolo. Glad the move went well - moving house + xmas = stress big time lol but glad it went well, thats a great way to start the year. And well done on resisting temptation, there will always be temptation but we just cant give in as we cant gamble "normally". I wont go in to that any more as you know what your doing and why and being in the treble figure club is a great place to be and you sould be very proud. Keep it up mate and make 2014 the year for you.

Posted : 8th January 2014 11:59 am
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Thanks for you post Dave and all your hard work with the Christmas Thread.

I am still ticking along nicely, no real thought of gambling at all. Back playing football, golf and looking to start running again.

136 days free of gambling. I don't do the lottery, I don't have a friendly bet with mates, I do say "I would bet you" I don't watch sport anymore with a phone in my hand.

I now enjoy watching football, cricket, rugby, snooker, golf without a bet on it!

Onwards and upwards,


Posted : 15th January 2014 9:54 am
Posts: 4422


Fella great to read.

It is just as important for me that posts like that keep coming.

If not just for you but for others to be inspired by.

Well done.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 15th January 2014 11:53 am
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Thanks for your post Duncan, you are someone I draw inspiration from so I hope I can do the same for others.

I used to find "never gambling again" a scary thought. I thought I was going to loose a "hobby". A compulsive gambler can not class gambling as a hobby. My new Hobby is golf, I have family/friends comment about how that is an "expensive hobby" ...they should see what gambling does. I have never gone around 18 holes, missed a shot, then gone around again, and again, and again but that's exactly what I used to do. My vice was chasing loses, from game to game, race to race, day to day, week to week and month to month

Gambling free me is a happier, more content person. I used to see a Saturday spend with my partner/family a lost opportunity. Ridiculous.

Onwards and upwards though.

If anyone struggling at the moment is scared of a gambling free life, don't be, it's the best thing that can ever happen to a compulsive gambler.

Onwards and upwards everyone

Guard up but gambling free.


Posted : 15th January 2014 8:51 pm
Posts: 0

Well done hanz I've been in awful place in my head for last week reading your posts has given me little bit of strength when u mention family the most important thing of all keep it up dont go back its not a nice place as you know.

The bear

Posted : 15th January 2014 9:14 pm
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Checking in 140 days/ 20 weeks Gambling free.

Onwards and upwards,


Posted : 20th January 2014 8:24 am
Posts: 0

20 weeks brilliant hanz 🙂 keep it up mate pleased your life is so positive now 🙂

The bear

Posted : 20th January 2014 11:49 am
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