Cheers murlo, we are all here the cheer each other on.
I've come to terms that ga might just now be a part of my life after all if it helps, it helps !!
I love being santa ? might not have the white beard and " as " big of a belly ??
*** Afternoon! ***
Here's hoping you're having a good day ... are we going to let the weather get us down? Naaaaa. We have our own suit of armour ... a commitment that we've made to ourselves just for today. We have chosen not to g*****. There's our sunshine - right there.
This time of year can be a stressful time for us, and indeed a lot of people. Here are 12 tips to help us through it.
Enjoy this Thursday, everyone!
*** Evening All! ***
Good evening everyone. I've just finished a session on the Gamcare Group Chat. It's always great to be with like-minded souls with that one goal in mind - to live a more fulfilling, amazing life. There are so many interesting posts, insights, stories ... there's always something new to ponder. Always worth a try if you'd like to give it a go!
Murlo - keep decorating that tree, one decoration for every day you've been g******-free. Let's see it topple over!
Dunpo - great to see you're keeping busy my friend. More time doing things that matter will lead to better things.
Fighter1 - thank you for your supportive post - positivity, I agree, is key.
Stephen - really love your gratitude list. Especially the profoundly true
"I am grateful that I can still laugh smile and dance"
The best things in life are surely as priceless as that.
How are we doing, everyone?
We've set ourselves personal targets. No race to get there, no song and dance.
One day at a time, we clock up another valuable, so valuable, fulfilling hard-earned day.
Isn't today a little sweeter because of it?
Are your senses heightened by just that extra 1% or more?
Are your thoughts just that little bit clearer?
Only you will know the answers to those questions!
Tonight, let's hang on for a bit longer. Just for today, Thursday 19th Dec. Don't think about tomorrow, don't even think about it - it's not here yet. One thing at a time. One day at a time.
In no particular order ....
EsoxLucius 28th Feb 2020
Mixer 13th March 2020
Boo 17th Jan 2020
Fighter1 Hon. Member ? <-- our target is to reach and stay there!
Changing habit 28th Jan 2020
Danpo 7th Mar 2020
Murlo 11th Feb 2020
Determined to Stop 1st March 2020
Stephen 10th Feb 2020
Adam123 31st Dec 2019
Franco1875 19th Mar 2020
Spendlikewater84 23rd Dec 2019
Ineffable 21st Feb 2020
Until tomorrow, friends,
Excellent posts thankyou Mixer. Good practical advice plus the support and encouragement makes me ever more determined to stay on the straight and narrow.
I am now in Surrey visiting sister and her family for Christmas & New Year. Our friendship has been strained after I asked her for a loan earlier on this year. I paid her back but she gave me the cold shoulder for several months. Anyway, it seems to have blown over. Sister and her husband are being friendly and it will be good to see my nephews, nieces and their children.
Best wishes to everyone.
Stephen x
Morning everyone, 5 more sleeps until the big man come.
Just remember like mixer said dont over do it on the spending.
I know for certain the best present you could give to your loved ones is not to g*****. The best present you could get is peace of mind because that folks is priceless.
Hope you all have a fantastic day I'm gunna be out delivering parcels again as the weathers not good enough to do roofs.
Speak soon all, stay strong and positive.
None of it falling on stoney ground thanks mixer.
You're a bit like santa yourself up on the rooftops ???
Bye for now. Boo ?
*** Good morning! ***
Let’s start today with the best thing we can do. And that’s make the right choice.
”Just for today, I choose not to g*****.”
That’s all. A quiet vow that is going to sustain you all day. A genuine feel-good thing to do. Your day is going to be much better than it would have been.
Free from any shackles, let’s make the best of this day! The weather might be a bit, erm, mixed, but inside our souls we’re sunny.
Thinking back to Freda’s gratitude list from a couple of days ago, why not think of 10 things you are grateful for. Dare to think about anything that’s brought you fulfilment or happiness. Don’t worry about any negatives - just for the moment.
I’ll never pretend that life is a bowl of cherries - it certainly isn’t. But we are much better placed today to deal with anything thrown at us because we are sharper and focussed and ready to deal with it.
Today, we’re emotionally ready, our time will be better spent, and we’ll be a much better proposition to our loved ones and friends. And even strangers!
We’re improving ourselves.
I haven’t mentioned money. Our continued recovery is about much more than that.
