The road to becoming a winner

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Congratulations James in choosing to be normal. I remember when i used to look down on these normal people and think how boring their lives were. How wrong was I. It was us that were boring only ever wanting to do one thing with our time and money. Now we both need to *** this opportunity we have been given and live life to the full. We have not gambled in 2015 and treble figures beckons. Keep up the good fight mate

Posted : 31st March 2015 4:25 pm
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Day 114!

Finally made the first century of hopefully many more to come. I've not been on for a couple of weeks as I've been away on holiday. I stayed in one hostel right next door to a casino, felt a strong urge to go in but managed to control it and see the light!

Really starting to feel like this abstainence from gambling can become the norm now as the gamble free life is just far better in every way. I still have urges but they are becoming weaker and less often. If anyway reading this is just starting off their recovery, I can only urge you to dig deep and carry on, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm by no means 'cured' as I truely believe I never will be, which is sad to say at just 26. I can however find solice in recognising it early and learning to live with it rather than try and fight it and always coming off worse....The bookies always win...

I'd like to thank Gregg, NT and Suzanne to name the main ones that come to mind for their ongoing support which has helped me reach my first 100, very kind people indeed.

Onwards and upwards


Posted : 20th April 2015 9:18 am
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Day 123

Days are flying by now, the urges are getting even less and life is just getting better by the day. I finally feel like i'm getting somewhere with my debt repayments. Getting to pay day is a lot easier now, it used to be a massive stress to get there to repay credit cards etc.

Take care everyone, if at first you don't suceed... keep going until you do!



Posted : 29th April 2015 8:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi James,

Thanks for your message.

It's great to see you on 123 days and in a good positive place, well done you.


Suzanne xxx

Posted : 30th April 2015 5:55 pm
Posts: 0

Good to see you are doing so well and that last statement is spot on and think we might have actually succeded after many attempts. Dont know about you but this time feels so different and i think everything for me has fell into place and you instinctively know that this is it. Will continue to be 2 days behind you.

Posted : 2nd May 2015 8:47 am
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Day 136

Thanks Gregg and Suzanne for the kind support.

I do actually Gregg, I was thinking that the other day, this time just feels different. I think maybe the failed efforts were worth while now as they are good ways to learn from where you went wrong. I feel like I just don't need gambling anymore, I don't miss it, the gamble free lifestyle is just too good!

Since stopping I've been able to go on holiday, will be going on holiday in June, and also August, This would not normally be possible. I'm starting to live life again, not just let it pass me by. I've progressing in work, I'm cycling 350+ miles a month and the fittest i've ever been and can actually afford to treat myself every now and then.

For anyone reading this, don't be too downhearted if you have a slip up on the road to a gamble free life, learn from it and keep trying, the rewards are well worth the fight.

Take care everyone


Posted : 12th May 2015 5:13 pm
Posts: 0

James cheers for the post mate and agree totally with you. Was thinking the other night about how much money snd time i have wasted over the years but do i regret it or would i have done anything different. No i dont think i would have because its shaped me into the person i am now and makes me appreciate what i have got now. If it wasnt gambling it would have been drink or drugs or something else. We should make the most of this chance we have been given and you certainly seem to be mate.

Posted : 12th May 2015 7:26 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for popping by James, and it's great to see you are on 137 days and reaping in the rewards that we get in recovery.

Keep strong and keep going OAU

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 13th May 2015 6:16 am
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Day 160

Still no gambling, been so busy recently not had chance to log in. Had a dream about gambling last night, woke up devastated until i realised it was a dream - phew!

Other than this, no real thoughts about gambling. Not even got the time to even if I wanted to. But I still don't want to gamble, the life i'm creating outside that destructive gambling life is just far better and gambling seems to hold little attraction now.
I understand I am never cured of this illness and must remain vigilant but at the moment I just have to want to gamble.

Approaching 6 months gamble free in the coming weeks, a mile stone I've only hit once before in 9 years!

Take care and thanks for reading


Posted : 5th June 2015 11:48 am
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Day 168

Received a call yesterday from a gambling site asking why I'd not been on the site recently, asking if i was having any problems getting on! Told her where to go and never call again, felt good. For some reason I got a promo leaflet through the post for another gambling firm so emailed them to stop sending me stuff. Don't need this in my life anymore, life's hard enough without complicating it!

Going to try and post more, got in to a habbit of not logging on.

Onwards and upwards


Posted : 13th June 2015 11:10 am
Posts: 0

Lovely to hear from you James, and even better that you are now an amazing 168 days of being gamble free.

Well done on getting rid of those ridiculous promotions and well done on your days.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 13th June 2015 3:16 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post mate. Yes its great to realise we have still not gambled in 2015. Nearly half way there.

Posted : 18th June 2015 9:09 pm
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Day 178

Thanks for the posts Suzanne and Gregg, good to hear from you.

Still no major issues to report, just looking forward to getting to the 6 month mark in 4 days time. Still feeling strong but must remain vigilant. Still enjoying life without gambling and its making a real difference to my life.

Thanks for reading


Posted : 23rd June 2015 3:37 pm
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Day 185

Well chuffed, over 6 months gamble free! Going to take a while to get my finances sorted but at least I can see the end to the debt instead of increasing it.

No major urges recently, too busy to even think about gambling at the moment

Thanks for reading


Posted : 30th June 2015 8:37 am
Posts: 0

Great going on 185 days James, proud of you.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 30th June 2015 3:28 pm
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