Evening ..... im going to rest up as much as possible over the long weekend and then get stuck in at work....ive been off for two weeks and am raring to get stuck in again.
Feel fully refreshed ready for work on tuesday, looking to hit the ground running and really make an impact..... going to be a busy month at work with plenty of changes to my working life.... will look to take everything on board and strive to do well.
Yesturday i went with my mum to the b and q ..... i put 80 pounds on the gift card and bought 2x rhododendriums, 1 x fatsia, 1 x bay tree , 1 x camilia, 1 x forsiethia (which ill call bruce lol)..... and some bulbs..... ive spent today planting them and will spend monday in the garden doing some planting should the weather not rain..... Really liking the look of the garden now..... Going to spend a lot of time in it over the summer cant wait.
Soo far on my health kick ive lost 7 pounds in weight since christmas..... im looking to lose another 7 pounds by summer..... Ive joined a gym that's opening in town soon..... really cant wait to get into it and get trimm.
My health is very important to me and im trying to get trim to get my blood pressure as low as possible and work on my fitness to improve my heart rate.... Â
Recovery wise everything going well allbeit a month ago i did venture ont that pokerstars play for a day but i spent 60 pounds on chips i wouldnt ever be able to cash out or make any money on so i firmly believe this not to be gambling....so in that way im still on over 1200 days gamble free..... Almost 7 years not smoking, almost 5 years not drinking, all is going well..... So many friends go thru patches of wanting to cut their drinking down but they cant manage it so im very happy that im able to do it.
All in all im happy with life but im now striving to think about work less whilst not at work. I get paid to think about it at work not whilst im at home..... so im going to strive to change my minds ubject matter at home in my personal life should i start to think about work.......
Ive just been told the nuffield living wage from April will be 10.94, min wage is 10.42 andi was being paid 10.04 so thats an extra 94 pounds before tax for me which will be very helpful....
Ive been super savy with my daily trips to waitrose....yesturday i got a loaf a bread, can of soup and a coffee for 75p each day im trying to use my vouchers and look to eat healthy whilst watching the bank balance..
Over the last three months ive saved 1800 pounds.... and im looking to save 450 pounds each month.... Once i get up to 5k ill transfer to my dad to pay off the 40k i owe my mum and dad...... one thing at a time....save save save.
I like to keep sctructured objectives to keep me in line with what i want to achieve..... and its working well.
All the best Adam....
very proud of our gamcare community
one step forward, two steps back, half step forward etc this is how i feel about my weight..... last night had a pappa johns and ice cream.......today went for three walks..... 13k steps...... not too big meals..... then had some crisps and bacon sandwich which noi doubt counteracted all that good work......
Just bought some salad, cucumber and a pepper, looking to have a salad with some chicken and potato...... see whether that will make for a healthier meal option....
done some exercise last night plus i walked over ten k each and everyday...... surely that should help with the weight.....
Need to set some goals in stone and keep to them?
New gym is opening soon no doubt....will look to go a lot when open......its 24 hour and im quite impulsive so i might be in there at two am lol
No think ill keep to daytime visits....
target 82/83 kgs 1.4 stone
read like that really seems achievable....
ill try and get there and stay there..... so the target is by the end of year...... to make it a successfull year....
Just weighed myself and im 90.50kgs
Ill weigh myself every other day.....
Done some gardening today.... Ate a bacon sandwich..... two cups of tea..... for dinner two chicken breaded pieces and mash and salald (cucumber, pepper and bistro salad)..... was a good healthy day and bonus ive not had any crisps or chocolate or ice cream today..... winning.
Lets see how this new diet works out and how much weight i can lose..
The main thing is to keep up the movement, exercise will burn off the calories and eating well will get my body in better shape....
Ill do a exercise video later and will strive to do a lot of exercise this week at work.
All the best.... adam 90.5kgs
Diets not working..... im eating well and exercising each week.... but i eat pizza as a treat once a week and on that day i put on a kg and go back to the same weight or more...... really not good.
Food is my one vice i like to enjoy and if i can't do that then i wouldnt be happy.... so with this in mind ill keep going with the healthy eating but stop trying to lose weight.... ill fail on my losing weight goal for this year but ill achieve being more happy during the year and that goes a long way towards my mental health!!!!!
This week my managers manager left on the wednesday.....to retire.....now i really got on with him but i dont get on with the supervisor that has been left with me...... On the wednesday i was tired so spent half an hour in the canteen having a tea break and the canteen manager told this supervisor and he said to me on the thursday to buck up my ideas or i would be surplus to requirements......now this put me in a terrible mood so i went to the person who was my boss before and told them what he said nd they told me that he shouldn't have said that and that my job wasnt at risk....
I work very hard this week and worked 9.5 hours on Saturday..... i should get 115 pounds for the saturday so with tax off that i should surely get 80 pounds towards energy bills this month so thats great. Then im working the next weekend too so that should make for a good paycheque next month.
I Think that as im 41 almost 42 im bound to not be able to lose weight very quickly....its true it takes moment on the lips lifetime on the hips.....mitabiliton goes down.... Â
Looks like the thing im most proud about this past twelve months is that im living independently again successfully...... i really just get help with a few bits from parents with advice about work etc to keep me in good stead but really happy with how its going and the flat and garden are lovely.
