Here we go again.
Time to start all over. After a Christmas break spent living on my laptop, gambling away fortunes, I go back to work in the morning determined to shake this evil. Every year I think I can win money easily and it always ends the same (admittedly very quickly this year). I have a wonderful job, fantastic wife and family, and consider myself an intelligent person. So why do I continue to waste time and money on this fantasy. This is not the real me. They say the sign of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I have tried quitting before, I'm sure we all have, but the longest I have managed is about 3 months. Why should this time be any different? I really want the real me back. One that does nice things with spare money, not blow it all on a whim. I'm so ashamed and feel I have really let people down. What a c**P start to the new year.
Well it's time to turn this around. I used to run for fun and will spend more time doing that rather than sat in front of a computer. I am going to save up for things, like a summer holiday and not keep lining the pockets of bookmakers.
Anyone can feel free to join me, the more the merrier. Tomorrow will be day 1.
Time for the real me to return.
Every time I read a new diary I think "this sounds just like me" I've manged about three months and spend time on the computer and neglect my family and my running. Set a training schedule for running and enter an event to target and give you motivation. we'll be back at work tomorrow so with that and spending time with your family and going for a few runs you'll have less time to think about gambling. If you are really serious about giving up for good then use self-exclusion on every site you use. It's quick, easy and painless. Either an option or a quick email. Exclude from every site you have ever used, it makes going back a little harder and the time it takes to sign up on a new site might be long enough for you to change your mind.
Good luck and happy running.
Hope today went ok for you and that's day one completeted.
Thank you for the comments. Day one complete, I won't say it didn't cross my mind because it did. Thankfully I walked straight past the bookies with money in my wallet, so that's pleased me. Keep thinking of the money I have lost though. I need to forget that and look to the future. Going for a run tomorrow night.
You can never get that money back and if you try you'll just lose more. Even if you had a bet and won £1000 within a week you'd have lost that plus £2000 more right? You can never win because you can never stop until it's all gone. I've been there plenty of times. You just have to turn the frustration of your past loses into fuel to make sure you'll never lose another penny. Enjoy your run and good luck. You can do this.
Thanks NS, I appreciate the support. Been a bit of a c**P day today but I still didn't bet so that's day 2 complete. Never got that run in which annoyed me, tomorrow I will.
Try to get out there for that run. If it's something you enjoy, not only will it pass time but you'll feel great and generally a lot more positive. Well done on getting through another day. Keep up the good work.
Well done mate. You say you had a c**P day but didn't gamble. It was c**P but still a successful one.
Thanks guys, much appreciated. Had a really good day today, midweek, slowly getting back into the routine of getting up etc. Weekend will be tougher as you said Tom.
Day 3 complete 🙂
Always knew the weekend was going to be the acid test.
Happy to say I have passed with flying colours. Had a wobble yesterday morning looking for the usual football bet but thankfully I managed to resist the urge. Watched loads of films with the wife and it's been a great weekend.
I'm am so pleased. A whole week complete without betting.
Onwards and upwards.
Nice work Vespaboy
Don't know about you, but coming back to update my diary every day is really helping me - still early days (day 8 clean) but I'm hopeful I can keep this going. - Stay strong mate.
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