So its come to this..

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Well done on picking up the self exclusion forms but please don't take any money with you when you return to those places with the forms filled.

Just my thoughts...

Getting There

Posted : 1st November 2010 6:22 pm
Posts: 36

well done for stopping at the small amount and not chasing it. and for the forms, onwards and upwards

Posted : 1st November 2010 7:40 pm
Posts: 0

A victory of sorts it seems, well done on seeing sense.

I totally agree with getting there, you have to self exclude from every estabilishment. Otherwise, the next slip may be a lot more expensive.

Keep the faith. Looking forward to your positive posts



Posted : 1st November 2010 10:31 pm
Posts: 0
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So I am back to day 1 again 🙁

Its ridiculous this, I feel really strong and empowered by this website and the support I get from the Gamcare community. I feel like I can get through this and stop this stupid habbit, but all it takes is a bit of boredom and I am back at it..

I went to return the Self exclusion forms to all my regular haunts yesterday, I went round without any money or access to money as suggested by Getting there (Thanks for that) and all went swimmingly. While in one bookies I even watched a guy claim £175 he had won on roulette then just as he was leaving had another quick flutter on it, as I left the shop I witnessed him putting the last of his winnings back in the machine and I thought 'That used to be me'.

Anyway that was lunchtime. Fast forward to after work and I was having to kill some time in City Centre, managed to find the only brand of bookies I hadnt self excluded from as I never use them lets call it 'BET JOE' and right next door was a 'Fastsilver' Amusements. Actually finished about a tenner up.

But winning moneys not the point is it. I lost overall, I lost because I gave up again and gambled at the first opportunity. I am so wound up with myself. Already gambled 3 times since I was supposed to have stopped. I just cant help myself.

So here we go again.

Day 1..

Posted : 3rd November 2010 10:37 am
Posts: 0

It is hard mate, no one said its gonna be easy. I truly believe the rock bottom moment theory, that time when you haven't a penny left to your name, are so much in debt that there is no way to turn, watching the people you love with a look af hate, hurt and anger in their eyes, that's what made me stop.

I really hope you can stop before you hit that moment becasue it is a truly horrible experience

With you all the way


Posted : 3rd November 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 0
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I know its not going to be easy, but its very frustrating isnt it.

Anyone got any tips of what helps them stop impulse gambling?

Already limited my access to cash and self excluded from everywhere I regularly go.

As I said chatting on here helps loads, but not always on a computer when I get the urge!

Posted : 3rd November 2010 1:55 pm
Posts: 0


Mate! What is going on?! You have to stop this or it will get you and ruin your life.

You have made very positive steps towards stopping but you have to close all the doors available to you gambling wise. I know from bitter personal experience that any possible opportunity will come and bite you if you don't remove it.

You need to self exclude from every possible gambling estabilishment in town. Get rid of the means to gamble, move money into an account you cannot withdraw from or give money and cashcards to someone you trust.

You can do this but you have to really want to stop. It will be the best decision you ever make - it was for me.

Cmon mate

Good luck


Posted : 3rd November 2010 6:07 pm
Posts: 0
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**k **k **k **k **k. I cant stop, help me. what should i do? just lost another £100 lost £30 the other day to. I cant stop. I thought this place would help but I cant stop. I cant afford this. I am even lying to my mate I admitted everything to now. what am i to do. nothing is helping,

Posted : 13th November 2010 12:05 am
Posts: 0


So sorry to hear that you are still struggling.

I'm afraid the only advice I can give you is what I said in my previous post. Have another read and try to implement those changes.

I am always here to support you.



Posted : 13th November 2010 1:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Just thought I would pop in with some good news.

On New Years Eve when very drunk I told my misses everything about my gambling and my debts. I told her everything. I Woke up New Years day thinking Hmm, maybe that was a bit of a mistake. She was a bit pssed off for a couple of days then we sat down and went through everything, I was honest told her about all the payday loans, how much I was losing and had lost my reasons etc.. She obviously doesn’t 'Understand' but I wouldn’t expect a non gambler to understand, but she has been very understanding.

Since telling her I haven’t gambled, not once. I haven’t even put a coupon on or anything. This is a record for me it's been 35 Days gamble free now, and it feels great. This is the first month in ages I haven’t taken a pay day loan, I am still skint because I have had to pay old loans but this time I haven’t had to take out more to blow at Bet Bobs or Willy Hilly's. I told my sister to, and after telling these people I feel so much better, Its like a weight has been lifted. I swear me and my girlfriend are even getting on better now.

Anyway, after my last post on here I am so pleased I am back on a positive note.

I know I could well gamble at any time and I need to keep on top of it, but for now Life is better than normal.

Have a great Gamble Free Day.


Posted : 4th February 2011 11:07 am
Posts: 0
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So here I am 6 years after my first post... Still a Gambler.. What a n*b head. So told my now wife (who is currently pregnant with our first) which heaped a load of stress on her. Told my parents, who previously had no idea I had any problem. Had a full on breakdown. Have been really low and depressed this time. By the time I worked out my debt it has got to 9 1/2 grand. Bad times.

Anyway positive thoughts and that. GA meeting maybe?

Posted : 20th February 2015 11:51 am
Posts: 1345

Why not. Your way of fighting this has not worked for you so try something new! Give it 90 days dont expect a miracle instant cure there. What do you have to lose?

Posted : 20th February 2015 12:05 pm
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