The fog is lifting!

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Hi Rach,

Thanks for your post and making me laugh.

Pleased to read you have taken control of your finances to being manageable. It takes a big weight off our shoulders and the addiction hates that. So that is another good step to move forwards.

Have a good gambling free day staying strong and positive.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 9th February 2015 10:38 am
Posts: 0

There's always something keeping me awake @ night & tonight my chosen subject is you...

I'm torn between leaving you in peace & trying to tempt you out of hibernation! Hope the little man is being extra well behaved & if you can think of anything that will bring you out, don't hesitate to drop by & let me know!

Be safe - ODAAT

Posted : 10th February 2015 3:36 am
Posts: 7071

Hi girl,

I am a little worried also. Yourself and Em seem to dissapear. Worse to that, i think this is something to do with my silly jokes. Darling, if i ever upset you with my words i sincerely apologise. I never intend to hurt and my sense of humour might be seen as too heavy sometimes.

I hope you dissapearing is just the case of need some peace or bein too busy enjoying life 🙂
You do deserve all the best ya really do.

Please drop us a line, you have many friends here rooting for you and wanting to keep supporting you on good and bad.

look after yourself and always remember that you're not on your own.


Sandra xx

Posted : 10th February 2015 7:21 am
Posts: 0

Even though you've not stuck your head out yet, I'm not giving up on you! I'm also hoping you're logging on so dropping by to say great work on Day 40 🙂

Posted : 11th February 2015 11:51 am
Posts: 0

Earth to Rach......over..........come in Rach.............Can you here me?........come in me a sign...........anything.........please!!! :0)

Ade xxx

Posted : 11th February 2015 2:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Rach,

Just popping in to say hi, hope all is well in your world,

Take care

Suzanne xx

Posted : 11th February 2015 4:18 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Rach,

Really hope all is ok with you. Please post anything, if you struggling, we are here to hold ya up dear soldier, if you're leading happy and peaceful life, - we are here to celebrate it with you.
Only worried..that's all. A little update would b great, but never pressure dear friend.

we need you as much as you need us...stay safe

Sandra xx

Posted : 12th February 2015 7:13 pm
Posts: 0

Rach, I'm not bloody giving up on you - well, unless I get arrested for being a stalker & then I might have to :-0

The 2015 Challenge is awaiting your check in young lady & we are all waiting to give you a hug (even me & that's 'something giving' I can tell you)! You've missed Sandra's lovely skating & Ade's BBQ plus Suzanne's taking orders for George Formby's grills so come on out & join us again...Pleeeaaasssseee!

Your June (I'm trying but I just can't type an 'x' so you'll have to have a smile instead) 🙂

Posted : 13th February 2015 1:00 pm
Posts: 0

Rach, I've been looking in on you and noticed you have'nt posted recently, hope all is well.

Maybe you have adopted my current way of coping and staying away for a while. I've been reading the odd post but don't feel as though have anything to add at the moment. Still gamble free which i hope you are. Take care.


Posted : 14th February 2015 4:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Rach,

Just saw your post on Juuuuuuunnnes diary.

stay strong hun, don't be a stranger.

Take care

Ade xx

Posted : 16th February 2015 5:54 pm
Posts: 0

Rach 🙂 Yay 🙂 THANK-YOU sooooo much for dropping by 🙂 You have no idea how happy you have just made me 🙂 & so bloody proud of you staying gamble free 🙂

You gotta do what is right for you missus & I completely understand how soul destroying it can be hearing other people struggling so!

I have emailed my details to as per their instructions for exchanging details...I have no idea how/if it will work or even whether you are remotely interested in what I am choosing to 'smash Mr Gamble's face in with this week' but if you fancy it give me a go!

Don't really need it on before midnite but I will be wearing the personal floodlight whenever I walk the mutt now just in case you are passing (just as I bought a few extra bits for the foodbank with my shopping)!

Stay safe, stay strong ODAAT & give your heart (the one that runs around outside your body) a poke with the stick from me - Juuuuuune

Posted : 16th February 2015 7:02 pm
Posts: 0

Dropping by, just on the off chance you are still reading...You are gone but not forgotten my friend! I trust you are still being strong ODAAT & the little man's not giving you too much cause to utilise the stick 😉

Forever in my thoughts - Juuuuuune

Posted : 21st February 2015 1:08 pm
Posts: 0

WOOHOO 🙂 I was just about to wrap up for the night & lo, an Angel hath appeared 🙂

Sandra may well be even more coo coo (I have explained that it's Cuckoo but you know what she's like) than ever but she promised me 100% that 'something' would be dropping into my Inbox soon & she hasn't let me down! Is it wrong that I am this delighted to hear you have stayed safe & sound? I had confirmation from them on Tuesday saying that they had emailed you so maybe this is an exercise in patience for us?

You don't need to read your diary & you don't need to respond to anyone, we all get it here (but the gang will be very pleased to hear from you)...I've been very restrained actually - bit worried about the whole stalking thing truth be told, just in case Inspector Morse shops me to the Feds 😉

I can't stop grinning...Must be the paint fumes 😉

Posted : 22nd February 2015 1:27 am
Posts: 7071

.....and whola!!!! Coo coo Sandra (cuckoo in crazy ladie's words lol) finally sees ya surfacing back to the amazing cyber world lol

Hope all is good your way and hell..just gotta bump that "junne and terry" story bk up just to give ya all giggle 😀
Nothing nasty..just keeping comedy going 🙂

High five and keep up good work..

Posting would b appreciated..but never pressure :-)))))

S x

Posted : 22nd February 2015 1:37 am
Posts: 7071

🙂 jeeezzz is it ladies night in tonight??? Lol lol..
Thanks for your concerns but i am ok..dragon slayers and all the rest soldiers kept me out of trouble! And of course we were waiting for the most important part -you to come back and tell us we keep your heart beating 🙂

(Awwweee that was nice of me and I'm not even drunk lol)

Keep up the fight girl and get friendships blossoming!!

S x

Posted : 22nd February 2015 1:46 am
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