Thanks Carla and Sandra had a tRicky couple of days only had 3 bets in a week on horses but those 3 bets have cost me a bit the info was wrong now face the consequences told my girlfriend she was teary 🙁 2k down the drain but I am here tomorrow will be day one I won't give up trying have little boy that needs me to never stop trying.
The bear x
Day 1 guilt,hurt,stupid? let down ,useless,predictable
The bear x
Hello Bear
Sorry to hear of this slip my friend 🙁
You have to suck it up and tough it out and do the best you can, you can get back on course as you know what it takes.
Dark Place
Hi Bear
I hope this post finds you well, I just want to give my tuppence worth on the world of information. Information is a prized asset, most of us are not privy to information or do we even care. Is it not another excuse for a bet I write this knowing that I can never get back what I lost time/money and maybe my sanity. In my life I only ever got five bits of information that I would consider information and all five won and I had not one penny on any. What I want to say is information is passed out on a daily basis but 99.9 is nothing more than gossip or Chinese whispers. I remember chatting with a few sports players on a game they were due to play the next day. They were certain that they were going to win they were 2/5 and to a man they had lumped on. However I was pretty sure that they had not considered the actual opposition and more considered what the opposition were historically. I had a large bet on the other team at 2/1 they took a large early lead before the 2/5 shot came back but fell just short. I am pretty sure 10 more mins and the favourites would have duly won but in the world of sport sometimes you can not judge the mind set of humans or animals. So in conclusion most information is big talk and any worth knowing you will know is special as it comes so rarely and 3 in a week is a bit common to be anything special. Take Care
Thanks michael you are probably right but we get in our heads when we gamble we know everything so appreciate your post, day 2 bloody hard forgetting the losses got to fight on .....
The bear
Keep fighting on bear, never give up giving up. Stand up and fight for what is rightly yours!!
I hope ur keeping well and an update would be really lovely to see
Strength to you my friend
Take care
S x
Thank you Sandra horrible week of trying to get myself out if trouble resulted in 3 k on a credit card told girlfriend feel awful and feel angry and sad 🙁 be back tomorrow X
The bear x
Fella you cannot win because you cannot stop.
That is the black and white of it.
forget the past few days and look back to three weeks ago
The bear on top of the world!!!
Today the weight of that world on his shoulders!!
Because he opened the door to addiction,f**k everything else!!! that is what addiction will gift you my friend
The choice is yours, black and white
There is no romance for the story, no coulda woulda shoulda!!
Abstain and maintain
Duncs stepping forward never back.
P.s I hope your partner does not have to feel the pain of more losses, f**k my friend I put my wife through twenty years of them before I saw how much damage I had caused.
Those folk the ones we profess to love should be the ones who get all the sympathy, they are innocent of anything but giving love.
So true words duncs thank you stupid boy I am feel at the grip of the addiction at mo will get through .....
Fella I have walked in those shoes, f**k my friend I went at it hard for twenty years.
To end I see that you enjoy gambling on information given
Here is my T#ip of the day
A guaranteed winner
Hand over control of your finances to that better half of yours, carry no cash unless totally necessary
and enjoy the results
Your hard earnt stays yours!!!!
Regards Duncs
Thanks duncs day 1 hurting....
The bear x
Fella there is no harm in feeling hurt, hold that feeling when the addiction whispers in your ear that the answer is to be found in a punt.
Because the bottom line is the answer is not to be found in a punt.
Get back on the recovery road my friend, most of all enjoy it and be proud of it.
Duncs stepping forward never back
Where is the Bear ? come back my friend, you are sorely missed , Dark Place
Hi Bear, hope you read this I have had a lot of relapses and maybe more to come. However you have to keep trying, gambling is never the answer for us compulsive gamblers even though at times we delude ourselves that it is. I hope you return as your will to recover is a bright light here.
Hi Bear,
We all know this feeling of failing again just to good.
You have to accept that is the addiction will be always there to take control of you in your weakest moments.
But you can beat it my friend you need to believe in yourself to put the demon in its place.
You can do this my friend.
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