The last time!!!!

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Not typed out your name for it really is quite long

But wish to send you my respect for being brave and strong


I see a hard working lady - a mother and a wife

Twenty days gamble free and getting back your life


Addiction is a nightmare and addicts look real sad

So please stay gamble free or you'll surely wish you had



Congratulations on your excellent progress in recovery.

Aum ?.

Posted : 24th February 2021 10:34 pm
Posts: 53
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Thanks @aum that made me smile ?

Posted : 25th February 2021 7:37 pm
Posts: 53
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3 weeks GF! I'm so happy ? And yet....... still, even as I'm writing, I'm thinking of ways to just gamble a bit.... just a little try.... it'll be different this time, I've changed, I promise, I can stop.......

NO I CANNOT! Honestly I'm my worst enemy when it comes to stopping. Whoever came up with gamban is a genius and I owe them a lot. Also gamstop. And gamcare!!!!! Thank you all of you to help me to stay resolute. 

Posted : 26th February 2021 10:16 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi MGMP, it does get easier keep the faith. Keep your barriers up, mine are a lifesaver when I hit choppy waters. Stay strong

Posted : 26th February 2021 11:03 pm
Posts: 53
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Nearly relapsed yesterday. I had a message through from one of the gambling companies saying my self exclusion period has ended. So of course I went to see if I can now play again.... I won't go into details but thankfully gamstop did it's job and I couldn't access my account. I dread to think how much money I would have lost and how I'd be spending today stressed and lying to my husband about it all. It's yet another reminder why I can't do this alone! Its so important to have those blocks in place. 


Posted : 1st March 2021 11:23 am
Posts: 1013

Hi MGMP, you've got it without blocks we are extremely vulnerable. I'm sure I'm going to need blocks for life and as long as I'm protected in those moments that's ok. I don't get as many urges now after 9months but when they do come they are intense. Usually times of distress nearly always issues with my marriage and in those moments I feel the strength of my blocks and it helps me to switch my focus to something else, I'd like to think that willpower alone would stop me but.....trying always to tell the truth now I know if wouldnt !! I used to get really hung up about urges feeling it meant I wasn't committed to recovery, I don't anymore I deal with what comes as I know procrastinating on it makes it worse. I'm so pleased for you that blocks worked for you and today you can tell us what nearly happened it's very healing and being honest about it makes you stronger. I no longer feel ashamed about my struggles. Well done keep going it's all so so worthwhile

Posted : 1st March 2021 12:06 pm
Posts: 53
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Mundane proud moment of the day....Our vacuum cleaner broke today....But we can afford to replace it because I haven't been gambling!!! It's such a silly thing to be proud of but it really makes me feel happy. 

My husband will probably spend the next 6 months trying to fix it and insisting that we don't need a new one... ?‍♀️  But still, we have the money to replace it and I don't have to frantically try to think of some desperate lies about where all the money has gone. 

Just wanted to share in case it may motivate someone.

Posted : 1st March 2021 10:34 pm
Posts: 53
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3 birthdays in my family this week and I've been able to send them little presents because I didn't waste my money on slots. Nice ?

Posted : 3rd March 2021 8:14 am
Posts: 1013

Yep those things are a win. We win because we don't gamble and have money for things in life that are important. Well done enjoy the feeling

Posted : 3rd March 2021 10:12 am
Posts: 53
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4 weeks GF. The urges are still there although subsiding every day. The blocks are still keeping me protected. I had another really stressful day at work and if I could I would just gamble a bit to take my mind off it all...... and promptly lose lots of money and feel even more stressed ad awful as a result....... chase my losses all weekend and be penniless again on Monday and lying to my husband about it.

Lies and stress and worries.....not worth it...

One day at a time, we can do this!

Posted : 4th March 2021 8:02 pm
Posts: 53
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1 month GF!

1 month of no gambling induced stress or mood swings. No stress about money and constantly lying to my husband about it. I'm in a better mood with my family, I have more energy and time for them. I feel a lot better about myself. I feel in control of my life rather than just sitting here waiting for the next opportunity to gamble. 

I still get urges. Perhaps I always will. Blocks still doing their jobs.


Posted : 6th March 2021 9:08 pm
Posts: 848

Hi well done on the one month gamble free..

Its normal to still have urges...what important is recognising its an urge and not acting in the someone once said to me 'surf the urge'. I know its easier said than done but you shown you can do it by joining and getting the blocks 

Posted : 6th March 2021 10:35 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations MGMP on your excellent progress. I admire your determination and positive approach.

Over a month into your journey of recovery and you have ample courage, wisdom and understanding to do what needs to be done.

Keep up the good work. 


Posted : 9th March 2021 10:22 pm
Posts: 53
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36 days GF.

And still my first thought is, "I just want a little go, one last time"..............

I continue to be grateful for the blocks. My willpower is NOT strong enough to get me through these moments. 

Posted : 12th March 2021 9:48 pm
Posts: 53
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40 GF. 

Work is keeping me busy thankfully. 

Posted : 16th March 2021 8:41 pm
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