Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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Hi Ryan

Just dropping in and it's so good to see you doing well , life seems so busy with boxing playing a big part , I see your still enjoying the football but more importantly gambling not playing any part in your life

Continued best wishes as always


Posted : 12th September 2014 8:30 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan

Thank you so much for your post and advice

My long term debts are all on on a payment plan with no interest, and I don't pay much every month on these

so I have learnt to live with these debts.

I know they will take years to pay off but am learning to accept that and live with that

You are doing simply great on this hard journey

Keep going and going with guard up

Suzanne xx

Posted : 12th September 2014 3:57 pm
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Been loose posting updates on my own diary recently, not because I've given in or let myself slip, but there is just so much happening at the moment. In the final throes of training for my big fight next Saturday night, and although I'm still out of shape and technically terrible, I'm quietly confident that I may do alright.

Trying to clear all my freelance work before my holiday is looking equally challenging, there's stacks of it and all has to be done on top of the day job. It'll be a busy few weeks, but come the end of September I'm really looking forward to actually being able to put everything down and take a few weeks with nothing at all going on except relaxing and holidaying.

There's no space in my life for gambling, and while I can't guarantee that'll last forever, it's lasted nearly a year, and I hope it's got plenty of legs in it for the future too.


Posted : 13th September 2014 9:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

I meant to post to you many times. I am keeping upto date with all your news and you are doing great. I had to smile at your hairstyle description on Stephens diary......I was picturing you as Meatloaf!!

I will have 100 days clocked up this day next week. It's a great forum and we all learn so much.

Take care,


Posted : 13th September 2014 9:50 pm
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Hi Suzy,

You're right, Meat Loaf was one of the comparisons I received. As I had curly hair, I also got comparisons with Toadfish from Neighbours and Hurley from Lost!

Great work in picking up the 100 days, this forum is a great support, and though I've slipped in the past, it is when I stray from posting and reading here regularly that those slips happen. I'm going to do my best to make sure it doesn't happen this time.



Posted : 14th September 2014 1:13 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Ryan,

Lol..that's some nice names to be called :-)just last week i found out I'm being called at work lol..yep managers decided it is fun to call everyone nicknames. Cause me and colleague has names starting from S we sort of being called S power. Imagine how you coming into the office and they all goes...ohh watch out all S power entering the room lol. Just for the record we are the only females in management team on our shift so yep..i can accept that :-).

Good to see you marching on my friend, nearly a year, and yes no matter how many times we slip (best not to of course) we know deep down what we want from our lives and NOT gambling is on the top of the list.

Keep it up..u r doing great!!!

Stay safe

S x

Posted : 14th September 2014 5:17 pm
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Well, the big weekend is here, and I'm not sure which part is going to be the most important to me. Tonight I achieve a silent dream and step through the ropes in front of an audience of over 100 people to have a fight with one of the guys from work. We're already well on the way to raising over 1000, and my employer will match that too. Despite the fact that a year ago I'd have dropped that in a long gambling session, I'm a little bit proud to be involved with the event.

On the other hand, on Monday I'll be hitting the one year gamble free mark. I don't really want to look back over the last year, but I just hope I can continue to fix myself and find that in 12 months I'll be in a better place again.

Paid off the last of my debt yesterday, and put a hundred quid in a savings account for the first time in ages. Next week starts the most dangerous part of the year - my annual holiday. Finding stuff to keep myself occupied is the key thing, and if I do that, I'll be just fine.

Sandra - I hope S-power is doing well today, maybe you should get a t-shirt with it on?

All the best for a good weekend guys


Posted : 20th September 2014 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan

Two big important events are happening in your life which have been achieved by abstaining from gambling for a year on Monday

Enjoy your night tonight, you deserve it.

I am sending you a very big salute and bighigh 5

And here is to another gambling free year

Congratulations Ryan

Suzanne xx

Posted : 20th September 2014 1:59 pm
Posts: 4422

Ryan fella thanks for popping by my thread,always good to share your thoughts my friend.

I hope your bout went without incident or anyone getting hurt as it wasn't about that was it.

Great to do something good for this world we live in,good for the resolve too.

Great to see you knocking on the door of a years continued abstinence something to be proud of,me I am five weeks behind you and know how much my means to me and my own journey.

And finally my offer stands fella,if that road trip brings you my way let me know,it would be an honour to host an day or two in your good company.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 20th September 2014 11:42 pm
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Got through the fight, and although I have little bit of a headache and a sore jaw, everything is well. Really good fun, and it sounded really loud from the support that came along.

Feeling really good today, its been a hard old month of training, and despite the hangover it was well worth it.

Duncs - Unfortunately, I'll be heading up north on the road trip, and won't get to come down to your part of the country. I will put it in the bank and take you up on it soon though. Finally paid off the last of my gambling debts, so I can start really living life again.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend,


Posted : 21st September 2014 1:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

Did I read it right and you hit the one year mark yesterday???

That's absolutely brilliant!!!

Enjoy the celebrations!!!


Posted : 23rd September 2014 11:19 am
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Thanks for the enthusiasm Suzy! Today is 1 year and two days since my last bet. Actually been feeling slightly down over the last couple of days. The hard training for the boxing is done, I'm nearly done with my freelance work and then there are two weeks where I have to decide what's next.

Actually had some gambling temptations, more than I've had for a while, and although I'm not giving in, I guess it was just after a period of reflecting on that year gamble free, and what I'd done in that year. Still haven't done that much in the last year, so making sure that year 2 has more plus points in it is an important philosophy going forward.

Not sure on my latin, but if diem is day, then is annum year? In that case, I guess its time to Carpe Annum!

All the best


Posted : 24th September 2014 6:56 pm
Posts: 1057

Congratulations on passing the year Ryan. Still reading (occasionally) from afar. Never give up the fight mate,its always there. Keep yer barriers up. W.P 🙂

Posted : 25th September 2014 8:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan

just wanted to congratuate you on passing a year kid excellent work.All the best jeff.

Posted : 25th September 2014 6:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan

Thank you for your lovely words, and I am proud to be walking this journey with you too.

Be very proud of yourself, to abstain for over one year is simply FANTASTIC

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th September 2014 8:32 am
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