As we progress our recovery, one wonderful day at a time, the money situation will take care of itself.
We’re opening our eyes afresh and daring to build an inner happiness.
And all we have to do today is one simple thing. And just keep and eye on any practical defences we’ve put in place to bolster up our determination, like handing over financial control.
Have a great Friday everyone. It’s my office Christmas meal today. It’s all paid up, I’m taking £20 cash with me, no cards. Yes, I’ll have a few drinks but I’m not leaving too late - leaving with a colleague (and close friend).
Sensible precautions to ensure I’ll have a good time, better time than had I not thought about it.
Right - I feel like I’ve rambled a bit this morning but hope it helps you as much as it helps me!
Stephen - Its really heartwarming to see you’re heading for a lovely family Christmas. I have no doubt you’ll be excellent company; you have a very refined knowing humour as demonstrated by your very witty posts here. Plus, your compassion for others and celebration of life would make you an automatic invitee at any Christmas dinner table. Enjoy Stephen ... I am with you in spirit! Your relatives - sister, nieces, nephews and all - are going to get so much joy out of you, and you’ll get a lot of love back too!
Dunpo - I am absolutely loving your focus. You’re keeping it real, too, and absorbing, really thinking about not just the ramifications of what you (we) have been doing but carefully planning your recovery day by day. We don’t need to complicate this - a simple daily vow along with a quick refresh of our practical measures will do. If you do something for the best, everything will be for the best. With you, Dunpo!
Boo - thank you for your kind words Boo, just read your post! Always enjoy our banter and rapport on Chat. Have a good one today!
Have a great day everyone.
1. For the star wars movie I watched yesterday it really perked me up.
2. For my job, it brings me money and keeps me grounded.
3. for my mum and dad looking after me thru the toug periods of my life.
4. For my love of football.
5. For spurs they have brought m much joy over the past few years.
6. For this site it has been entertaining nd tought provoking and shown me the way thru tough times.
7. For a roof over my head and food, I never take thi for granted.
8. For films in general, they entertain allways.
9. For Christmas time, family, friends and joy throughout as allways.
10. For being well rested after my holiday.
and last but not least a special mention to this thread as it has shown me the way this month, ive had thoughts of gambling throughout but ive managed to get thru each day unscathed.
That is just lovely Adam ?
Day 1 for me 🙁 28th March the target..bit of a way but hope this helps
Adam.. Lovely to read.. So now I am approaching 70 gf days here goes my gratitude list.
1. thankful to my family and friends. Their love and care.
2. Thankful that my manager has given me both Christmas eve and day off.. A first in 7 years.
3. Thankful for my quick healing skin.. Even a bruise or cut heal very quickly.
4. Thankful for my hearty appetite and the fact I can enjoy a variety and range of foods.
5. thankful for the gift of tears.. Used regularly since finding gamcare but not always in sorrow also used in joy now.
6. Thankful to my auntie Maureen for taking me to the cinema as a child. An interest I still love.
7. thankful that I had a Yorkshire nan and love northern humour and have the ability to laugh at myself.
8. thankful for tesco and sainsbury sale rail.
9. thankful for heavenly bendicks mints.. Apparently Princess Diana's favourites too.
10. Thankful that in 2016 I joined a ladies running club and am Still being given the ability to run.. Especially 4 particular regular running buddies..
I could go on.. But will repeat this exercise again soon.
Thanks lovely freda for sharing this wonderfulness with us. I look forward to reading other lists xx
Many many kisses... Boo ?
another day over where I can say I successfully didn't gamble horray to that my friends.
It seems everyone is on the right path and hoping it stays that way. I am greatful for lots of things. This place for 1 and Mixer and all the 100 club for 2 for all the support and wisdom that has been given. 3 my Beautiful wife and lovely children. My Mum and Dad and Friends and family. 4. that I understand what will take me back to the Devils work and how to stop it. 5. I have a job that pays the mortgage and we can enjoy good holidays. 6. Health for me and my family is not to bad. 7. I've been to some lovely Countrys and hope to go to many more. 8. Me and wife have a car each wich helps getting from A to B and sometimes C. 9. I try not to want to much and keep things simple which I think is good. 10. I'm thankful for the opportunity life has given me, there a far worse off people on this plant than me.
Hope everyone is doing good and have a great weekend.
??? Boo
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