So 2023........
Out of this year im first looking to invest 50-60% of earnings into my debt......Â
I'm also looking to live in the present moment more...... be at one with it..... i'm thankful for the moment i'm in my friends and family are currently healthy and id like to appreciate this moment more.
I'd like to have friends and family over especially thru the summer months and plant some bushes and flowers in my garden to enjoy thru summer and the bbqs im going to have.
Lastly id like to continue with not partaking in any vices for the whole year again.... it really helps staying sober with my decisions and long may that continue.....
Here's a new fresh diary for 2023.....
Those are my aims......
Soo far soo good, i've been working at weekends to earn more and save more, ive cut out expensive coffee drinks for waitrose free coffees and have spent money on flat and garden.....
I've also been working not only on my diet but on my weight thru exercise vids, walking at work and snacking less..... alllways a work in progress this one.....
All the best Adam xxx
You are vulnerable just like us all.
You offer advice and support to all.
You make people feel at ease and welcome.
Seeing you uncertain and struggling tonight, isn`t good, but you have to live through the bad times to appreciate the good. Bare with me here, hang on till the rough patch passes don`t go backwards. Sort out whatever is bringing you down and hang in there, you know full well the better times do return so make sure you are in a good position to appreciate it when it does.
Life is about balance, as soon as you are out of balance you become vulnerable, as you said tonight, sleep, diet and exercise make a massive difference. You were a different person on Sunday because you were tired, tiredness creates bad decision, and bad decisions aren`t something i associate with you. You are a person that is structured in life and i envy that as i am far from it, you are very comfortable around structure that`s so obvious to see, so use that strength of structure to help you through your dip.
I saw you say you had asked someone out for coffee, if they say no dont take that as an insult there could be a myriad of reasons as to there declining.
Do what you want to do in your life , be who you want to be, a good balanced life and outlook is where you need to get to, i admire your saving abilities but occasionally you needt to treat yourself(non gambling obvs)
You can do it, take a little of your own advice and bounce back positively.
Keep it up AdamÂ
Thanks for popping by lids and dave....... It's been a long time since ive been vulnerable on this site..... ive been thru ups and downs thru the 3 years but have generally been stable.......I do treat myself to coffees and buy things for my flat, i like to treat others at work too....... I'm hoping i can ease myself thru this patch and come out the other side only scathed by the 60 pounds........Like you say lids structure is my best friend, objectives have really helped me thru the past few years...... With this in mind ill strive to do well at work the rest of the week, get atleast 10k steps each day and eat and sleep well...... this is enough to concentrate on this week...
All the best thanks again adam xx
Keep up the walking I used to do a hour a day years ago and it helps keep ones mind busy while soaking in the areas you get to walk.
I know the finances might be hurting at the moment for you but I am actually managing to save money now and enjoy it. I have a small savings space for my girlfriend and £1.40 goes into it each day. It's called girlfriends treats saving account. I am pretty sure at some stage you might have similar experience further down you're recovery and the joy of helping others too.Â
Stay strongÂ
Thats really nice dave...... well done.....
Ive managed to just spend 30p today on a coffee and apple..... ive purchased some food on my sainsburys card.....Â
As Lids had pointed out to me im going to look today at how far ive come over the time ve been on this website.... i started out not being able to control myself...... i was spending far too much..... drinking too much..... smoking too much.... eating too much...... not dedicating enough energy to my work and thus all this was taking a toll on me. Â
Now fast forward five years and all of these vices i have stopped....... Ive saved and saved and now own my own flat and live independently....
It is sooooo sooooo important for me to build and build...... but im going to take a moment here to share how far ive come.... thanks to all gamcare users and gamcare mods lets make this year special 2023 come on
All the best adam xx
Over the next few weeks im going to focus on my work..... i feel like i might be getting a cold but ill try to go in each day..... i will look to fill each working day with lots of steps, ill get all the daily jobs done then will focus on trying to do more than usual.... recently ive been doing one extra job (usually taking about an hour) each day but ill try to work on this a bit more and do even more.
Im also working next saturday so will aim to give some great customer service in order to get them to want me in this position again..
this week has been good for finances..... ive spent money on groceries and thats about it so all in all better than last weekend. im going to aim to spend £100 on groceries next month, £9 on coffees and that should be it.... I might also get a frame for some photos but will see.