Ive only taken 2 days holiday soo far this year so it means ive got including bank holidays 38 days left to take....so ive planned lots of time off to ist in my garden over summer..... really hoping to get a tan and rest up and enjoy the summer months..... Nights are starting to get lighter later now and i can see we are going to get some nice sun.
Work is still a bit hit and miss....lots going on at mo difficult to keep up with changes to work and people managment.... Emma the director of building services is going to do a team meeting once a week to go thru work things....hoping that will be ok. Then lots of changes to what im doing and stock has less distance to travel now and my main role was to do that travelling with it.
I spent a tenner on some dispossable bbqs the other day so thats good for two bbqs...... should have one when champs league final is on for my birthday....plus i may have others......but i used to invite lots of people on whatsapp but i find thats too much so i think i keep to a max of three people round each time to maximise ease of bbq hosting and time i can spend with each person.
see i over think lol better to over think than under i guess lol
First holiday is the two bank hols next week and week after for king charles..... hes a great man and really cares about the planet so im pleased for him.
Then next holiday is 22nd may for the week and our visit to the Isle of White......hoping to be well throughout it like last time.....going to rest up and hopefully enjoy the sun..... mid may should be sunny.....
Hello diary....im back a week later....an eventful week....
I went and watched John Wick 4 was really good....
I went and was the nuffield health mascot for the day nuffy the bear.... was really good kids loved it....
I am in process of cancelling my gym membership for the new gym (i dont think i would use it enough even tho its a good price).
I worked saturday on reception 9 hours which should make for a good paycheque end of this month.
I had monday and today tuesday off work.... been watching box set and listening to music... also got a coffee.
Defrosted my fridge freezer last night....
The hot tap in my bath has broken so at mo cant have a bath ,, gonna fix this weekend...
The marketing for nuffield has gone on facebook really good advertising went really well.
Was pretty bored yesturday even tho it was only first day off in a while.... need to get back into work tomo and work hard towards the next long weekend this week.....
Not sure what ill do this weekend coming have to see.
All the best adam
Another weeks gone by.....
Work was ok had a bit of an argument with my supervisor but thats part and parcel of work cant allways aggree.
We are going to try our department without recruiting a new manager.... will see how that goes.
Kings coronation this weekend.... was a great concert on tv really good to watch.....
Done some gardening today.... planted a few plants id bought.... garden looking good....will endevour to do weeding of patio then jet wash before end of month.... then put weed killer down....
Bought some clothes (2 shirts) this weekend that im going to have as a birthday prresent from mum and dad.
Off to Isle of White o n 22nd..... two weeks left of work.... then start of summer holiday time...
Thought about and tried to play a game called coin master a friend was playing online as i was curious....its another purchase app tho and thankfully the gamban kicked in on my phone and laptop so i couldnt.....see i still get the urges and make bad decisions at times.... thnakfully no damage done...
Done some savvy grocery shopping today....got 18 pounds left on my sainsburys card (which has lasted two months already) and have probably 15 meals in freezer..... plus potatoes and carrots in fridge..... so hopefully with this i can feed myself the rest of the month and so i will save another 500 pounds this month..... ive saved 500 a month over the last five months which is great....Â
A little sacrifice and thought thru spending really makes a difference.... i really want to pay back the 43k i owe my folks so i should be able to pay back 7k a year......43,36,29,22,15,8,1 so just over 5 years saving and ill own my flat outright for retirement. Then im going to take a sebatical form work when im 50 over a summer when theres a world cup on......will be epic......
Alol the best adam xx
Little treat here, little treat there, good and bad things in moderation..... that's my philosophy....plus the golden nugget is if its offered to u for free (like a cake) take up that offer lol...u never know when another free cake will materialise....
Just had a lovely i mean lovely weekend....Friday night i watched some box sets and relaxed..... then it was supposed to be cloudy on saturday but when i woke midday there wasnt a cloud in the sky.... so i got my shorts on, slapped some sun tan cream on....invited quite a few of my friends over and sat in the sun whilst they drunk some beer and chatted.....then all but one went home about 5pm so adam and i ordered a deliveroo (double cheeseburger, fries and milkshake), boy was that lovely.....then i done something ive not done for a year.....i went to some bars.... four of us went out and played cards and they drunk was a lot of fun and i only spent twenty quid so not too bad......
Then today i woke up and went down the road for a full english in a cafe.....walked around town....then sat in the sun in my garden and my folks came over and done some gardening (boy does it look lovely)....
Now im sat here after some cheese on toast and will rest a little bit more before work tomo....
Justr got five days of work with all the footbal on midweek.... invited a friend over on this wednesday to watch the city madrid game....then after that five days its my first holiday of the year....ive got 11 days off....really dont feel i need a holiday yat but its all planned and so more and more vitamin d (sun) hopefully is on the cards.
I'm going to the isle of white and looking forward to sitting on the lodge balcony with a few coffees each day hopefully sitting in the sun, or on the beach , and resting up...
The at the end of that week ive planned a bbq round here for some mates and will have my siter and family over on my actual birthday 30th may, the tuesday then will go back to work on the wednesday.
So all i all a great time currently
All the best adam
Here i am ..... a week later..... three days into my holiday..... the weather forecast is brilliant.....should be sunny everyday.... ill keep my diary posted...
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