Regrets, I've had a few, but then again....

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Hi Ryan, I know you know but I was rather chuffed that I hadn't dropped in to let you know as it gave me an excuse to drop by & say: Oh the shame, luckily it wasn't you 😉

Hopefully you'll be in your new bed next time I drop by! Keep winning 😉

Posted : 26th February 2015 4:39 am
Posts: 1143

Thanks for the post on my diary Ryan. Sorry to see West Ham couldn't hang on for you, but you would have taken a point before the game. You've got one of our old boys Ryan Cresswell, I'm made up to see how well hes playing for you.

I hope your Cognitive Behaviour Therapy works for you, a friend of mine was helped a great deal by it for a similar condition.

Enjoy your weekend and keep on winning the battle!


Posted : 26th February 2015 9:32 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for your kind words and all seems to tick along nicely today. Settled down (on the kitchen floor lol..don't ask 😉 ) is back on his feet (amazing how quick he recovered) and am off work tonight. Happy days and couldn't ask for more...oh urges at this moment 🙂 but am prepared to hit them with that bat if any comes knocking at this door.

I seen you sleep on a mattress on the floor...d**n man..i did it two days ago and even if its double one i felt too low to the floor lol..i guess i just need a little height while getting out of bed in the morning,so i get on my two feet straight away, else i would just crawl my way on the floor lol

Good job on your g free time. Keep it up dear soldier..keep winning!

S x

Posted : 27th February 2015 3:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your post the other day.

Hope you're all good and focused for the weekend.

Do us a favour and cheer Spurs on tomorrow! We're gonna need all the help we can get!

I'm still trying to get into my lucky Spurs kit from 1978 (see profile pic)..... seems a bit tight mind ;0)

Keep strong


Posted : 28th February 2015 10:59 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Ryan,

You sound like a man who is going places.

Moving on and moving up in life and its all down to your hard work and effort.

I hope your interview went well.

Great stuff on your gamble free time.

Warm regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 1st March 2015 12:50 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey you! Page 5?

Thank you for your post dear friend. Things just happens, nothing we can do least cat is clean lol

Hope all is good with ya. Sorry i don't get around much, i guess just don't wonna bore ya with my self pitty lol
Will catch up soon Ryan, keep choosing NO - keep winning!

Sandra xx

Posted : 8th March 2015 11:22 pm
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Thought I'd not posted in a while, and lo and behold, over two weeks since last I pushed my head in the door. My obsession with words and phrases brings me back to the Chinese curse - "may you live in interesting times". Work, both freelance and the day job, have been fairly challenging over the last few weeks, with plenty to do and never quite enough time to do it. Also been down with a fever since Friday, sweating through all the bedclothes and having crazy dreams about cricket, having left the coverage of the World Cup on overnight.

Anyhow, I guess the reason I'm here is that temptation has been nosing around recently. I figured that in a couple of weeks I'll be getting the first bonus payday, probably since I worked for my current employer, which I won't have used to gamble or to pay off gambling debts. I'd like to put it towards a new car, or even just put it away in a savings account and forget it, but its giving me itchy hands. I can deal with this, I just find it all pushing for my attention a little more than usual.

Each day I don't gamble I win. That's the basic fact. Guard up, next demon coming my way gets KTFO.

Thanks Sandra - I'm glad you got the paint off the cat at least, a permanent blue patch would not have gone down well with the other cool cats! 😉


Posted : 8th March 2015 11:44 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post Ryan, much appreciated.

I am sooo pleased to read you are still winning every day .

As for fifty shades of you know what, I have read the books and the film is even better lol.

Keep strong and keep safe and keep going.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 9th March 2015 8:23 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan, thanks so much for your kind words on my diary, cheers for the beer mate , and it would be a privilege to send one back in your direction, too true fella complacency is a worry especially with Cheltenham tomorrow, I do love the festival and I shall be listening on the radio at work and watching the highlights at home in the evening...and definitely no punting at all for me, I feel confident enough to make that statement today which really pleases me.

That's a nice money worry to have Ryan and either of your options is better than gambling with it...please keep it safe my friend. and I hope you're feeling better and your fevers relenting..the proverb "feed a cold starve a fever" dates back to around 1547..(according to Mr Google) so there must be some truth in it....stay safe,all the best fella..onwards and upwards..Ginger.

Posted : 9th March 2015 4:00 pm
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I always thought it was feed a fever, starve a cold? Either way, I had a few sweats in work today but nothing serious, and no fever dreams or craziness! Could do with a few more days and wish the cough would go away, but definitely on the right track!

Another winning day in the bag!

Posted : 9th March 2015 6:42 pm
Posts: 0

As ever, I'm with Ginge...Both on the saying front & the looking after that money front!

Keep K-ing those f-ers O - ODAAT

Posted : 10th March 2015 11:14 am
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Insomnia is still knocking around, I think 6am is the point at which I think it changes from a really late night to an early morning.

Either way, its not been the ideal couple of days. I did something really stupid today. I tried to log in to two of my old accounts with certain betting companies. I wasn't even really contemplating placing a bet, I was just kind of curious to see if the blocks were still in place, after I'd self excluded (probably around when I joined up here, the first of many attempts to quit gambling. They still were blocked, so I then went on with my day.

I also started my search for a new car today, looking around a couple of local dealers, but not coming up with too much so far. Need to be less demanding with what I want I guess.

Anyhow, another few days without gambling in the bag,


Posted : 12th March 2015 6:07 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan,

Even after 536 days under your belt, you have reminded me how fragile out recovery can be whether it be 100 days or 1000,

Good to read that those accounts are still excluded lol.

I am not in no way saying you might have been tempted but it could have lead up to temptation.

You are doing BRILLIANTLY and showing us it can be done.

Hope you get some good sleep very soooon ,

Take care,

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 12th March 2015 8:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ryan, I'm probably in a minority with the testing oneself theory and although yours wasn't a test just curiosity you passed with flying colours..TOP MAN.

I'll have to put myself to that test one day as I don't want to miss out on the day at the races, night at the greyhounds outings with my pals....i feel confident I'll succeed Ryan because i want the fun of the day without the grief of the betting aftermath.

my sleeping pretty irratic too fella..sometimes I sleep maybe 1or 2 hours a night one week then 9 hours stints some weekends..dont you just love it when people say "you look tired"....yeah that's probably because i am.

stay safe mate...onwards and upwards Ginger.

Posted : 12th March 2015 3:07 pm
Posts: 0
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Well, a few more successful days on the tally, though I'm not 100% sure whether or not I was just being stupid the other day or whether they were genuine temptations.

After a long week of work, had a weekend down in London, and went to see my favourite rapper Pharaohe Monch's show in Camden. It was a really good night, and one of the songs he played was Broken Again, which looks at addiction.

It's not the type of addiction we're getting through on here, but some of the words still resonate, especially in the chorus:

Gotta move on
Gotta let go
Would've opened my eyes, if I would've known
After all of this time
Took my heart to mend
That I'd turn around, and be broken again

It was a really great show, and I'm so glad I'm in a position where I can choose to follow my passions, rather than just fight to keep my head above water. The whole weekend cost me less than what I could easily lose in one gambling session.This is what recovery grants me.

Today, I won't be putting another penny down that particular route, whatever temptations come to knock at my door.


Posted : 18th March 2015 2:51 am
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