Tomo im going to do a spring clean in my flat and if its nice spend some time in the garden. Will have a look at the weather. Â
I like the support i get on this website so thank you
All the best Adam xx
Had a productive spring clean today..... spent about four hours dusting, mopping, hoovering, wiping walls, scrubbing floors, and its looking pretty lids said i need to treat myself every now and then so i got a coffee this afternoon and bought some ice cream tonight...... was lovely....
Going to my folks tomo to watch spurs and have a quiche should be good..... we need to keep up the momentum in the league.....
Ive applied for some time off over the summer and hopefully can sit in my garden and enjoy the sun....
Last weekend is a distant memorie now and the feelings and emotions i will keep away from..... they wont help to remember and the cost of it hasnt impacted me a great del thankfully..... lets look forward now.
All the best adam xxx
Hi Adam, well done for working through the last week or so, should be happy today with Spurs winning. Sorry but hoping to cause an upset on Wednesday at Bramall Lane, I'll be there to see what happensÂ
Keep up the good work
hi bladesman, thansk for popping by...... i think lol....... yep big game wedsnesdy..... its on bbc so ill be watching too...... come on the mighty spurs.....
So one month left of the financial year and my goal was to invest 50-60% of earnings..... how have i done...... ive invested 5900 into my flat......Sofa, Painting, New sofits and gutters and new carpets.....I've also saved 1300 so all in all of the 13000 ive earnt ive invested 7200 55% slap bang in the middle of my target.
In recent months ive opened a rainy day saver with barclays..... ive put in 1300 total in recent months which should give me 3 pounds interest each month and i strive to continue to do thhis should other costs not arrise..
Recovery after my recent free poker blip is going great..... Ive unninstalled the apps and feel like ive itched a scratch witthout delving into actual gambling so in all im happy......
all the best adam xx
Just got off the phone to my gp for my annual check up......
Pleased to say hes very happy
I used to have a cholesteral level that was 9 (hereditery) now its 5.7
Also my blood pressure was rated good/ideal at 127/70....
Healthy living really working for me...
All the best Adam xx
five days later and here i am no gambling horray..... earnt an extra 90 pounds yesturday as overtime.... been looking at my spreadsheet and should be able to save a lot this far ive put 1400 into my rainy saver and hoping to put another 900 in at the end of this month.
had some vouchers thru the post for subway so went and got a sub today was nice....then went and bought some milk from waitrose and got a free coffee then a friend came over and we got a pappa johns pizza.... lovely day..... He manages a youth football team and after 18 games they have lost every game and are -149 goal difference....but they turn up each week and try their best so all in all its good for them...
I love michael jackson and there is a tribute playing at a local curry house this thursday and im off work on thurs and friday so ive booked a table for me juan and ekhi...... really looking forward to it....Also really looking forward to the spurs game this wednesday night champs league last 16..... we are one nil down going into the second leg....hoping we can turn it around and get the home crowd roaring and cheering for us.... if we can get an early goal or two ill be ecstatic.......
I walked past a bookie today and briefly thought about getting some cash out and going in......but managed to see sense very quickly.....all in all recovery going great.......
Also when i worked this saturday one of the nurses said they are looking for someone to work on the ward desk on saturdays so ive put myself forward for it...... i dont do anyything on saturdays so it would be good to earn a bit extra.
All the best adam xxx
Feel like its one step forward one step back in different ways..... gambling wise one step forward..... signed up to gamban for 5 years last night..... this is so when my gamstop runs out in july i cant be tempted.... so thats a great move......
Then with regards to work i took a step back as ive withdrawn my interest in weekend work and pay review...... I had a down day today..... so thought working six days a week would be too much.... oh well..... plus i emailed to say minimum wage was fine dont need a pay review..... only thing is i put soo much energy into my work but dont get much money in reward for it... oh well.
On the plus side theres football on tomo then spurs wednesday night then a four day weekend to look forward to.
As you can see its a mixed bag today.
All the best Adam xx
Well done mate on not gambling and the Gamban registration. I am pretty sure that you can extend the Gamstop? It doesn't just stop after 5 years you have to actively opt-in to gambling again. Most companies won't allow you.
Don't take my word for it though. I would contact Gamstop though and say you want to extend your gambling ban now so you are protected beyond July.
re the pay review. I got underpaid at work for 4 years. Colleagues left because of it and went to higher paying jobs. I stuck it out chipping away at management and finally got rebranded in my role, with more pay than I originally asked for. Not life changing tbh but more than I asked....... What I am saying is don't give up the fight, the second they see you will accept being underpaid they will consider it a win.
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