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Hey dervkidd, good to see that you've still not given in, you're just a couple of days ahead of me, and I hope it stays like that, and neither of us give in.

The temptations do still seem to be there for me as well, but turning away and not looking at it again is what I do if I can. I'm lucky I'm not that into the fruities, otherwise the pub could be a problem.

One thing I wish would stop are all the spam emails promoting casinos, brings it to mind everytime I check into my inbox.

Good luck and all the best,


Posted : 15th March 2010 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dervkidd,

Thanks for your post on my diary, just read through yours looks like you're doing great so far!

Just remember whenever you get the urge to say those words again! Seems to be helping you so far, keep it up!

Posted : 15th March 2010 10:51 pm
Posts: 0


good to hear from yu guys and thanx for posting..i will catch up with your diaries in a bit...but first..??? I would just like to say it is awful when you previously was gambling.. because the casinos wont let you off lightly with all the junk mail...also ..fcbk..does the same thing and when you try to delete it says 'oops something went wrong'..TV is bad 2...SO YOU ARE RIGHT!! IN WHAT YOU SAY... however,exposure cant harm you just shut it out of your will actually make you stronger as long as you block and I mean completely block or distort temptation...I say 'I cannot win because i cannot stop'!!...Although dont literally go into a boookie (or online) and sit their staring at a game for hours on end..cozz that is just plain silly coz I believe you will get the urge and it will eventually overcome you!!...stay away if you can..FOREVER!....anyway its common sense!!.....I was near a bookies today and I started questioning my credit cards saying hmmm I got quite some funds..and then i said in my mind start with a tenner (but i knew that was my mind making up an excuse to lose the lot!!!!) I quickly said 3-4 times and I meant it I CANNOT WIN BECAUSE I CANNOT STOP.... then I got my haircut and went home!...pheww!!1 literally a close shave although a asked for a number 1..and im sure I got a 2...(blunt clippers).

Posted : 16th March 2010 1:03 am
Posts: 0

Great to see that you understand the seriousness of being a cg but like me can still find humour from the situation.

Just because we finally see sense does not mean we have to have a sense of humour by-pass!!!

I went to my old barbers last week and he told me he was not going to cut hair any longer.

I told him that was good because I want mine shorter!!

All the best


Posted : 16th March 2010 8:05 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post on my diary. I cannot win because i cannot stop is an ideal saying for compulsive gamblers. It does take a while to learn though and a lot of money! Well done on your recovery so far, gambling has a way of tricking intelligent people because intelligent people want to find some sort of system or be clever about their winning. The truth is the bookies always have the edge and compulsive gamblers don't know when to stop.

Thanks again for the post, talking about gambling and becoming more knowledgable about it is helping me see the light at long last!


Posted : 16th March 2010 6:14 pm
Posts: 0
Posted : 16th March 2010 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

Tnx for the post guys much appreciated...I have a lot to do, and the stress is mounting but coping without addiction of any our eyes is what you call WINNING!!




Posted : 16th March 2010 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

hi guys just having a quiet day in..... im gonna get some work done at home... still gamble free ..getting on for three weeks now..soon be a month...that is good news.

Posted : 17th March 2010 12:43 pm
Posts: 0

Well done mate.Three weeks free nearly thats a great start.

Stay Strong!

Posted : 17th March 2010 7:22 pm
Posts: 0

tnx 4 the support guys....I AM DETERMINED MORE THAN EVER to get through this.......

Posted : 18th March 2010 7:22 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post derv,pleased to read that you are managing to beat the habit too :).Stay strong.


Posted : 18th March 2010 9:13 pm
Posts: 0

Well all is good...although I dont seem to ave much time these days...I wonder where I found the endless hours to gamble...??? I think it takes more than just money from you...ohh well onwards and upwards 🙂


Posted : 19th March 2010 10:06 pm
Posts: 1057

good on you derv mate. . . . Keep up your positive posting. Excellent 🙂

Posted : 19th March 2010 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi every 1 hope all of you are stronger than ever and I wish you all well..

remember...I CANNOT LOSE IF I DO NOT START!... nrly 1 gambling! 🙂

...I CANNOT LOSE IF I DO NOT START...I CANNOT LOSE IF I DO NOT START!... nrly 1 gambling! ... nrly 1 gambling! :)...I CANNOT LOSE IF I DO NOT START!... nrly 1 gambling! :)...I CANNOT LOSE IF I DO NOT START!... nrly 1 gambling! :).............B STRONG!

Posted : 20th March 2010 2:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Dervkidd

Soon to be one month excellent work m8.Stay strong Jeff.

Posted : 20th March 2010 6:39 pm
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