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Day 79...wow, 79 days. Felt good when I woke up and now I'm up and dressed n breakfast done all I want to do is go back to sleep. I find myself asking this question at lot lately...'will I ever feel awake again?!'...I guess it comes with having kids, so once they move out in about 20 years I might sleep then!

Got a few errands to run this afternoon so that will keep me out of trouble. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get time to review my monthly finances n set it up so ther I don't have to think about every penny day in day out. I have 3 short term targets to reach...2 of which I'm hoping to have achieved by the end of the month the other one may take til the end if July or longer. I definitely think the secret to this recovery is short, realistic, achievable targets.

Got a great weekend coming up. 2 night away with the OH child free! Can't wait!!

Posted : 9th June 2014 10:02 am
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Day 80....miscalculated my July pay packet n discovered I will be 600 richer than I thought woohoo...most going to pay the debt off but a few treats for the family are a must 🙂

Posted : 10th June 2014 7:23 pm
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Day 82...been busy in the garden today no thoughts no urges. in about 7 weeks time I am going to have a few grand spare to hammer down the debt obviously, I wish this was a few grand to go on a wild spending spree with but that's tough s*i* isn't it!! One day I will be able to do that and I will have earned it!!

Posted : 12th June 2014 3:11 pm
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Day 86...a very expensive weekend but got to spend some quality time with the husband and if I'd been gambling it would have been even more expensive so need to try n not think about the money. Coming up to the 3 month mark which means I've paid a minimum of 3k off the debt which feels great 🙂

Posted : 16th June 2014 6:33 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shorty

You are doing brill 86 days gone without gambling you

Should rightfully so feel great

Suzanne x

Posted : 16th June 2014 9:59 am
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Day 87...having a nice lazy morning today even managed to get back to bed for an hour! Not much to report got a nice quiet family weekend coming up which is just what I need...hopefully have a BBQ if the weather stats good!

Never give up giving up xxx

Posted : 17th June 2014 11:39 am
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Day 90....woweeeee 3 whole months. Definitely get an urge when I have a few drinks...had a few last night and was thinking about what numbers I would play. Luckily the urges are for actual casinos and not online (which is what I've lost 99% of my money on) and there's no way I would be able or bothered to get to a casino! So my danger times are going to be when I'm out in town, which is probably once every 6 weeks...I think I can deal with that. Just got to have my wits about me!!

Posted : 20th June 2014 7:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shortie

90 days without spending even one penny on gambling

A very big congrats to you for abstaining this long

You definitely do have your wits about you

Suzanne x

Posted : 20th June 2014 8:13 am
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Day 92...stressing about debts again there is an annual credit card statement that could drop thorough the door the weekend that I am away in September...things like this are bad for the stress levels but a good way to keep on the straight and narrow. Might change the address on the account just incase! I can't come this far to get caught out by a stupid statement!! Finally the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight n I don't want to screw it all up when I know I can make everything right in the near future.

Posted : 22nd June 2014 1:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi shorty

Debts and stress is the last prize we get through gAmbling

I know exactly how you feel but debts can be paid

In time so we have to think positive don't we

92 days clean far outweighs 92 days of more gambling

You are doing really well

Can you not cancel statements by post and have them.

online by having that account online (just a thought)

Suzanne x

Posted : 22nd June 2014 2:11 pm
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Day 93...have had a lovely morning, OH didn't have to go to work til late so we went to the shops to get a few things together, nice to have him with me for a change! Going to make the most of the good weather as it's meant to get cooler by the end of the week!

Posted : 23rd June 2014 10:47 am
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Day 95...feeling a bit more hopeful and positive today...I know the debts are high but they are manageable and technically not all from gambling (wedding, 2 kids n 2 stints of maternity leave etc etc). I have friends that have 20k debt just from car payments, credit card debt and they are still living at home, unmarried and childless...I know it's no excuse but pulling the positive from life I own my house, I'm married and all the kids are out of the way...once this debt is paid off I'm home free...I don't need to save for a deposit on a house or anything else huge...there's obviously home improvements that would be nice to do but they're not urgent and no one is pressuring me to do them. It's slightly scary to think of being debt free...what the heck am I going to do with an extra 1k a month???? I know one thing, I won't be gambling it.

Posted : 25th June 2014 2:28 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Shorty

What a positive post and 95 days you should be proud

We will think we are rich when we pay the debts off and that is sooo postitive to just live life without gambling debts and that will come true as long as we stay strong and keep abstaining from gambling

We are winning every day we are not playing

Suzanne x

Posted : 25th June 2014 8:16 pm
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Day 96...it's amazing what can trigger an urge. Someone I don't really give a f**k about (friend of a friend) hasn't invited me out for an event and it has put me in a foul mood all day n made me want to turn to my old best friend the roulette wheel. The problem now is that I know it is not my best friend...anything but!! Why do I even care that I'm not invited I wouldn't go even if I was!!! f**k u n f**k ur false niceness...I can could on 2 hands the people I care about in this life and things like this make me realise I need to get rid of those foul using b@stards in my life and pay more attention to the people who really matter.

Rant over

f**k u and ur invitation!!!!

Angry.com but will not make myself angrier by gambling.

Man...I am so much wiser than I used to be with these urges. Go me.

Posted : 26th June 2014 6:46 pm
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Day 100 woooooooo...lots of much needed rest this weekend feeling wide awake and fresh today ready for some shopping and then hopefully enjoying some sunshine this afternoon. In 100 days I have not lost 1 penny to gambling, I think that calls for a little celebration 🙂 here's to the next 100 xx

Posted : 30th June 2014 8:06 am
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