Day 390,391 and 392 (56 weeks)
Thanks as ever MW for your support.
Picked up my GA pin on Thursday which was nice.
Still feeling poorly, just can't seem to get over this cold. Thankfully I have a few days off work.
Hope everyone is well
Day 393 and 394
Bit stressed. Still not feeling too good.
Maybe some fresh air will help.
Day 395 and 396
Feeling ok.
Day 397
Made it to GA last night and am better for it today.
Nice day spent with the family.
Hope everyone is well
Day 398
Is there a big race today?
I couldn't care less.
Went for a walk with my son, made some dinner and now enjoying a cup of coffee.
Stay strong everyone
Hi Gazza
Thanks for your message. 400 days tomorrow hey! Fantastic work. It is really inspiring to know that it can be done and you are living proof of that.
Best wishes
Hi Gazza,
Thanks for your post on my diary the other day.
Hopefully this post greets you on day 400!!! Fantastic stuff my friend.
Keep strong and take care
Day 399 and 400
Feeling fine today
Day 401 and 402
Bumped into a member from my fellowship. He's not been for a few weeks now. He told me he was staying strong and not gambling but i'm not so sure.He had that haunted look on his face-tried to give him some advice without trying to be too judgemental. Will look out for him tomorrow.
Day 403 and 404
Made it to GA meeting,sorry to say that the other bloke wasn't there.
Hopefully he's doing ok. 3 new members last night- will they last?
Have a nice weekend everybody
Day 405, 406 (58 weeks) and 407
Feeling fine today-looks like Spring has finally sprung!
Hi Gazza,
Cheers for the well wishes and continued support. Fantastic to see you still moving forward. I like the fact you maintain that daily count.
For me passing the 1 year was more of a relief in the end. A few people have said that the 1st year is easier than the second but in my time at GA I have only seen two 1 year pins so it cannot be that easy. It's great that we are in that minority who are going strong but it's also a shame so many drift away from GA. I guess ultimately recovery is selfish and as long as we keep attending we are doing the right thing.
Fella keep up the good work.
Spring does seem to have sprung down here too!!!!
Just for today.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
Day 408 and 409
Flagg and Duncs, thanks for your posts.
Think it was Dunc who gave the stat that only 3 out of 100 people who try to give up gambling get through the first year gamble free.
In the year or so i've gone to GA there have been dozens of newcomers through the door never to return. i guess it's the same on this forum. Maybe some find other ways to recover but not sure about the majority.
Sorry for the gloom-it's pouring with rain here which is not helping!
Day 410 and 411
Attended GA last night, a useful meeting.
Note to self-bite your tongue!!!!
I don't really know these people and they don't really know me
Hope everyone has a nice weekend
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