so I relapsed again for the millionth time . That’s $5000 I gambled in last 20 days and $24 400 in last 60 days gambled and tons more before that . starting over again , I don’t know what I’m doing wrong why I keep relapsing but I know that beating myself up for it doesn’t work .Â
I had a strong urge and should have fought it should have gone to the movies instead I need to  form new habits something to do instead of gambling .Â
starting over last try .Â
i am currently going through the same thing Peter, just coming to terms with it and realising its too late to win it all back and the stress of trying is not worth it. Time to draw a line in the sand and start again, you can do it and so can I. My thoughts are with you.
I totally get it. Over the last few years, my husband and I have slowly spent every dime saved for retirement.  He passed in June and I stopped going to casinos, because I can't handle the drive. But I've spent thousands online. I was told of an app that blocks any gambling sites.  I loaded it and it works.  I'm praying this helps.
Hi there. Sorry to hear of your relapse. 😢. You say you don’t know where you are going wrong but it would seem to me that maybe you haven’t got all the vital blocks in place, to prevent you from losing/wasting any more of your money?.
Blocks are the best thing to just completely stop you in your tracks when those urges come along, some of which just come out of the blue.
If you really do want to stop this terrible cycle most of us on here have been through, then I strongly suggest getting those blocks in place asap - on your phone, laptop, iPad, bank cards etc.
I wish you the best. 🙏.
Pink Lady 🩷🍎.
@j5a6meyr4z  I didn’t gamble online , it’s in person casinos that’s the orovlem and I already banned myself from all casinos in my province but that didn’t stop me , they don’t check any id here anyone can walk in .
ya I had a strong urge yesterday I wasn’t able to think I was panicking and sweating I was in a complete trance .
Can you tell me which app can block all the gambling site ? PleasÂ
Day 2 after another brutal destructive relapse , I was so happy I had 3 weeks clean and now it’s gone , I can’t wait to have those clean days again .Â
Keeping everything crossed for lots of inner strength for you 💪. This is the one that will stickÂ
Day 4Â
Taking it one day at a time . Going to do more ga meetings and try to talk in meetings , going to continues writing the steps , try to keep busy . Replace destructive deadly gambling with healthy habits such as the gym , walking , saving money .Â
Hi Peter,
My best piece of advise for you is to avoid the real time casinos as much as possible. Take a walk when you feel the urge, and make a walking route that deliberatly takes you away from any casino - dont get ina car at all. Also, when urges occur, come on here immediately and post what you’re feeling.Â
I had an online gambling addiction in my province and had to self-exclude and run a VPN blocker to start the process - and I know that if I were to go to a live casino I would struggle immensely without any support. I didn’t struggle as much in a casino, but I rarely visited them and know now to steer clear.
Good job so far on your progress - remeber thay day one was the toughest, and if you continue to distract yourself and really zone in on positive reason why gambling is hurtful to you, you will slowly start to beat this. Im now 45 days in and occassionally get strong urges, but I have worked on my mental health too and recognize the urges and can deal with them accordingly by distracting myself and reminding myself how much better life is when Im not aimlessly throwing money away. They want your cash, don’t give it to them. Its always better in your pocket!
kept at it mate, its a hard road but it will get better, and you will get stronger each and every time you abstain!
@pcqeo8gl0m  hey thanx unfortunately I relapsed again , tomorow will be day 1
i will try my hardest to not go back .Â
I have to replace the gamblinh habit with other things .Â
Affected by gambling?
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