Start of quitting

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big bessie
Posts: 102
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Glad I finish work for the day in two hours. It's difficult being the only male in charge of several moaning women. All they do is b**** about each other and the company itself. On a positive note, I'm feeling fairly healthy and fit as I've been going to the gym about four times a week since I quit gambling. Time spent in the bookies has been replaced by time on the treadmill. I've always been into the gym, but when I was betting I used stay in the bookies and just do a token effort at the gym. DAY 62 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 21st February 2012 12:55 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Busy morning at work, last few hours here then off till Friday night. Continuing to hammer the gym, healthy body = healthy mind--- I hope anyway. DAY 63 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY!

Posted : 22nd February 2012 10:38 am
Posts: 4422

hi bessie

just got to reading your diary from the beginning I am inspired by your commitment to abstain from gambling and well done for getting to the place you are at now!

I myself am finding i have so much more time since i stopped this dire addiction nearly a month ago and find reading other diaries is really helping me in the quest to have a gamble free life

well done again duncs

one step at a time always forward.

Posted : 22nd February 2012 4:43 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 69. Thanks Dunc for your support. Still no gambling thoughts, which is good. A challenge lies ahead, a friend is having a birthday get together at his house this Saturday, problem is that it is a race night theme. I've been torn between going or not. I've decided to go but not get involved in any betting on races. If anyone wonders why I'm not getting involved I'm quite willing to tell them. I can't just hide away anytime something like this comes along, I've got to face up to these things. Has anyone else in recovery ever had a similar problem? I've done 69 days and I'm not about to throw that away. When I was gambling, horses were never the problem, so this won't be that difficult, I hope. DAY 69 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 28th February 2012 11:35 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 76. Got through the weekends challenge of the race night at a friends house. Watching people cheering on their horses, the excitement etc just made me more determined never to get involved again. Even watching it did nothing for me. That part of my life is in the past, i'm only looking ahead now. Another obstacle was on the horizon, the Grand National. Every year we either go to the race or someone has a grand national party. So as not to get involved i've booked a week away in Spain as it's the Easter school holidays. DAY 76 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 6th March 2012 7:47 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Still no gambling. Still no thoughts of gambling. Slowly the regrets are starting to fade. DAY 81 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 11th March 2012 10:45 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

I will not gamble today because it makes me severely unhappy. Day 82 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 12th March 2012 3:37 pm
Posts: 0

Holiday to Spain. Sound like a plan ,a bloody good plan if you ask me.

You are doing soo well, not too long to the 100

Take care, viva est spainia


Posted : 12th March 2012 3:53 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Thanks Dusty. Another week has flown by, still no gambling. We had a good day yesterday, mothers day. It was nice to spend the day without thinking of results etc. Day 89 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 19th March 2012 10:07 pm
Posts: 0

Congrats BB on 89 days. Great to read diaries of those doing well and keeping it together. Keep up the good work.

Posted : 19th March 2012 10:15 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Been to the driving range today. Packing in gambling hasn't half improved my golf game. I just never had time before as i spent every spare moment on-line gambling. My mind is strong now, stood on that tee today with the sun shining on my face i feel like a different human being to the lost soul that first logged on here on December 21st. DAY 93 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 23rd March 2012 4:20 pm
Posts: 0

Just goes to show what life is like when we don't gamble.

So why gamble?!


Posted : 23rd March 2012 4:29 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Nice to see the sun shining, it seems to put everyone is a much better mood. No gambling thoughts over the weekend, aiming for friday now and 100 days gamble free. It's amazing how much better you can feel in that amount of days, the stress has gone and my mind is clear and focused. Day 97 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 27th March 2012 7:27 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Made it to the century 100 days gamble free. I'm still amazed how life can change in that relatively short space of time. My general mood is a lot better, I used to get annoyed with little unimportant things, I don't now. I realise all that was frustration from gambling spilling over into general life. In the last 100 days I have become more patient and understanding with everyone, wife, kids, other drivers etc...This is just the beginning for me, onwards and upwards now. DAY 100 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 30th March 2012 3:32 pm
Posts: 0

Well done, great post.

Strange to think when you gave up, you never thought that patience would be one of the things to benefit from stopping .

We are all learning so much about ourselves, and turning in to much nicer people.

Long may it continue .

Roll on 200


Posted : 30th March 2012 4:27 pm
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