Starting again

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My name is Alex and I was gambling free for 4.5 years. 

A few weeks ago, I started getting interested in watching slots videos on YouTube. I wasn’t gambling and I had Gam stop so I didn’t see the harm. 

2 weeks ago I saw a free bet on an app. It seemed too easy. 

I was able to join the site as a few details had changed since I joined gam stop. 

I deposited £10. Lost some but won the free bets. They were gone by the end of the night betting on obscure games with teams I’ve never heard of. 

I noticed the site had slots and I remember how much I loved slots. 

5 years ago I lost a marriage and kids due to my gambling, I was homeless and in severe debt. I would wait every month at midnight for my wages to go in and they would be gone on slots before the next morning. I absolutely slots, the excitement of the bonus coming in and the possibly of fortunes that never came. 

Coming back to now, when I saw that that app had slots, it interested me but I didn’t do it. 

I started watching videos on YouTube of slots and bonuses etc. i would spend hours a day watching them. Still thinking it was harmless fun. 

Last week I found myself walking into a bookmakers to put on a football bet. 
The bet won so went back in to collect. When I had the money in my hand, without any 2nd thought, I walked straight over to the machine and opened the slots. 
I lost it all within about 10 mins. 

I was annoyed but it was Ok because it was just winings. 

I went in again soon after and put money in the machine . I asked the staff to put it in using my card. 

I lost it and decided it was “due” so I put more in. This time it wasn’t fun, I was breathing heavier, shaking a little , this was now real money that is needed for bills and to live. 

I lost that one and put another same deposit in. Won back my losses and then some but decided I was on a winning streak so kept going and ultimately lost that too. 

It’s ok you’re £150 down but that’s manageable, you can disguise that and pay a little less to certain bills. 

I decide it’s my time, I’m due a massive win and you can’t get that from the bookies. So I join a slots site. They discover I am on Gam Stop so cancel my account. 

Ah surely can’t be that bad and I proceed to join the site. Deposit £100. 
1 week later the £100 is deposited, I turn it into £800 and I am elated. I can’t leave it there so I up the stake I use and I keep spinning. It then is 4am and it is all gone. 

I say to my self never again, that’s it. No more gambling. 

2 days later I try another site, crypto only deposits and I don’t have crypto. 

I then decide to use my wife’s name and join a site, they let you deposit using your mobile phone too so I decide this is great and deposit £90. 

I try to withdraw a win and I am asked for my bank card, the account is in my wife’s name. c**P. 

I tell them it’s my husband’s phone and card, it’s fine. They cancel the account and refund my deposits because I breached the T&Cs. 

This morning I try another site but decide to use my card but enter my wife’s name. It worked. £100 in and lost, then again and again. 

I am sick to my stomach, panicking and searching for loans to hide the losses. I am a bankrupt from my past so no loans for me. 

I decide to go on a live chat for the site and find myself confessing to this person that I used my wife’s details etc in the hope that we would refund my deposits as breached T&Cs. 

At this point, I realised this is low, this is definitely a low point for me. What am I doing and how could I be here when only 1 month ago I was happy and gambling free. 

I updated my gam stop details and I installed gamban. I also decided to set up a diary and try to stop again. 

I gambled this morning on the internet, on a site pretending to be my wife after taking a photo of her passport to verify and setting up a fake email for her. 

i intend on this being lowest low and hope to recover from here, again. 

thanks for reading if you got this far.


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 27th September 2022 7:40 pm
Posts: 206

Hi Alex, 

There is a big lesson here in regards to watching gambling on YouTube. It's absolutely not harmless to anyone who has an addiction and wants recovery. Even though watching videos might seem harmless because whilst you are watching them you aren't physically putting money in yourself, however the psychological fire that happens from watching them will ultimately end up with financial loss when the desire gets too much for you not to resist. 

From a recovery perspective it might be wise to understand what was going on for you emotionally when you felt desire to watch gambling videos so this doesn't repeat itself.

It seems like all the following events - opening up accounts in yours and your wife's name only happened from increased desire from watching YouTube videos.

Slip ups can be good lessons if you learn something that stops it happening again. 


Kind regards 


Posted : 29th September 2022 3:19 am
Posts: 4
Topic starter

Thanks for the reply.


Today is 48 hours gambling free, it feels nice and I am motivated to remain clean. 

We have definitely felt the pinch recently with the cost of living, we’re not skint, we can afford our bills and can run 2 cars but we have to think twice about spending. 


I think that has planted the seed, which led to the desire of watching YouTube videos, then the following actions that took place. 

it has been an exhausting month, 2 weeks of build up then 2 weeks of non stop gambling. I’m tired, I’ve gained a stone in weight because I’ve been comfort eating and I’ve not been to the gym. 

I would normally go to the 4 times per week but whilst gambling I didn’t go once. It took so much of my headspace, thinking about when I could gamble, how much I could get away with losing, what I was going to play, when was my wife going to work or going out so I could play in peace. It’s exhausting. 

2 days clear though so I am grateful and I am starting to feel my head clear a bit. I know I can do this as I managed 4.5 years so I’m trying to remind myself how good those years were. 

I am still occasionally thinking about the large win I had, which wasn’t paid out to me due to the fraudulent account details but I need to get over that. That is the cost of my lesson. 

I will try and keep updating my diary a couple of times a week, it’s good to write my thoughts out. 

Posted : 29th September 2022 11:42 am
Posts: 206

Hi Alex,  

It sounds like you've drawn a line under the previous events and ready to move on to the correct path again. It's great to hear you say that you've done it before and can do it again. Believing is a massive part of achieving. I've found that Visualisation of future milestones has been fundamental for change.

Take care! 

Posted : 29th September 2022 4:59 pm
Posts: 18

Those YouTube fobt gamblers are to be avoided at all times. It’s all edited down and only shows wins 99.% of the time! We know wins are infact about 1% of the time and the rest is a mental battle that leaves you angry, distraught, frustrated and skint!! These FOBT are killing people and need to be stopped immediately!!! It’s legal theft. Don’t EVER watch those videos!!

Best of luck x 

Posted : 29th September 2022 5:08 pm

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