Sick of this s * i t .

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Hey Carl,

If I were you I would count the other day as a blip, although it is admittedly a very small one. I suppose on the positive side you didn't go on the fobt.

Hope you and toby get on with your friend at the park, you often mention that you can get lonely, so it might be good if you could go for a walk regularly.

Best wishes,


Posted : 18th June 2010 9:13 am
Posts: 157
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hi all, well im happy today. i finally went and got my new golf bag and put my clubs in it. It looks miles better than the other golf bag. I will be going to the driving range one day this week. Not been gambling for a while i forget when i went last. Just wanna say. it is hard to forget about it. But i tell you what my new £50 a day limit has worked not even used the card for 5 days now. The credit card is now down to £100 limit. the lowest they will go. I owe nowt on it but mite need it on holiday so i will keep it at that. So i have lost no money this week.

i have got toby sitting next to me watching the football with me. You shud have seen him the other day never seen a dog so happy running up and down the field past me it was amazing to see his little face. i love that dog.


Posted : 20th June 2010 8:02 pm
Posts: 0

So pleased to hear that life is going well for you and please make that 50p loss that you made a few days ago your very last silly one. I know 50p is only 50p but it would have bought some little treats for Toby.

Do you really need a credit card? You may want to ask yourself that question as I wish that I had never owned a credit card in my life. They create 'easy' money which works out to be incredibly expensive in the long run. My real target at the moment is to pay off my credit card debt which is still in 4 figures early next year.

Then I shall be ripping it up and vowing never, ever to own one of those evil things again.

Keep up the great work and treat Toby to some 50p treats!

Posted : 22nd June 2010 5:57 am
Posts: 157
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Hi all hope you have all had a good week off gambling. I can't remember when i last gambled now it must be at least 2 weeks. And i just do more with the dog. And work has got harder as we have got a new boss (from hell) so when i finish i just wanna go home. Have a good weekend all.

Posted : 25th June 2010 7:03 pm
Posts: 157
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Hi. just thought i would write on here for my benifit. so i know what i've been doing.

Well i was not happy about the way england played on sunday. The defence was cr** they had the same move made on them 3 times and the germans got 3 goals. Well at least a didnt bet on it. or that would have been a loser. i wonder how much the bookies made out of it. Anyway i have not gambled since the 13th of the month which is now 15 days. not bad for me. I gotta sav for car insurance next month and car tax. so i have to keep focused and i will.


Posted : 28th June 2010 6:14 pm
Posts: 0

15 days is brilliant - well done! Especially after it seemed that you had lost all hope that time ago! We are all so pleased for you - what you really must do now is to keep it up!

I really don't care how much the bookies made on the result but I really hope that they did lose. No doubt they will be looking for ways to recoup those losses in every evil way they can - like perhaps adding two more FOBTs to the four they have.

God! Do I sound like one of those executive bookie workers planning their next move?!

So sorry!

I am NOT one of them!

I am someone who has avoided paying hundreds, possible thousands to them in my 90 plus day run.

Now that makes me feel good!

Keep it up carlsimon!

Posted : 28th June 2010 10:28 pm
Posts: 157
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Thanks worried for your posts on my diary.

Been doing my new hobbie, well its an old one collecting dvds. I have over 400 now. and im wanting more 80's movies. So any surjestions would be most helpful. I just got footloose and flashdance today. after watching footloose on e4 last night. i got commando last week. top film as well.

On the betting front. i have not bet since the 13th june so all is going well.

Got that limit on my cash card of £50 that really helps too, just for piece of mind.

I took toby for a walk around the Tower where we live yesterday you could see everywhere all the way to blackpool and pendle hill, views where amazing. And it is good what you can do for free. I'm staying strong. carl and toby.

Posted : 1st July 2010 4:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl and "Woof!" to Toby,

Do you go to car boot sales? There are always DVDs for sale and usually around the 50p or £1 price. A great source for your hobby, me thinks!

There are plenty of things in life that we can all do for free like your walks and my runs.

Take care

Posted : 1st July 2010 5:30 pm
Posts: 157
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Well iv'e been at it again. As soon as i get a bit of money in my bank account i blow it.

I went online and blew £200 and then started chasing it. Lost £400 in 2 days. Im really pisssed off with myself. I cant gamblw anymore money as not got any ready cash left. At least i got rid of overdraft and credit cards, as i would probs have gone into them.

I will recover from this ffin illness. 7/7 is gonna be the last day i ever gambled. I had got money out this week to do the mot and i blew it all then went chasing it online.

Anyway if you anyone have anymore tip to stop me doing it i would be happy.

I'm just so peed off with myself.


Posted : 7th July 2010 2:05 pm
Posts: 157
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I've seen the light. I've said it many times. Dreaming of stopping. But this is it. The one And the only Yes im stopping stop stopped. That was it today There will never be Another day like today the day i see the light. The one the only this is it. Never again will i fuuckking bet on anything. Lottery bookies Anything. nothing nowt.

Posted : 7th July 2010 7:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi carlsimon

you asked how i stopped and have i any new hobbies since I stopped.

well i did everything i could to stop...I went to GA, self excluded from all the bookies in my town, gave my wife total access to my bank accounts.

In short i did everything I could think of to make it difficult for me to bet.

once i had stopped then i concentrated on staying stopped. I learnt to hate gambling and what it does to me, i vowed never to bet on anything again...i wont even buy a raffle ticket these days.

I never forget what gambling turns me into to, i never forget the pain i caused my wife and children.

Gaqmbling is no longer a part of my life, i enjoy my family, my job, my new german shepherd puppy. I fill my time with normal stuff.

It can be done if you put your soul into stopping and staying stopped.

everyone of us can stop if we work at it hard enough.

go for it, do everything you can think of to stop yourself from placing that next just gets better and better without gambling in it.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 7th July 2010 10:38 pm
Posts: 0

7/7 will certainly NOT be a lucky day for you - there is a 7 missing in the middle. So this is an ideal date for you to remember by.

Stay strong mate, and keep ignoring those evil thoughts and urges.

Posted : 8th July 2010 10:33 pm
Posts: 157
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Hi all the light is still shining on me. It has been 2 days now without a bet and i also got payed today so loads a momey in the bank and i wanna keep it that way this time, Thanks for all for posts.


Posted : 9th July 2010 9:52 pm
Posts: 0


Hope all is still well with you.


Posted : 21st July 2010 8:55 pm
Posts: 157
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hi november. Thanks for remembering me.

I have had a lapse it the last few days. But i have made some postive changes to things so i cant waste money anymore. got gamlock on pc and changed my current account as for 1 sick of seeing all the money thats gone and 2 got new limits on this one. And also have a more postive frame of mind no to gamble as its a f*****g waste of life and money. I hope everyone on here is having a better time of it than me. My savings did take a big hit but at least i did stop and think in the end.

Doing my best. carl

Posted : 22nd July 2010 2:32 pm
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