Stopping Gambling is “easy”

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This week has been tough! Lots of thinking about gambling but still hanging together- I started on reading the stopping is easy book to try and understand what I can do to try and hopefully not think about gambling! Here’s to a day gf and onwards and upwards!

Posted : 23rd March 2019 6:58 pm
Posts: 288
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Reading chapter 1 and 2 gives real clarity the issue of addiction and the feelings are due to addiction. My mind is clear at this point, I will continue through the chapters to try and accept the addiction for what it is. Head in better position now - here’s to another day gf

Posted : 24th March 2019 8:23 am
Posts: 288
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Today has been a much better day, positive work in morning and then golf! I was a bit / a lot short tempered so not good, but no gambling thoughts until I got to come home and the normal “shall I have a quick stop off” came in mind I ignored it and came hone! Stayed gf and reading a few posts on here making me feel good! Another day gf

Posted : 24th March 2019 9:42 pm
Posts: 856

Keep going, this sounds like a tough battle for you, I’m no expert but you sound like you need someone to take control of your money so that even if these urges keep coming you have no means of gambling without funds, interesting diary, keep busy and keep gambling free

Posted : 25th March 2019 2:40 am
Posts: 288
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Hi holycrosser thanks for your comments and it would be good if I could hand finances over! Currently I don’t have that person to do that. I need to have that daily plan which is what do I need with me that day. Leave cards at home carry small cash for exes, this does reduce the thoughts! If I continue to read and understand the thoughts and continue to make decisions that a non gambler would do hopefully the urges will die and I will start thinking and feeling like a non gambler.

Posted : 26th March 2019 5:32 am
Posts: 856

Fair enough pal.keeping busy and planning are essential to me, you are doing the right thing with the card, I tried that but it didn't work as it's there if the urge takes me and believe me it will come.

Keep going.dont gamble today

Posted : 26th March 2019 5:49 am
Posts: 288
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Today I did not gamble I have read some more of the book to continue to work at trying to reverse my years of brainwashing by the addiction, to try and get to a point when I can take my life forward and not be living with continual denial. It’s not easy and I am not there yet! But today I have not gambled and hopefully that will kill Gambling one further day! Stay gf

Posted : 26th March 2019 11:02 pm
Posts: 288
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I have just reread chapter 5 of Allen Carr’s book “the trap” is exactly the issue and key element of an addiction and the “feeding and starving” the big monster. My last 12 months of spells of abstinence and then coming back and having a bet. Thinking about those times are about “being fooled by the “Trap” I need to work more with the book and understanding that gambling doesn’t relieve stress/ or is a quick way to remove debt! I need to continue to act like a non gambler (what would a non gambler do!!) here is to another day killing the big monster!

Posted : 27th March 2019 7:21 am
Posts: 60

Well done. Looks like your on the same amount of GF days as me.

I've just finished the Allen Carr book. It's a real eye opener and makes you view your gambling from another angle all together. It helped me come out of my gambling bubble a little bit and see it from a non gamblers perspective. It also helped me realise that although I've told myself for years that I enjoy gambling, I actually don't enjoy It , it only brings pain and suffering.

I would recommend this book to anyone.

Stay strong

Posted : 27th March 2019 8:40 am
Posts: 288
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Thanks Gareth it is something that I have been trying to get which is a point where I get myself to think “this is not a good idea” it has been me for many many years, and the crutch and fear is real! I am not there yet, but I am certainly more open to decisions I make / have made / and the consequences. So here’s to pay day today and gf so a little paid off losses and the clear impact - which should make the financial impact clear! Although mind can say this is taking too long!

Posted : 27th March 2019 9:28 pm
Posts: 288
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Today day after pay day and mind is calm I have worked well this am and golf this pm all good! Ready for next few chapters in the book! All good and gf

Posted : 28th March 2019 7:31 pm
Posts: 288
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Today Friday I was out and about at work no thoughts about gambling all good, went into town for a card and some flowers for mother’s day! I walked across town and my mind - have a bet get a profit pay off debt!! It is kin madness! I walked on saying I do not gamble so why would I want to enter a bookies! Hopefully another nail in the big monster! Here is to another gf day, as soon as back in car / work no issues so all good

Posted : 29th March 2019 4:45 pm
Posts: 288
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Just off to bed and thought well done how good does it feel that plans can just roll and no issues! Today was good by saying I am not a gambler and walked on by! I always lose (at some point) so no point. Sleep well I will!

Posted : 29th March 2019 11:54 pm
Posts: 288
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Sat am - done some work to try and clear a backlog! All positive thoughts and golf this pm so all good! Nice weather to enjoy the free bits of life!

Posted : 30th March 2019 10:23 am
Posts: 856

Well done pal, keeping the mind off it really helps, keep going, don’t gamble

Posted : 30th March 2019 2:19 pm
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