The last time!!!!

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Today I gambled for the last time. I promise that to myself and my children. I will stop now before the problem becomes too big and too unmanageable. I will find another way to occupy my mind and to relax. I've signed up with Gamstop, I'm looking into how to block gaming transactions from my card. It's not going to be easy, even now a part of my brain is tempting me to try again next week. But I will not. This is it for me now. I won't think about the money I've lost or the money I've occasionally won. I won't think about the excitement of it all. One day at a time.

Posted : 5th February 2021 2:08 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6161

Dear MoreGamesMoreProblems, 

Well done for reaching the decision to try and put gambling behind you. It sounds like you are determined to stop. Well done for signing up to Gamstop that is a brilliant start. 

Contacting you bank to try and block gambling s transactions is a really good idea.

If you haven’t already done so, can I recommend you give one of our Advisers a call on either our HelpLine on 0808 8020 133 or our NetLine, they will be able to talk you through all the support that is available to help you on your road to recovery.

Take Care


Forum Admin



Posted : 5th February 2021 7:04 am
Posts: 147

Thanks for sharing your story.

How to block gaming transactions on my card

Have you tried Monzo as they are the first bank that allows customers to block gambling transactions. Many have followed such as Halifax etc.

I hope this helps.


Ps stay sane, safe, calm, and take one step at a time


Posted : 5th February 2021 10:52 am
Posts: 18
Posted by: MoreGamesMoreProblems

Today I gambled for the last time. I promise that to myself and my children. I will stop now before the problem becomes too big and too unmanageable. I will find another way to occupy my mind and to relax. I've signed up with Gamstop, I'm looking into how to block gaming transactions from my card. It's not going to be easy, even now a part of my brain is tempting me to try again next week. But I will not. This is it for me now. I won't think about the money I've lost or the money I've occasionally won. I won't think about the excitement of it all. One day at a time.

I'm with you too on how u feel and I'm literally on last chance to change things for good. Please keep in touch as sounds like we r on the same path. We CAN do it and WILL keep them promises!!!

Posted : 5th February 2021 11:28 am
Posts: 84

Hi. We are here for you and we are all together through this tough journey! One thing that has helped me remain 94 days gamble-free is the method of postponement when I get the urge. Example; I want to place just a £10 bet. I keep telling my mind, no I will do it in an hour or do it tomorrow or do it at the weekend. And when that time comes, use the same method again - what you will find is the urge goes away gradually. Everybody is different but finding distractions and planning ahead as possible is also a great technique. You will find as each week passes (i’m sure you have been there before) you feel more control of your life and feel more ‘pure’ and ‘clean’ in yourself around your family and daily chores. Good Luck and I joined this site only yesterday to help continue my clean streak and help myself and people like you to know we are not alone.

Posted : 5th February 2021 1:16 pm
Posts: 53
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Thank you all. It's nice to know there are others who are going through similar or are further along the road to recovery. 

Well, it's been about 24 hours since I decided to stop. I'm just battling those intrusive thoughts about gambling. Part of me is saying "well what's the harm in just putting another 20 pounds on it. I'm bound to win some of it back right and it's just 20 pounds and I might win big this time.......".

But of course we all know that's not what happens. No amount of winnings are ever enough, I'll just gamble it all trying to chase a bigger win and then end up chasing the eventual losses... but goodness it's a battle with yourself isn't it....

Posted : 5th February 2021 8:57 pm
Posts: 53
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Just a quick update, I'm now on day 4 of no gambling. Feeling good that I've made it so far. The only way is up, one day at a time. Keep going everyone!! We can do this!

Posted : 8th February 2021 10:57 am
Posts: 90

A huge well done. Imagine how it'll feel in three days when you've got the first week under your belt. Good stuff! 🙂 

Posted : 8th February 2021 10:41 pm
Posts: 53
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It's amazing to watch myself deep inside an addiction and have these discussions in my own head every day about whether to gamble or not. Actually it's more a discussion on how to continue to gamble despite all the blocks I've put in place! When I decided to stop I transferred all my money into my husband's account so I can't use it. If I hadn't done it I would already have found a way to bypass gamban and gamstop and my current bank's gambling ban..... it would be tricky if not impossible to do this by yourself. Keep going everyone,  we can  do this!!!!! One day at a time!

Posted : 9th February 2021 9:33 pm
Posts: 848

Please dont tell others the ways you have tried to find a way around gamstop as above it could trigger others.

You need to take some responsibility and not look for ways round blocks blocks are to prevent you acting if you get an urge trying to find your way around blocks is just gonna cause issues. You need to think why you put the blocks in place in the first place.

Lou x

Posted : 11th February 2021 11:44 am
Posts: 53
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Nearly done 1 week GF!!! just tonight to get through. I've had a terrible day today with pressure at work and home. Usually I would turn to slots for some comfort and distraction. But not today!!!!! I will not do it! Not that I have money anyways. Slightly worried about Sunday night because I have some money coming in and it usually comes in about 1-2 hours before direct debit whisks it away to somewhere more secure. So i have that little gap of danger... I will ask my husband to take all the devices away from me so I can't do anything. 

Posted : 11th February 2021 6:40 pm
Posts: 53
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Tonight I'm feeling angry, tired, frustrated,  overwhelmed,  annoyed, disappointed, resentful. If I had money and no gamban I would search for a foreign casino and play some slots. I'd probably end up losing about 100-200 pounds and feel even worse.....

This post was modified 4 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 11th February 2021 8:07 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6161

Dear @moregamesmoreproblems,

Sorry to read you are feeling this way right now, it must be challenging for you. 

I'm glad you have Gamban and Gamstop in place to protect yourself from any further gambling harms.

I will strongly encourage you to give us a call on our Helpline (0808 8020 133)  and  our 1:1 Livechat  which are both open 24 hours every day.  You can talk to our friendly advisers about your current urges and what is happening for you.  They can offer some advice and support.

Please do take good care of yourself

Wishing you all the best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 11th February 2021 10:34 pm
Posts: 53
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Sorry, I didn't mean to trigger anyone with my posts. I will be more careful in the future.

In an attempt to keep my mind busy I have memorised all the US presidents and also I can now name all the African countries and pinpoint them in the map....... I will aim to learn Asian map next. Who knows, maybe these skills will prove handy one day.

we can do this, one day at a time...

Posted : 11th February 2021 11:33 pm
Posts: 19

You are doing brilliantly, 🙂 Its so hard but just do each day as you are doing it will get little easier and yes let your husband have all your money at this time.  Its not worth the temptation... i opened a starling bank account too as their card can be blocked from gambling and 48hr unblock delay, which gives you breathing space to reconsider if you plan to gamble.  

In the past i have gone a few months GF then relapsed for no particular reason other than i can access site and have a way of putting deposit in, then i go on to spend hundreds until 0 in account, then panic about how to pay bills, gone into debt. The bank card block has stopped me wasting hundreds if not thousands of pounds.  

The other things which are working for me at the moment; and i honestly feel that i'm not continually thinking of slots (i usually wake up thinking of them, go sleep thinking of them!), is an audio book i downloaded which i listen to various chapters most days-allen carr-stop gambling.  this really resonated with me. 

Also on youtube a couple of hypnotherapy sessions on stopping gambling and i listen to one of them each night too until i fall asleep!    

This works for me and hopefully you will find a way to avoid and not think about gambling but its a long road to recovery. Im trying to brainwash myself out of gambling  lol,    As the slots have brainwashed me.  

you honestly sound like you are doing great, everyone on here understands what you are feeling, please use tools to support and keep talking.    xxx


Posted : 12th February 2021 12:13 am
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