Stopping Gambling is “easy”

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Today just travelling back from away work, today no real thoughts of gambling (great)!! So got on transport and off I went! In the past spent hours wasting time and money! So will do a bit of work on way home instead of getting frustrated!! Gf and I do not gamble

Posted : 7th March 2019 5:16 pm
Posts: 288
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Thanks for the support and if we stick to it we don’t gamble!

SadSox wrote:

Hi Jappy

Good on you. I’m so pleased you are finding a way to stop. My partner read the Allen Carr book too and couldn’t believe he didn’t read it sooner. He’s doing good too. Has put blocks in place, seeing a counceller, talking daily , and has told me and a few friends. He’s also chucked himself into his hobby, which seems to have helped.

He is feeling confident he can do this, just like you. I’m worried there will be a wobble.

Stay strong and keep going. Your shouting in the car post made me smile.


Posted : 7th March 2019 5:17 pm
Posts: 288
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Thanks stace

stace86 wrote: Well done

Posted : 7th March 2019 5:17 pm
Posts: 288
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Saturday evening having had a few drinks, I started to think it would be a good idea to go to casino/ gamble- today my barriers came to rescue as self excluded so the thoughts went away and hone I went! Another day gf!

Posted : 10th March 2019 8:52 am
Posts: 80

Another day done, one day at a time the only way I can deal with it

Posted : 10th March 2019 10:30 pm
Posts: 288
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Today has been a difficult day! Three of my mates all full of it as going to Cheltenham tomorrow for the week! I really enjoy to watch this week’s and ascot racing so will find it hard! I am following the book which is still to watch it if a want to but as a non gambler! I have got my barriers / self exclusion etc, let’s see how it goes! Another day as a non gambler

Posted : 11th March 2019 8:09 pm
Posts: 311

@Aln has great advice.

And sorry but day 13 isn't gamble free yet. Its to raw for you right now. Your end up with anxiety and it's really not worth it.

Keep busy don't watch it hun.
Stay strong.

Posted : 12th March 2019 12:50 am
Posts: 288
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Hi guys thanks for the advice! All good and sensible, today I have been at work and worked from home this pm and I had sky sports on in the background - I did watch a couple of the races, and interestingly I did actually enjoy the spectical as a sporting event. Allan’s book try’s to get me to think as a non gambler - would they watch the race? I am doing this with knowledge I can’t gamble because of the barriers. I have tried to use willpower to stop and I have failed numerous times so I am trying a different approach. I will have a think about this, because wanting to watch, is this what a non gambler would do? It’s all confused I think at Moment between not gambling and being a non gambler. But today I did not gambler nor thought about it, but enjoyed the sport. But I do understand that it may open me up. Today gf

Posted : 12th March 2019 8:34 pm
Posts: 288
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Hi today I am working at home and am up and running another day gf as a non gambler! Again not sure on the non gambling v not gambling! Still obviously get thoughts of gambling but these are currently not severe so good. I have had sky on in background so clearly Cheltenham has been on watched some races - not felt that I want to bet (but I have barriers in place) so cant gamble. So I am not convinced I am a non gambler / or a gambler not gambling. I will monitor my thoughts as I keep trying to tell myself that a non gambler would not think about the odds! Etc another day gf!

Posted : 14th March 2019 8:42 am
Posts: 81

Hi Jappy,

Hope things are going well. I also finished the EasyWay book recently - it definitely changes the way you look at gambling. Might be best to avoid Cheltenham a little in the early days - and see how you feel about it when you have more gamble-free time under your belt. See if you really enjoy watching the horses race, or whether it's still about mentally calculating the gambling odds when you're watching races.

Being gamble-free gives you so much free time to rediscover your true hobbies, and what you enjoy again. Best of luck with your gamble-free journey.


Posted : 14th March 2019 3:48 pm
Posts: 288
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Today another day gf! And a sporting day to remember as a non gambler! No thoughts of gambling just enjoying sky and the sporting spectical! Golf on now at the players another night of tv! So much more enjoyable not cursing after a bad shot or missed putt just enjoy the quality - stay gf!

Posted : 14th March 2019 5:49 pm
Posts: 288
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Thanks for the post ALN I think your points are the centre of my dilemma / thoughts. Gambling and me has been together for ever! However my love for sport goes back further. I started gambling (fruit machines) separate to sport. My main gambling toxin is FOBTs / roulette/ fruit machine (other gambling led me into places which then turned into FOBTs). I have tried to stop watching sport / big race meetings / golf because I used to have a “reasonable” bet while watching. This has failed I have felt depressed/ deprived. I totally agree I can’t have a flutter in sport as this will lead me back to where I don’t want to go. However I don’t think stopping watching sport (this is me) is also an option. So I am trying to be a non-gambler who watches sport. I need to tell myself I watch this for the excitement and spectical not to watch one horse / one player etc and I don’t get frustrated when bet goes wrong. I try to think like a non gambler would and just enjoy life as a gf life.

Posted : 15th March 2019 12:21 am
Posts: 288
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End of another week as a non gambler, worked all day today without a thought about gambling so “as a normal person would” all good!

Posted : 15th March 2019 10:14 pm
Posts: 288
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Saturday a day of rain!!! I was up early and did some long overdue admin so ticked a few to do jobs! Been to the gym so done some exercise! Watched some golf and rugby and enjoyed it all as a non gambler! Another day gf

Posted : 16th March 2019 7:43 pm
Posts: 288
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Today my bday a day of real discovery! I have spent all day thinking about gambling! I woke at 2.30am and up until about 3.30 my mind was mist! I wanted to gamble because it was my bday it would be lucky! I didn’t leave the office at lunch - then having worked though lunch and afternoon my mind started to clear, and I started to think streaight and sense prevailed came home and was really pleased I killed off the devil a bit more today! Worse withdrawal symptoms ever!! One day at a time!

Posted : 19th March 2019 9:58 pm
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